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Everything posted by 83VR3711

  1. I would like to pose the same question. I have not been able to locate an area on the bike to hold a tool kit....I know the bike is supposed to have one cause the oil dip stick is in the kit....
  2. Lets go with the second one.......have done some minor work on the bike, but am still a little timid. So far I have stripped the bike down to the frame and wires (for a tune up(plug wires are a pain to get to)) and have assisted in a carb cleaning. Other than that, not much else on motorcycles.
  3. I am having the same issue with my starter (same noises). Would ya'll recommend this type of repair for a novice mechanic or would I be better off taking it somewhere?
  4. Yes, I did check the resistance, but the readings did not match the book. All 4 coils had exactly the same reading though.
  5. Thank you very much for the input. No, the hose was not leaking into the plug...what happened was I disconnected the radiator side first to make sure there was no water in the line. I then tilted the hose down as far as possible to get out all of the residual water. When I removed the lower part of the hose, I there must have been a little more in there and it went to #3 plug. You say compressed air will get that out? Next I found a posting from may '08 listing the NAPA P/Ns for the boots and wire, but NAPA no longer carries anything except the plugs. Not even bulk wire. Does anyone know of another place that might or P/N? I am trying to find something from maybe a local type store. Thank you all, Clay
  6. Good morning all. I have got her up and running again. It turned out, that the wires and boots were not in the best shape and I was only firing on 2 cylinders. I am up to the cylinders now. I was up to 4, but I had a little problem. I had a hole in my radiator hose, so I replaced it, but when I removed the hose from behind #3 plug, there was some water left in the hose. The water appears to have gotten past the boot and fouled out plug #3. I pulled the plug and there was water all over it:bang head:. What do I do now? is there a way to get the water out or do I just keep running and it will eventually work its way out?
  7. Hi Dan, I am trying to remove my TCI to inspect it as well. How did you get yours out?? Right now my girl is down to a frame and a pile of wires, but I have yet to figure out how to remove it..... Thanks in advance, 83VR3711
  8. The floats could use some adjustment. I have to keep the petcock at about 1/4 of the way on or it will be too much fuel and flood the system....... About the boots and wires, they very well may be close to the originals, one of the boots has a crack up the side of it. I guess it may be high time to change the out.....
  9. Quick question......If my plug wires are shorting to ground (due to cracks), would that possibly cause the indications that I am having? I have heard popping from time to time. usually just before I start having issue. I was/ am having a battery drain issue when the bike is idling. It charges if I get the RPMs high enough but drops when I return it to an idle.
  10. if you are refering to the rubber plug that is a dual plug, then yes, there were put back in correctly. Now what are the cahnces that they may have come out once assembled?
  11. yes, I have pulled the plugs out of the TCI and sprayed some electrical cleaner in there. I have also pulled every other electrical connector that i could find and cleaned them. Alot of them had a lot of crud and corrosion on them. They are all clean and shinny. About the plugs....they are black and covered with gas. I think I may only be running on 2 cylinders cuz she starts to level out at around 30 mph. The rpms are there, but doesnt seem like any power. When you say snip the plug wires back, you are meaning pull the boot back and make the cut, right? Thank you for your help
  12. NO I do not have the ability to do it myself, but there is a bike shop down the road I could run it to. I think they qouted me at $65 for a sync a few weeks ago. I have been suspecting a possible sync issue for a little while now. Can anyone tell me what some signs are that would indicate that the carbs are out of sync?
  13. Now this may be a stupid question, but if I disconnected the "syncronization rod" in order to clean the carbs..... do I need to re-sync the carbs?
  14. NOTE: *I AM NOT MECHANICALLY INCLINED* Now that we got that out of the way....I also replaced the fuel filter about 46 miles ago. I did remove the fuel line from the pump and turned the petcock to on. I has maximum flow through the filter. Is there another way to check?
  15. I did indeed remove the bar and folded the carbs back in order to open them up..... Yes, the pilot jets were removed and cleaned. I did not open the diaphram side. Do you think I need to re-sync them? Would out-of-sync cause leveling out on acceleration? It idles ok, I guess. After idling for about 5 min straight, it will shut off. It does fire right back up though and idle for another few minutes. When I do ride it, as is, she usually dies when i come to a stop.
  16. I did indeed (but not the wires), about 46 miles ago. The last 46 miles ahve been a pain. One problem after another. I pulled one and it was black and covered in gas...... I hope this helps in a solution
  17. I was having an issue with no power up to 55 mph. I would twist the throttle all of the way around and it would excelerate no faster than if I normally twisted it. I assumed that my jets were probably clogged, so I had pulled te carbs out and cleaned the jets and everything real good. Mind you, I did not make any adjustments to anything. I put it all back together and it fired it up, but now it sounds weak, as if it is running on 2 out of 4 carbs. All 4 slides are moving as they should. When I ride, the RPMs go up, but it doesnt feel llike the bike is moving like it should. It almost feels like it is leveling out....not sure how else to explain it. I have no idea where to go with this one.....There are no vaccum leaks that I can find....... Please help...... Stumped.... 83VR3711
  18. I thank you all for your help again, it just seems like if it isnt one thing it is another:fiddle:. I have got her running once again. It turns out, with a new fuel filter, you don't need the petcock open all of the way. I closed the petcock and she started right up. When she died due to lack of fuel, I reopened the petcock about half way or a little less. Now she is running good again. A little low on the idle speed though and a little rich. I can smell the excess fuel and she idles just above chugging. I was thinking maybe I need to open the petcock a little more, but I can smell unburnt fuel in the exhaust. Any ideas? Thanks, 83VR3711
  19. I will double check the clicking of the fuel pump, but now that you mention it, I dont believe it was clicking like it normally would.....How exactly would one go about draining the carbs? Also, I have not drained the gas tank. I figured since it ran great with the new filter, I wouldn't need to (guess it was just hopeful thinking) Thank you, Clay
  20. I think I spoke to soon...She just won't start this evening. She will turn and turn and turn but just wont start. She did back fire twice though and there was a puddle of fuel on the floor from what appeared to overflow tubes (3 little tubes hanging under bike). She ran great yesterday and today....nothing but a couple of backfires PLEASE HELP!!!!
  21. I just wanted to thank you all for help. I believe I have fixed the problem, I replaced the fuel filter and everything is running good as new Thanks again, Clay (Finally on the road again)
  22. I have finally got the compressor up and running:happy65:. Come to find out, the previous owner had run a toggle switch installed directly to the compressor. My question now is, will the compressor shut off automatically when it hits a certain presssor or do I have guess on when to turn it off. Note: Unable to read display due to LCD being damaged.
  23. That is a great idea. I am will to try just about anything that would keep me out of the the Great Unknown of Carbs...
  24. What would be your advice on cleaning these? I guess simply using Seafoam won't cut it.
  25. I was just reading the Owner's Manual in the tech libraray (not a whole lot going on at work) and I stumbled on to something. There was a statement in there that said that " poor acceleration may be caused by air in the Hydraulic clutch line" page 7-21. What are the possibilities that this could such a minor fix??(One day soon)
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