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Everything posted by slick97spirit

  1. By mid wire I'm talking about the wire that plugs into the jack on your tank. It then runs up to the wire coming from your helmet. The small end of that wire on my set has to be reseated occasionally. If I don't, I can hear the radio but the IC doesn't come through. Hope this helps.
  2. I use the chatterbox headsets as well. Occasionally when I put my helmet on the radio is working fine through them but the intercom does not. I've found that if I reseat the plug on the middle wire (one from the tank to the helmet) on the small end it begins to work. The larger plug never gives me a problem, just the smaller end. Hope this helps.
  3. I use the chatterbox headsets and occassionally when I put my helmet on I have to reseat the plug on the mid wire. Once I reseat that wire it works fine. When this happens, the radio works but the intercom doesn't. check that connection.
  4. I was waiting for someone to say this. If they didn't I was gonna. I'd ride on it in a heart beat.
  5. Yep, straightened mine last night.
  6. Am I understanding correctly, that disconnecting the AIS will result in better gas mileage. What exactly does the AIS do? Anything else affected by disconnecting this?
  7. Here's a you tube video showing a guy doing the synch. It's not a 1st or 2nd gen but it gives you the general idea. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYgN2-96Ik0]YouTube - motorcycle carburetor balancing- Carbtune[/ame] There's also a very informative thread that Freebird posted with photos that will guide you through the process.
  8. Least I could do and glad it worked out. Besides without your eagle eye I never would have figured out my engine guard adjustment. I think it made the bike run better, HA! Is the popping on decel gone or reduced?
  9. as long as you can access the valve stem they can go in. You have to totally deflate the tire by remove the old valve, put the beads in, then replace the valve with the filtered one. Takes about 5 minutes per tire.
  10. the valve stem has to have enough room for the filtered valves they provide on their site. The filtered valves keep the beads from coming out of the stem when checking tire pressure, etc. I just put them in my trailer tires. The trailer tires require 1oz. each. The front/rear tires on a 2nd gen. needs 2 oz. I put a vibrating sander against the valve stem to get them to flow into it.
  11. They will not work with Ride on or any other flat tire fixer, etc. The beads need to be able to roll around on the inside of the tire.
  12. I'm right there with you man. I'm dumb as a stump when it comes to electrical issues.
  13. Great idea. That will come in handy.
  14. Me and a buddy of mine pulled a lawn mower from his house to mine (about 10 blocks) in Memphis. We had lots of funny looks and pointing.
  15. I just purchased enough for my front tire and my trailer tires. Haven't installed them yet. I'm hoping they work well.
  16. Typical 1st Gen logic.....
  17. Do we stay members if we are approved or do we ask for our money back ? If you are approved!!!!!!! They keyed your bike!!! I'd find me some other riding partners myself.
  18. We planted our tomatoes this year in one of those upside down planter things you see advertised on tv. I'll post some pics later this year to let you know how they do.
  19. It's nearly impossible to keep from dragging your boots, at least occassionally, across the saddle when you get off your bike. The tan color of the MM really shows dirt. I've tried several different things to clean it and finally found something that really works well. The other day I had it off and was working on the brakes. My hands were really dirty so I used to GoJo to clean them and I started rubbing it on the seat and the results were instantaneous. I mean it's almost like new. Give it a try. Worked really well.
  20. Now this is a good idea. Not saying the others aren't too (except for the "buy a 1st Gen idea) Thanks all!!!
  21. there is one thing I have always hated about Yamaha street bikes. That stupid sight glass for checking oil levels. It's ridiculous that it takes 2 people to check the oil. Is there a trick to it that you guys could share with me. How do you guys check your oil level. My wife is not the kind of person that pays attention to details so I don't like holding the bike up for her to tell me the level. She doesn't understand the importance of it being at the right level......HELP :bang head::bang head::bang head:
  22. SilvrT, just like the electrical box cover. It looks great!
  23. As a matter of fact SilvrT you were my INSPIRATION. After seeing yours, had to figure out something for mine. Really liked your carbon fiber mods, but that wouldn't look right on my millenium. Color wouldn't work against the off white.
  24. Thought about that myself.......for about 30 seconds........
  25. Auto Zone, All of the auto parts stores carry them. Their inventories are different so you have to check them all to get the ones you want. When I put this on I had to take the Dremel and cut out the back of it so that it would rest over the ridge that runs down the middle of the box. I also had to trim off the front fingers of the chrome piece so that it would go far enough forward to allow the back chrome fingers to be over the box.
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