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uechi kid

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About uechi kid

  • Birthday 04/08/1956

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  • Location
    Theodore Al


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2008 Royal Star Venture


  • Occupation

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  1. See below The last time I tried to start my 08 RSV it started but I accidentally flipped the on/off switch off then on real quickly. The bike died. When I went to start it again there was no power to the starter and the only dash lights that come on are the oil and temp lights. The checked the ignition fuse and it’s still good. That’s the limit of my diagnostic abilities so any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Rich I swear, sometimes I’m soooo stupid! I’m not a mechanic by any means, but I’ve been around vehicles my entire life and have done a lot of simple repairs to cars, bikes and trucks. But to not be able to figure out why I can’t start a bike that I put 65000 miles on, I replace the clutch, the stator, numerous tire changes, oil changes etc… only to find that it was in gear. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️,
  2. Use the spay carb cleaner rather than the stuff similar to sea foam that’s designed to go in the tank?
  3. I hate to sound so ignorant but, can you point out the float bowl and drain valve? And do the carbs need to be removed to do this? Thanks.
  4. Seafoam didn’t do the trick, so I guess it’s time to explore a carb rebuild.
  5. Thanks. I’m giveing the Seafoam a try. I’ve never taken a carburetor apart so I’m a little nervous about having to do that.
  6. I have gas dripping from a tube behind the front left fairing. It's coming from what looks like a feed line for the carburetors. Anyone know what's causing this and how to fix it?
  7. Thanks. I should have stated I have a gen 2. Sorry.
  8. I’m having charging issues. Pretty sure there is an problem with the stator or regulator/rectifier. Before I order parts I’d like to get a good understanding of what I need to do to do this repair. Can someone point me in the direction of a good how to tutorial? Thanks Rich
  9. I saw that video. It's what made me rethink the way Rampage suggests strapping it down.
  10. This is a bike and the lift is mounted in my truck. With the Rampage, the front end needs to be strapped to the wheel chock while being pulled into the truck.
  11. As I posted at the beginning of the year, I bought a Rampage Lift. It works really good, and I've used it a few times. My concern is, the way Rampage suggests tying it down. They recommend soft straps around the fork clamp and ratchet straps to the tie down supports. When securing the bike this way the forks get completely compressed. It seems to me that might not be good for the forks/shocks. I have seen an alternate method wrapping the strap around the fork just above where it bolts to the fender. This method is difficult to get the strap tension just right because the way the chock on the lift rotates forward. I would appreciate advice on either of these methods, or another method. Thanks.
  12. Any suggestions for a Siriusxm radio to add to my RSV?
  13. Thanks. I had a splitter installed at one time for an MP3 player, but when I got the zumo 660 I think I took it off because the zumo has an MP3 player built in. Is there a signal loss when using a splitter? And, just to be clear, there’s no way to splice into and use the cassette connection? Didn’t someone use to make an adapter that replaced the cassette player with a CD player?
  14. I recently bought a new truck that has Sirius XM free trial. I'm kind of liking it, so I thought I'd get a receiver for the bike. My dilemma is, I'm using the AUX on my 2008 RSV for my Zumo 660 GPS. Is there a way to tap into the cassette player's connection for a satellite radio? Thanks Rich
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