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Everything posted by slick97spirit

  1. This is the one I would love to see pics of!!!!!!
  2. Here's a direct link for the Chatterbox Noise Reducing set that I bought. Really happy with them so far. http://www.chaparral-racing.com/Chaparral/product_family.asp?family_id=11864&gift=False&mscssid=0CF81F4066474CADA5B99A7F5AC9A59B
  3. Hey Bill, being new to the group and just a couple of hours south of you I hope the wife and I can make the last day. Work won't allow us to make it Thursday & Friday, but may be able to make it on saturday depending on what time you guys get started. If your keeping a list of those reasonably close to you guys, put me down.
  4. I know you guys get tire of us "newbies" asking about this but when I go to W/underground to put the temp/time indicator in my signature and try to upload it, I get a invalid file message. I've tried to copy that in there every way I can think of. Any suggestions.
  5. Do you guys know if there's a brown tank bra that would work on the millenium edition?
  6. Now I'm freaking out! Keep in mind that I'm new here. Are you guys saying that you run car tires on your RSV's? I ride a 00 RSV MM. Can I do that on it also and if so what is the recommended tire and where do you guys get them? This is awesome news if I'm hearing it right. Mileage on MT's sucks.
  7. Since getting the RSV at thanksgiving the wife and I have been trying really hard to catch one good day to put a few miles on it. Well, today the temp was in the low 60's but kinda hazy and everything is wet. We hit a couple of places on the road that looked really smooth, and slick. When I hit these areas the bike felt like I was riding on ice. I knew I needed to replace the front tire but now I'm thinking I need to put new rubber on the back to. I'm talking, it felt REALLY SQUIRRLY!!!! From most of what I've read on here, the Avon Venoms are the recommended tire. How about wear? What kind of mileage can I expect to get out of the rear? Any other recommendations would be appreciated.
  8. I saw that show last night too. Freaky!! Then there were the women who were still b-feeding their kids at 8 & 9 years old.
  9. I'm new here & only had my venture since thanksgiving, but I can definately see the value in this site. Besides the fact that I've enjoyed checking it out daily. I'll help out.
  10. I paid about 25 bucks for mine. Mine blinks off and on when hitting the brakes and rotates when not applying the brake.
  11. I bought gas today in southeast missouri for 1.35 gal.
  12. We'll definately get together as soon as it warms up. Seems like everytime I get some time off (today @ 2:00pm) the temp drops 20 deg. Got my highway pegs and headsets set up too. Sweet!!!!
  13. #107. I think. Dang engraving is so small I can hardly see it. LOL
  14. minus the flag.
  15. Thanks for the link. I had not seen that one posted the other day. Sounds like it's a toss up. I have gotten really good wear from my vehicle tires using it tho.
  16. I have nitrogen in all of my vehicle tires and like how long it lasts. Has anyone ever put it in their scoot tires? Curious as to whether or not to expect the same results.
  17. where will this rally be held?
  18. Hey naked rider, I rode old yeller in to Applebee's yesterday afternoon. Had to convince the wife that we should do that to test out the new Chatterbox headsets. She bout froze on the way home so I think 55 F will be our lowest temps in the future. Had fun tho. That baby just runs like a big dog on the interstate. Cruise works great, headsets make talking easy. I can hardly wait till we get some decent weather.
  19. Took about a 40 minute ride. The temp was around 36. Pretty chilly but fun.
  20. guess not!
  21. just testing out the new map. hope I did this right.
  22. Dang, that's the kind of trip I've dreamed of taking my entire life. I've only had my RSV since Thanksgiving and just got it suited up with headsets and all. Hope that some day the looker and I can take a couple of weeks and pull something like that off. Way Cool!
  23. That's not a bad idea. I leave the thing attached to my truck windshield 24/7 and have never had a problem with it turning loose. It mounts with a suction cup. I may give it a try with a couple of wire ties just to make sure if it falls off I don't lose it. Thanks
  24. I have a Garmin Nuvi with the windshield mount in my truck. Has anyone ever mounted this to the windshield of the RSV. It won't hurt the shield will it?
  25. :080402gudl_prv:C vote from me! Merry Christmas
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