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Hal Lutzinator

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About Hal Lutzinator

  • Birthday 11/30/1946

Personal Information

  • Name
    Hal Lutzinator


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2004 Venture Midnight Edition
  1. I have heard of guys using auto tires, i.e. Kumho's, and said they are much cheaper, last much longer and handle better than a "bike" tire. The configuration of a car tire apprears much different than that of a bike tire and it is hard for me to comprehend the superiority of the car tire on a bike application. Any feedback is appreciated.
  2. Thanks for the replies on my rear tire question. I know one to stay away from for sure. I have Michelins now with almost 19,000 miles on them. It may be hard to believe but I bought the bike, a 2004 RSV Midnight from the original owner and it had 7,700 miles on it and he said they were the original tires. I get around 60-70K miles on my car tires so I don't think 19K is unreasonable for a bike tire. I may get Mich's again or maybe try the Avons since there is alot of good things being said in their favor. Thanks again for the information. You guys are all great.
  3. I have a 2004 RSV Midnight and am replacing the rear tire soon. What is the best tire I can buy for this bike? My wife of 42 years rides with me and I want the best tire available.
  4. Thanks, Boomer, I'll do that. This info is the kind of stuff that really helps out fellow Venturers. I will have it at the dealer soon into the new year.
  5. :bang head:Thanks for the responses. The battery is a year old and I will clean the connectors. As suggested I will also trace the headlight wire and look for pinched or bare wires. I may use some tuner spray in the ignition switch and check the backup fuse as well. Another good suggestion was to take it to the dealer under warranty. I have had the bike a year and while the notorious "whine" from the drivetrain hasn't gotten any louder I still want their opinion in that area. The warranty expires in April so I'll see what the dealer has to say about it. I thank you for your input and I very much enjoy this organization. It has been very helpful to me on other items, i.e. light bulbs. I appreciate the fact that I can benefit from other's experiences. Thanks again.
  6. Thank you for allowing me to join your organization. I have been following it for almost a year now and thought I should join. There obviously are many very well informed and generous members in this organization and I am glad to be a part of it. My Venture is the best bike I have ever owned and I have been riding since the late 1950's. I have a couple of minor issues on my bike that I want to "throw out there". One is this. Approximately every other time I start my bike (2004 Venture Midnight Editiion) the digital clock is messed up and needs to be reset. Does anyone else have this problem? Also, the headlight fuse blows every month or so. I have the factory lightbar but the last time it blew the lightbar was off. It is a 15 amp fuse and I am reluctant to install a 20 amp for obvious reasons. One time it would not start until that fuse was replaced but the other times it would start without replacing the fuse. I drive legally so do not ride without the headlight. Any ideas anyone?"
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