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uechi kid

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Everything posted by uechi kid

  1. I have the same noise. I'll be ready to replace my tires soon so I'm glad I saw this thread.
  2. I think it's a great idea. These guys have put a lot of time, effort and money into making products that make our riding experience more pleasurable. They should have there own show case.
  3. A couple of months ago I bought a dial carb sync tool. Works great and is less expensive than the Morgan. By the way, thanks for the advise V7Goose. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/EMGO-Carburetor-Synchronizer-/230538549941?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item35ad2b1ab5
  4. Isn't Valero, Exxon?
  5. Just be glad you didn't put that S#!+ in you bike. I bet the repair bill would have been a lot more.
  6. From Antioch Ca. In the delta area of the San Fransisco bay.
  7. Yep, finally got it done. What should have been an easy hour took me about five hours and a trip to the hardware store and Radio Shack.
  8. I have this very same issue. I've been told that it's most likely power line transformers. I ride with a number of people that have J&M radios and the don't have this problem but most of the factory radios do.
  9. Hulu only has the first episode from the season.
  10. Back in July I bought a chrome Stebel air horn from Hornblasters.com. I also bought the Carbon One wiring harness and mounting bracket. Last weekend I finally got around to install the horn but the horn I received was the Nova Chrome version. This horn has a chromed plastic cover that looks great but because of the cover it's a little larger. Needless to say it doesn't fit in the space where the factory horn goes without some modification. The first thing I had to do was add a spacer (1/4") between the mount on the back of the horn and the Carbon One mounting bracket. Then I had to trim some of the plastic cover from the upper right side of the compressor so the horn wouldn't touch the engine. I used a dremel tool . Lastly I had to change the clips on the wiring harness that go the the horn. This horn has the electrical connections coming out of the bottom of the compressor. I changed the wiring harness connectors from straight to 90 degree other wise the wires would have touched the pipes. Moral to the story, when you by parts online make sure you get what you thought you ordered. Also, if you are going to add a Stebel horn make sure you don't get the Nova version.
  11. I have found the Dish web site to be cumbersome to use and just don't go there for information. I am how ever happy with their service. I also miss watching SOA but I don't want Dish to make a deal with fox that will cost me more to have Fox networks. Let's face it, we all pay way to much for TV services.
  12. Ahhhhhh hahahaha. I don't get it.
  13. It was pointed out on another forum that the new fairing looks a lot like the old police bike fairing. http://i1014.photobucket.com/albums/af267/alekkas/Z%20Temp%20Stuff/kawpolice.jpg http://i1014.photobucket.com/albums/af267/alekkas/Z%20Temp%20Stuff/kawvaqueropic.jpg
  14. Ummmm, Huh.
  15. WOW!! That's almost unbelievable.
  16. That's why dealers a reluctant to allow test rides.
  17. If you're referring to, "everyone will have a number". Back then people thought that meant "credit cards". And there was no "on line". In the early 70s there was a super computer (the largest in the world at that time) in Belgium that had a nick name "The Beast". There was speculation that credit card numbers and this computer would be the tool the Antichrist use to keep track of and control people.
  18. Did he say when you will get your new stator? It was my understanding they were all out right now.
  19. That was very interesting. Although I think it's probably a modern made film made to look like it was made in 1967. All of the terminology was way to close to what we have know. Even Jobs and Wozniak didn't have these concepts until years later. My .
  20. Was it this guy?? [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdx5-22i_d8]YouTube - Crazy Idiot+Motorcycle=Crash[/ame]
  21. I like that look with just the pin stripe. Very clean.
  22. That may be true but the city that I live did away with it traffic division for a couple of years because of budget cut backs. That isn't to say the cops didn't write tickets, they just didn't have anyone assigned to that task.
  23. The legal Db limit is 82 Db @ something like 2500 rpm. That's not very loud. Most factory exhausts are about that. California is in dire financial trouble and they want to enact a new law that will take a lot of man hours to enforce. Who are they going to have enforce it now that police are being laid off all over the state?
  24. At least we agree that THIS LAW is a bad one. I have after market mufflers that are louder than stock. I like the sound. I don't think they are obnoxious and compared to most of the HDs that drive by my house they are tame. I do how ever pay attention to where I am and where my RPMs are. I try to be considerate of other people.
  25. Man, I hate hearing that kind of stuff. My thought are with her family.
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