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Everything posted by slick97spirit

  1. I unplugged my carb heaters last year, but thanks for the suggestion. Thanks Ponch, I'm gonna check that. You know before I installed these dang gauges I never worried about it, they sure are pretty though!!!
  2. thanks guys, I think I'll rewire it closer to the battery after I check it with the DMM.
  3. Highway speed readings are hardly higher than they are at idle. It seems to vary between 12.3 to a max of 12.5 at highway speeds of 70-75. If I turn the passing lights off, the meter jumps up to 13-13.2 give or take a point or two. I bought the bike with the lamps on it so I'm not sure what wattage they are. If I were to guess, I would say they are 55w. They seem pretty bright. I don't use anything else electrical, other than a GPS, so that's not a factor. Thanks in advance for the suggestions.
  4. my battery has always held a charge on long rides & while parked at home I keep it on a trickle charger. I just want to make sure that 12.3 is enough that it wont ruin the battery. If I have to, I'll go with the high output stator too. From what I've read here, it doesn't seem like a big deal.
  5. Would a higher output stator be next step if that number is correct?
  6. Since installing my gauges, I'm wondering if the readings are ok. While running the passing lamps my volt meter reads about 12.3-12.5 Is that enough output to keep things charged up?
  7. I was reading about something along the same lines yesterday and everyone recommended that you check tire wear. According to some of the posters yesterday, tire wear (especially B/stones) will cause what you're describing. Becareful, those wobbles can scare the bejeebers out of you.
  8. Now that's funny!!!!!!!!!
  9. love em. used to forget to turn mine off on a prior bike and that can be very dangerous if your coming up on an intersection and they think your gonna turn and you don't.
  10. When you ride a bike named "UGLY" why worry about chrome!!!!!
  11. I think that moving over to the other lane is just common sense. Back in the mid 80's I had a friend who didn't move over and there was a couple on the side of the interstate, outside of their vehicle arguing. The guy at the last second pushed his girlfriend and she stumbled out into my buddies lane. Needless to say, the outcome was not pretty. Ever since.......I get over as far as possible.
  12. He Lives
  13. Thanks guys, I guess we'll see how it goes. I'm not gonna be in a hurry about it. I can still ride it like it is.
  14. Had to leave out last night to visit a customer of mine about 3 hours from home so thought I'd take the scoot and make a ride out of it. About 45 min. down the road (it's dark out) and I begin to hear the truckers talking about a "big ol gator" at mile marker 71.4 I look up to see where I am and BAM. At that point I didn't have to wonder where it was anymore. The bad part is that it was laying upright and curled instead of flat. I rode it out, but it shattered one & maybe both of my lower cowlings. Guess I'll be looking for those soon. I'm just glad I'm here to tell about it.
  15. Has anyone used the Rotella T synthetic? I saw both in Wally world today, but didn't know if the Rotella synthetic was ok with a wet clutch
  16. Also, make sure that your CB light is not on. If the CB light is on then press the CB button till it goes off. When the CB is on the volume control knob only controls the cb not the radio.
  17. I started using the 5 bladed fusion about 3 years ago. Had a beard most of my adult life. What I do is shave without shaving cream as soon as I step out of the shower. Been doing it that way over 15 years. Took some getting used to but doesn't bother me any more. Those fusion razors will last me about 3 months if I dry them after use before I put it away.
  18. I can only imagine what Knoxville looks like right now. Every time I've been there during a game, the whole dern town looks like a pumpkin.
  19. That's really a neat concept. What a great way to make sure everyone has a bell.
  20. I saw that on the news this a.m. Real tragedy! Prayers go out to all involved.
  21. All that would be left is motor & frame!
  22. I've ridden horses since I was 12 years old. I've always wanted a big ol huge draft horse to trail ride on.
  23. Hey Bobby come on over & we'll check it out. No problem opening up the fairing. I'm an old pro at that by now. I'm gone this weekend, so give me a call & we'll try to figure it out.
  24. Aye!
  25. sounds like you got a "Dandy." Enjoy:big-grin-emoticon:
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