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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2001 RSV
  1. Low 30s usually. I know the specs you get from the factory are bloated as far as mpg, but I figured I could easily get high 30s on the highway cruising about 75.
  2. I figured there probably wasn't anything to do about it. I was just trying to find a way to increase fuel economy somewhat, as it seems like my RSV has more than enough power. It just seems like any Japanese bike/truck I have had seem to rev a little higher than I would like in top gear.
  3. I have been trying to find answers all over the net and cannot seem to find any. Is it possible to change the gear ration on a second gen RSV? I live out in Kansas and all I have is flat interstate and I feel the RSV is revving way too high at 80. It feels like it has more than enough power to spare at lower rpm. I know being a shaft drive it will be infinitely harder to change than a belt would, but I would be interested to know if anyone has done this/tried this/or thinks its impossible. Thanks
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