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Everything posted by slick97spirit

  1. Whew, that would suck!
  2. Where did that bag come from?
  3. There are some Wicked Bad VMax's in there. I would love to have one of those some day.
  4. Whichever brand you buy, just make sure they're lined. Makes for much easier on and off.
  5. That retro looking speedo is the very first thing that caught my eye the first time I sat on a RSV. I thought that is so cool looking.
  6. Curtis, would you be traveling through eastern Missouri? I may be going up. Got to work out a few details first.
  7. Message sent Annie. Anyone, anywhere protecting the free world needs our blessings and prayers.
  8. Don't worry Annie, that's one big ol state. Plenty of room for all of us down there.
  9. I think it would be cool to have a Millenium edition M&E one of these days. We'd have to figure out what would be a good central location. Not to highjack, but I was wondering how many millenium owners we have as members? I'll start slick97spirit #107
  10. I think mine is worse
  11. Well, a nice girl helped me out. The don't have one at this time. They won't/can't put me on a list because they don't have the manpower. I'll just have to check every day. I did tell them about venturerider.org and how many people there shop their site. She was surprised. Maybe in time it will lead to some sort of discount.
  12. Thanks guys, I'll give them a call. I tried emailing them and they just said to keep checking.
  13. Had my hopes up, but after looking thru 38 pages of parts, they seem to have every part available except cowlings.
  14. Any advice on where I can come up with a lower right cowling. After hitting that gator the other day, I've been riding with it cracked and it's driving me nuts. I gotta get it fixed.
  15. Just keep the challenge before her. We're with you on this one!!!! The one thing I don't understand is why some get so defensive when you simply ask them to "watch out for us." We just want to enjoy our ride and feel like we have a chance of getting where we want to go. I don't any difference in this and asking people to be careful while turning right on a red light so they don't hit anyone coming from their left. Why do people take such offense to "be careful?"
  16. can't wait to see the finished product. what kind of paint did you use?
  17. hmmmm, don't see what the problem would be. Interesting
  18. I love helicopters. If I were gonna be a pilot, that's what I'd like to fly.
  19. I would encourage anyone that can (whether you can go on the ride or not) to donate to this family. This little one gonna have a tough uphill pull for a number of years.
  20. Here's me & wife on our previous bike & me & my "little brother" while on our trip across Texas.
  21. Dang dude, slow down and enjoy the scenery!!!
  22. Good Lord, did you see the cracked side walls. Who would buy that thing? I'd probably be surprised.
  23. I have a 780 and to find elevation, I go to settings, then "Where Am I Now" selection. It displays elevation as well as a few other things.
  24. Dan, J&M is the way to go if you want to keep your cost down. The speakers aren't the best in but they work.
  25. I can't begin to imagine how much fun it would be to unload a RSV from the back of a pickup. Backing one of these brutes off of a low trailer can cause "SPHINCTER CRAMPS !!!!!"
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