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Everything posted by slick97spirit

  1. Boss, is Forumrunner supposed to replace tapatalk? Do I need to stop using tapatalk. It's worked really well for me. Ken
  2. This is my first bike with the heel shifter. Love it. Hope I never have anything else. Took a little getting used to tho.
  3. I love that video. He has a lot of others. He's a riot
  4. PM Sent
  5. DannyBoy, I was wondering when you were gonna pull me into this!! I KNOW NOTHING!!!!!!
  6. Lilbeev, I can vouch for the fact that some typically deny that coverage then become angry when they don't have it and need it.
  7. She's a beauty
  8. I drink a lot of coffee during the day, but when it comes evening I love a cup of hot tea. For the connoisseurs, give a goo Chai tea a try. Thats the one that hooked me but I also enjoy Earl Grey, Breakfast Blend, & quite a few others. I buy from Keurig & use that soley to make my tea.
  9. Eck, Eck , Eck .....That was mean and cruel:big-grin-emoticon:
  10. You gotta admit that last one looks like 2 bowling balls in an tote sack! NR, just like with my shop, you have access to my mules any time you need em!
  11. A couple of those look like the "South end of a mule headed north."
  12. Deb, My apologies, this is the first I have seen of the request. Consider it done.
  13. I don't see this as a bad trait in her (they're only friends, no hanky panky has occurred), but I do think that if it bothers her current guy, he's the weak one. He's the one putting up with it. If he doesn't like it he should walk away.
  14. I've always like David Feherty, but after watching this, he's moved way up the ladder for me. What an awesome way to honor the troops. The vid is a little over 7 minutes long but worth the watch if you have the time. http://www.thegolfchannel.com/human-energy/?select2=14760
  15. Gods Country for sure
  16. Heck no, it doesn't cover anything!
  17. Oh my!! Not sure how to respond to this one...could the wrong response generate lightning? Wondering.....
  18. That's freaky looking
  19. COOL IDEA, I'll see what I can do from SE Missouri
  20. I realize the photo is not very good. I emailed it from my iphone then used it on here. Guess I emailed the wrong size. Anyway, he had had it checked out at home and the guy told him the stator was out. I tried to get the cover off of the stator without removing the engine, but there were 2 bolts directly behind a motor mount. I finally got the motor jacked up enough with a come-a-long that I could replace the stator. I wanted to pull the motor out entirely to just clean it up and clean out the ski body, but the friggin intake manifold has to come off to get the motor out. My advice to him after this is to sell the dang thing at the end of the summer and if something breaks before the end of the summer, "DON'T CALL ME.":bang head:
  21. I started this project for my son. I drug the ski back from knoxville to work on over the winter. Let me tell you, working on this piece of crap is much harder than working on the venture. I'll think about that next time before I volunteer to fix this money pit again!!
  22. Sounds like the same thing I suffered from. Ended up having the gall bladder removed. Problem solved.
  23. Since envy and jealousy are sins, I'm gonna have to say my prayers after looking at that photo.
  24. Have any idea who that person was....Could it have been the ambassador? Learned about it from my brother who rides with several venture riders in a Dallas area Star riders group. Been intrigued ever since....don't post much, but check in everyday.
  25. bump
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