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Yama Mama

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Everything posted by Yama Mama

  1. I think Ron is about ready to do the final copy. He will mail them in the morning. Then we can wait until next year, when we go through this again. Mercy! Yama Mama :happy65:
  2. Has everyone turned in their completed Tax forms? Ron and I will be married 40 years in June. During this time, we have ridden our Honda 350 and also our Honda 500 downtown April 14th, about 11:30 at night many times. They used to have this poor Postal Worker standing there with this huge mail dumpster. We were not alone, there usually was a large stream of cars. Usually we were the only motorcycle. As we have grown older, I did notice procrastination could possibly be entering the picture. I have mentioned several times, that sense he is retired, he could figure out the paperwork perhaps in February or March. This way he would not have to stay inside working at the kitchen table with his calculator to the wee hours of the morning. He agreed completely. Last night, he was up until after Midnight. The kitchen table is covered with papers. He somehow lost our son's paperwork, but then it was found somewhere else in the house. I am not one to say, I TOLD YOU SO! No really I did not say it. I just smile and go outside. Yama Mama:smile5:
  3. I wish you all the luck in the world. I also, took one step closer to a workout regimen. Yes, Pat, I plugged in my exercise bike. I will let you know how it works out for me! Yama Mama:smile5:
  4. I believe it should be a personal decision. However, the nurses in the ER call people who do not wear helmets, "DONORS". They must know something. Yama Mama
  5. I remember we scraped our floorboards on the Dragon once. I get upset though when we scrape the tailpipes. I do not like ruining our chrome. I am the one who polishes it you know. :12101:YAMA MAMA Yama Mama
  6. Nice Photos Dan! It looks like it will be a great garage after all the turmoil! Yama Mama:smile5:
  7. Bill, those are really great photos as usual. Thanks for thinking of sharing them with us. Also nice to hear from you again. I especially love the little boy with the headset on. I know the men will especially enjoy the beautiful young lady. Yama Mama:smile5:
  8. Dern I should have covered my web cam! No wonder a lot of them left early. Hehehehe. I am so embarassed. Yama Mama:crackup::crackup::crackup:
  9. Jonas you are helping me get into more trouble. It would be Ron in my sleeping bag, I worded that wrong. Also I was kidding with you about the Black Death, you do not need to have a bottle of Black Death with my name on it. Usually one shot is more than enough. You are the best Jonas! Yama Mama:ice_awesome-vi46644
  10. I promise I really am not a stalker. However, we did have around ten naked chatters last night who came there on their own. We had a good time. Really try to come in to chat and try it. You never know you could have some fun. We had StarFan from Iceland, however he was actually chatting from Norway, and Tessa (really Pete) from Saschatchewan er Saskatchewan. Yama Mama:smile5:
  11. Come into the Chat room. There are a few chairs left. We a very friendly. Yama Mama:smile5:
  12. I am going to use double sided tape. Let them land where they may! Yama Mama
  13. Yes it is, if you have not signed up for it, get on board. It is at Freebird's home. Yama Mama
  14. Ok Jeff, I will take on this burden. I will have on my bells, have a beer and be there on the Totally Naked Chat tonight. Oh the things I do for my friends! Yama Mama:Laugh:
  15. You know we who stay at the BullFrog Inn have a good time too. We sit out in front of Don's garage and sample various items such as "Black Death". Now tell me you have that at the Oberlin and the QI. Yama Mama:smile5:
  16. Dern, I missed it too. Could we try again tonight? The neat thing about Totally Naked Chat is you do not have to worry about how your dressed. I will be there Ruffy, with bells on. Only bells. Yama Mama:smile5:
  17. Happy Birthday Annie! I hope you had a fun day! :Happy Birthday: Yama Mama:smile5:
  18. That was very nice of you to say, we all should say thank you to Don much more than we do. Thank you Freebird! Yama Mama:smile5:
  19. That is good news Ruffy! Hope that works out well for you. Yama Mama:smile5:
  20. I wondered what I was missing around here. It was Charlie! Thanks Ben for letting us know about Charlie. I hope he is feeling better soon. Yama Mama
  21. Happy Birthday Mariner Fan! Have a Great Day! http://http://www.venturerider.org/forum/images/smilies/smile11.gif Yama Mama
  22. We seem to be winning the battle with the mutant killer squirrels so far. Ron has used metal screening and wood to temporarily hold back the attack of the squirrels, until we can permanently heal our wounds on our home. I will keep you informed on our battle, and thanks for all the great stories about battling critters. Yama Mama
  23. We have lived in our home for over 32 years, and have never had problems with squirrels damaging our home. We live in a wooded area, and are used to seeing many critters. The other night before we headed to KC. we heard a loud noise which seemed to be on the roof. This is not unusual because we hear loud noises all the time, usually a squirrel or two running on the roof. When we returned from our trip, we are in bed trying to sleep. There was a noise coming from inside our bedroom wall. It sounded like a 10 pound mouse. Ron went around the house to see where this critter could possibly got in. He found an area where the trim wood had been chewed open. Ron sealed this area temporarily until he could fix it better. Next day the killer squirrels had blew another area of trim wood off and now there is a hole 4 to 6 inches in diameter. The crazy thing is, we have lived here all these years and have never had a problem with squirrels damaging our home. Anybody know Billy the Exterminator? Yama Mama
  24. Beautifully said. Amen. Yama Mama
  25. Good for you. I am glad you had a good trip. How about some photos? We love photos. Yama Mama
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