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Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Huntsville, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Amateur Radio, Sailing
  • Bike Year and Model
    2006 RSV
  1. I checked the link provided for Retail locations and all I got was a list of dealers and garages that use it. Can anyone tell me what retail outlets carry this? Thanks, Mark
  2. Thanks Eck I know what you mean. I am looking at joining you at the Nashville M&E but I don't know for sure, yet. Mark
  3. The screws holding on the Audio Control Head vibrated out. It's kind of hard to carry the Control Head into the parts store so, does anyone know off hand what size these are? Thanks, Mark
  4. Thanks. My wife really likes the idea of being able to see where I am. Guess I better not hang outside any clubs for very long.
  5. Do you keep the SPOT in your trunk or do you have to have it mounted somewhere? Thanks, Mark
  6. "Ol' Wrench Head" of the Toecutters MC
  7. Dakota, My wife said she would do some others, but next time she would like us to try Market Street Cafe on Providence Road. Really enjoyed it. Mark
  8. Bobbie, I just wish I was going with you. I know you will have a great time. Mark
  9. Iowa Guy, Here is a link to the glasses that I purchased after seeing my brothers. http://www.flyingpigeyewear.com/ A little pricey, but I have really enjoyed them and you get two sets of lenses. Mark
  10. I was wondering if anyone has compared both the Diamond R and Utopia Pillowtop drivers backrest and if so what were your pros and cons for each? Also, which did you opt for and why? Looking to buy, but not sure which to go with. Thanks, Mark
  11. Gray Ghost, Any chance you will be at Freebirds Maintenance Day and we could purchase some caps there? Thanks, Mark
  12. Free...did someone say FREE:322:
  13. Sorry, don't have one to wear.
  14. Dragonrider/Eck, I plan on riding. I posted to the original thread. Mark
  15. DragonRider, Add Mark Dauphinais leaving from Huntsville. Do we have a scheduled arrival time? Thanks, Mark
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