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Yama Mama

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Everything posted by Yama Mama

  1. If you are tired of all the election coverage, come to the VR Chat Tuesday night around 8 PM EST. All beverages and snacks are on the house. Entertainment free of charge. All new members stop in and get to know the old timers. It should be fun, :big-grin-emoticon:Give it a try, typing skills are optional. Yama Mama
  2. We tend to get off the subject. I have to head to work now, but I will try to find your lusty jacket for you when I get home. That is for sure a nice looking one. Yama Mama
  3. Oh I am sooooooo jealous. Beautiful photos. Yama Mama:big-grin-emoticon:
  4. Last night our local weather man said" I have news of something horrible coming." Then he said we could have, FLURRIES TONIGHT! This is of course was an effort to scare little old men and women. Our weather people think this is weather reporting at its finest. Yama Mama:snow2:
  5. Has any one else had the problem of dozing off on long rides. It has happened to me several times. I usually catch myself before actually falling asleep. The first time it happened we were heading home from Knoxville. I think it was around 2 AM and we were on the expressway. Ron had the music off and there I was fighting to stay awake. I know it is not a good thing. Just wondered if it happened to anyone else. I know Mini is going to make fun of me, but I thought I would ask if it is just me. Yama Mama
  6. Folks we are one member away from 6000. I think this an amazing achievement. Congratulations to Freebird for starting our group and for what is becoming one of the largest and best motorcycle forums in existence. :ice_congrats-vi6886Yama Mama
  7. ]It is nice to see someone who really did by a Harley. It really is pretty too. Ride safe and enjoy every mile of the ride. Yama "Hog" er Mama
  8. Today was not a very good day for our family. Our dog Lucy died suddenly. Lucy died early this morning, Ron and our son Mark sat with her in her last moments. They chose not to tell me, I was asleep. It is strange how a dog becomes such a part of your life. We had her for 12 years. She was such a beautiful dog, people would stop to comment on her when we were walking her, She used to catch ground moles, and one time she even caught a ground hog in our garage. I believe her great dream in life was to catch a squirrel, unfortunately she never got one. Lucy protected us all these years. We always knew when some stranger was in our driveway. And yet she was very gentle, I think she loved everyone. I thought I would share this with you all. I feel such a loss. We still have our dog Cooper. But the loss of Lucy is going to take a while to deal with. Our son and daughter are taking it hard. I just wanted to share this with you. DO not walk by your pet and not acknowledge their presence. Always make the effort to notice them. Their whole life is to get your love and appreciation. Remember them even when you are busy. I will miss Lucy for ever. She was a wonderful friend to us. Yama Mama
  9. The reason I hardly ever post is because I am so:301: shy, but I will try harder in the future. Trouble is I have not had a new thought recently. Yama Mama
  10. Nice photos Mini. Glad you had fun. Yama Mama:hurts:
  11. Southwestern Ohio is in full color. In fact, this could be the last weekend before the leaves are blown off. Actually, I am sure they all come into our yard. Yama Mama ,
  12. Thanks for the photos. It really looks nice. I am sure we will stick with our RSV, Ron needs the leg room. I like the looks of it. Yama Mama
  13. Gary I cannot believe it has already been a year. I will be thinking of you tomorrow and hoping that you get through the day ok. You take care. Peggy & Ron
  14. yo, yo, yo Nice photos. Like the photos of your puppy too. Yama Mama:innocent-emoticon:
  15. Nice photos Cliff. Thanks for the photos. Yama Mama
  16. No but Don knows. Love ya! Yama Mama
  17. Of course, I am interested in the story. Please tell all. My lips are sealed. Yama Mama
  18. Sunday Ron and I rode to Natural Bridge and Red River Gorge, which is located in the Daniel Boone National Forest. We have been there before, and just spontaneously decided to go there again. But I forgot how steep the trails are. Really beautiful. Here are some photos. I am still sore, but it was still fun. Yama Mama:7_2_104[1]:
  19. Whatever it is, I like it. Yama Mama:big-grin-emoticon:
  20. Nice Photos Mini! Looks like it was a perfect day. Yama Mama:223:
  21. That is the best news that I have heard this week! Good for you. Yama Mama
  22. Welcome home, I will have to arrange to take a few days off work, so that I will be able to few your photos! Oh well, these are the things we have to do. Yama Mama:hurts:
  23. It was not Ron and me, but I just wanted to say hi. We live north of Cincinnati. Howdy Ohio neighbor. I love come up your way to the outlet mall, you know just looking. Yama Mama
  24. OK boys, back to the subject of Froggie's near death experience in the bathroom with the hoe. Yama Mama
  25. Tx2sturgis is interviewing AtlantaDragonslayer who is telling the stories of his trip out west on his Venture. Tune in, give it a try. Yama Mama
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