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Everything posted by slick97spirit

  1. that's some funny stuff. I enjoy british comedy most of the time. At least after you watch it, the airs not blue.
  2. That's cool. Post some photos after you put them on.
  3. OMG!
  4. [quote I noticed a couple things today that I didn't pick up on during my first test ride... A very noticeable whine in 3rd and 5th. I see that a whine in the clutch basket was mentioned in an earlier post, so this is probably what I'm hearing. Is this the nature of the beast, or something that needs to be addressed? Also, after I got back from the ride I was looking under the bike for evidence of any leaks and damage, and I noticed that the left rear jug was nowhere near as warm as the other 3. The bike warmed up for a few minutes, and I prolly rode it about 5 miles. It didn't seem like it was missing, so maybe I didn't run it long enough to get it good and warmed up. I'll get it out on the freeway on Friday and get her good and hot... It only has 6k on the clock, so I can't imagine that there'd be any major problems already. It is possible that one of the plugs is not firing. But you should find out for sure as it's normally an easy fix. I say that because the bike will run like a scalded dog on 3 cylinders. I can assure you of one thing. You'll love the bike like the rest of us do.
  5. I ordered the leather on line. It's supposed to be buffalo hide. Actually thought about a quick ride but my son from knoxville has a jet ski that needs the stator replaced. I told him I'd bring it home for the winter and try to fix it to save him a couple of hundred. Never been in one of these before. It's gonna be a job. Live and learn! I started tearing into that and the thoughts of a quick ride went south. I may be posting on here later trying to figure out how to finish this one. Maybe somebody knows how to work on these fool things. Looks like it's gonna be a full on winter project. Hope I don't have to pull the entire motor. I don't see how the heck they get those things in there. I just hope I can get it all back together by spring.
  6. Ha, I don't think so. If I did there'd be a "Troy Savoie thread" on here about me taking too long on the orders. That stupid thing took me about 3 weeks to finish just working occasionally
  7. LOL probably more than one, but you have to find them yourself. I'm not gonna point them out
  8. A couple of weeks ago I posted that I had started a tank bra for the Millennium. Finally finished the darn thing. I know that several on here do this kind of work and do much more detail than I've done here, but I'll tell you what. Leather work is not as easy as it seems like it would be. I'm happy with the result. Anyway, see photo for the finished product.
  9. No doubt, COLD FRIED CHICKEN. One of my favorite meals.
  10. maybe she's hinting at the need for a "mansiere"
  11. Yep, Yammer I thought that would get your attention. I've always hated the dingy tan plastic/rubber tank bra that they put on the Millennium edition RSV. A while back I ordered a piece of buffalo hide and started thinking about making my own. I definitely wanted a pocket to put stuff in and I wanted it big enough that I could put my iphone in but didn't want it to be all saggy if it was empty. Anyway, I've started the work and thought I would post photos of the work in progress. It's going to be basically the same shape as the stock bra, but made of leather and have a (hopefully) nice looking pocket on it. To support the leather for the pocket, I found a plastic bottle that was the width and height I wanted and cut out one side of it. I then used fabric glue to adhere it to the leather. The lace you see on the top of the pocket will go down the entire length of the bra once it's finished. Let me know what you think whether pro or con. So far I'm happy with it. Once I get it completed and mounted on the bike, I'll post some more pics.
  12. I can relate. We lost our house when I was 16 & the majority of the stuff was ruined by water smoke and heat. We only lost one wall of the house and the carpet smoldered. The rest was lost due to water.
  13. No smoke or heat damage?
  14. She was on 20/20 the other night talking about her mother who died of ovarian cancer. She talks as well as sings like an adult. If you haven't heard her sing Amazing Grace, check it out on you tube.
  15. Monty, Sorry to hear about this. Hope all is going ok for you and your son. Did he have a renters policy?
  16. The Krylon plastic paint works really well. My son used it on his Jeep's fender flares this last year and it still looks like new.
  17. I don't think that most would argue the point. There's no doubt that it's different than it used to be. The thing I take issue with is that WE are causing it. That's the part that they are shoving down our throat that I just don't buy.
  18. Who's the black dude standing out by the brush. Looks kind of shady to me. I'd pop a cap in him if I were you.
  19. You should do a search and look up the old snake oil wagons that those guys pulled around. It would be cool to paint up the sides like one of those.
  20. Cool idea. I like the ingenuity. The thing I like the most is the top compartment. That'll be handy for the things you need from the trailer most often.
  21. What size do you guys order for the RSV. I guess I'd need them to slip over my ISO grips and I assume they would do that.
  22. Awesome & the tea bag feature is cool too.
  23. With a voice like that I doubt she had any problem do it. People that can sing like that are seldom self conscious of singing in public.
  24. I'll 2nd this one
  25. Don't think he quit. I bought mine at maintenance day.
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