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Everything posted by slick97spirit

  1. Casting Crowns..(album) self titled Casting Crowns....very inspirational music.
  2. Done as I stand here and look over the Grand Canyon, let's see, in the immortal words of Wildhair, "Where to next?"
  3. What the ..........*@%$!!!!!!!!
  4. Buddy, Can you tell me where I can get the brackets?
  5. Meth-from-urine lab busted in east Tennessee The Associated Press CLINTON, Tenn. (AP) — Law enforcement officers in east Tennessee say they have so far found three methamphetamine operations that extract the illegal drug from urine in Anderson County. Chief Deputy Mark Lucas said the department got a tip that led to a raid Thursday, resulting in drug charges against Rickie Jack Harber, 47. Deputies found meth-making components and 144 gallons of urine, stored in plastic bottles, Lucas said. The department reports the lab is the third, but largest such operation it has found, according to The Knoxville News-Sentinel. Harber was charged with promotion of methamphetamine manufacture and is held in lieu of $200,000 bond. Tennessee Methamphetamine Task Force director Tommy Farmer said labs that use the urine of meth users to make the drug are a ‘‘very infrequent thing.’’ ‘‘We have had a couple’’ in southeast Tennessee, he said. Farmer said law enforcement officers in some communities have discovered bottles of urine without realizing it is used to make the addictive stimulant. Farmer said such labs are ‘‘pretty disgusting’’ but they show what meth addicts will resort to if they can’t otherwise get the drug that is usually made by cooking toxic chemicals and decongestant products that are now restricted. He said meth users when arrested are frequently quarantined so others in custody won’t drink their urine. ‘‘It goes to show that once you get hooked, it’s so addictive. It’s not going to stop at anything,’’ Farmer said. "nuff said bout that":thumbdown:
  6. Again, we've got one of the best forums on line. Why challenge something such as this. Just let the Mod's continue to "keep it a great site" It's free, it's fun, & it's moderated to their liking, big deal.
  7. Since we live in the same state I hope to meet you guys at one of the M&E's. Reading through these post, I can say that you guys are an inspiration to us all. I pray God's blessings on your lives. I hope you guys can go to bed each night and sleep in peace knowing that you are being lifted up to the "MOST HIGH."
  8. :scared:learn something new everyday
  9. I can relate to what you're saying but can you imagine getting into a debate with one of 7000 members each time you felt you needed to yank a post.
  10. SWEET!!!!!!! Hope you enjoy it.
  11. :178:To me it's no big deal. If they remove a post, they're doing what they think is the thing to do within the scope of the site. I don't think we should take it personal.
  12. Sorry Mike, I guess I was thinking about the 1100. Hope I didn't waste any of your time
  13. If I'm not mistaken the header pipes have to be disconnected to get to the filter. There is a filter relocation kit that can be purchased. But it is a hassle to change the oil on these bikes. should be in the front of the engine behind the pipes.
  14. Bill, being new to the site and a new venture owner, my wife and I are hoping to get up there on Friday night. I'll let you know for sure as time nears. Work is really nuts right now, so not sure if we can pull it off. Hope to make it tho. We've been wanting to meet a few of the folks that I read so much about.
  15. Give me a call if you're gonna get over toward the SE Missouri area. Me and Nakedrider want to meet you one of these days.
  16. Those grooves looked to be about 4" deep. Wonder how thick the ice was?
  17. I'm In!
  18. I rode a shadow for 4 years & when I first got it had the same concern. It was never an issue. Never saw so much as a dent in it.
  19. keep us posted. I'm definately interested in going this route on the next tire change.
  20. Left them stock for now. I don't want to end up with a loud bike again. My last ride was really loud and I've been enjoying the quieter ride. At some point I may drill them out, but I'd like to have my bike sitting next to someone that has drilled theirs out so I can see what it sounds like.
  21. It would have been really easy except I used the stock shield the covers the clamp area. I had to use a dremel and grind 4 welds off of eash shield then rivet them to the rk's. That took a little while, but it was easy.
  22. Everything went great & love the sound. Nice little rumble. I used Freebird's (i think) method of removing the clamp cover/shield from the stock mufflers, splitting them and riveting them back on the rk's. Worked out really well. Just wish it was'nt so nasty outside.
  23. Such is March in Missouri !!!!!! I think I'll just take advantage of the time to put on my new Road King pipes.
  24. Here's the other problem. I love Harley's. Love the way they sound, look, etc., but I also love lots of other bikes. The problem I've always had with Harley is the people who adamently think it is the only bike to have and that anything else is inferior. I had a Shadow that I loved. I like the Victory's. I don't understand why they can't just love bikes and leave it at that.
  25. Tell him you want him to sell his and buy a yamaha. When he says, no way, tell him that's exactly how you feel. Then tell him to dump his double standard, it's unbecoming of him.
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