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Everything posted by slick97spirit

  1. More shots of the cheer leaders of course:smile5:
  2. I sat up last night and went through that whole thing. Wow, what an incredible journey. Oh to be young again and take a trip like that without having to worry about taking off of work. Really cool that he documented the whole trip, tho.
  3. Yeah, we don't want to rub that in!!!! Probably shouldn't tell em about the MP3 player that's standard (only on the MM) instead of the cassette either!!!!!!!
  4. slick97spirit

    X Factor

    Yep, didn't like him either. PANTS ON THE GROUND!!!!!!
  5. Final drive: Belt??????????? Maybe mine is not a true Millenium!!!!
  6. slick97spirit

    X Factor

    Aw, dadgumit!!!! I made my last comment then had to go watch the video. That's definately the kind of guy that you would like to see win. Very humble, caring, thinking of others over himself. I stand corrected, dadgumit!!!!!
  7. slick97spirit

    X Factor

    I get a kick out of American Idol (especially the beginning when the wierdos come out), but sometimes I wish they'd leave off the sad stories and let us just determine "are they any good or not." Hard hearted old fart, I am!!!!
  8. That is one FUGLY looking contraption.
  9. Do it as homemade and call it good.
  10. Anyone have a link to these Stealth keys?
  11. Only problem here is that he's been talking to them about the census he received in the mail.
  12. Bigfoot, watch that Toyota recall. It must be a big deal as they have even suspended sales.
  13. Did you guys catch the news when this guy and some prostitute got into a fight in his hotel room. She nearly bit his tongue off!!! :clap2:
  14. When I tried, it said that the compressed file was corrupted and wouldn't open
  15. Come on Pegscraper.......Tell us how you really feel.....
  16. So Annie, how many miles did you put on the quike today??
  17. I've had one and he loved to roam. Otherwise, loved that dog. He was one of the funniest puppies I've ever seen.
  18. Hey Chaharly, Does that mean your gonna have to change your signature? The last part at least!!!!!!
  19. Pics!!!!!!!
  20. They were really cool bikes. I would think that if you could get it running it may be worth some money. There are retro motorcross race circuits that look for bikes like these.
  21. Shot, Right click on the link in the first post. Go down in the menu and click (left click) on copy hyperlink. Open your email and in the body of the email, right click. Go down the menu to paste hyperlink and click (left click) on it then hit Enter. Put your son's email addie in the address bar and send it to him. That should work.
  22. Now that's funny
  23. Just curious, are you guys not concerned about all of the violence taking place south of the border right now. The media has led us to believe (due to the drug wars and kidnappings) that it's pretty dangerous heading down that way. Is that not correct?
  24. Conservative
  25. Aw man, that really sucks. Those looked like some really nice bikes.
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