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Everything posted by slick97spirit

  1. Squid, I'm curious what the principle is here? Not disputing what your saying, just want to understand. I know I've heard it several times here before. Then not long ago read where someone said they've run the standard tongue length with no problems. I'm gonna have a trailer or a camper to pull behind some time in the future and was just wondering. Thanks,
  2. great to hear. wish I could've been there.
  3. There's no doubt mine would cover me here in the states. Now in Ontario, I'm not real sure. Don't you guys have state sponsored insurance. I'd start by looking at the exclusions area of your policy.
  4. here's the link to those extensions. Those could be made pretty easily. http://www.griotsgarage.com/product/in+your+garage/jacks+%26+stands/trailer+ramps.do?search=basic&keyword=trailer+ramp&sortby=newArrivals&page=1
  5. Just an update, I put the tach on the bike and revved it up to 3000rpm and checked the voltage at the terminal. Got a 13.5 at idle and at 3000rpm with or without the passing lamps on so I'm assuming that's adequate(?)
  6. Best idea I've ever read on here. But, I want to see this idea in action....please make a video of the process in case any of the rest of us need to follow suit....Good Luck:fingers-crossed-emo
  7. :bang head:Give it up Annie. Looks like they're trying, but you guys definately talk differently that we do.
  8. I downloaded the program. Works really "Slick"
  9. Herb, I don't have your kind of miles on mine, but from what I've heard, putting 150,000 + on these motors is no biggie. That's my plan anyway.
  10. Saw it, just held my tongue!!!!
  11. I can see now that I'm gonna have to hide the itunes bill from the gate keeper!!!!!!!!
  12. Same here Annie. I'm the only one of my entire family that hasn't signed up. I hear people talking about people requesting "friendship" all the time and they are afraid of hurting someones feelings if they decline. I figure as long as I don't sign up, I don't have to worry about it. Besides, I spend too much time on this site to invest in another one too. I'd never get anything done.
  13. What a great list........I'm surprised there hasn't been more country listed.......like I say I like it all.
  14. My Garmin Nuvi 780 will do that
  15. Guys (and gals) this is perfect! Exactly what I was hoping for.......Keep em coming......I'm gonna have to buy a second 8gig card for the Nuvi....
  16. No particular genre....I have everything from southern gospel.......to head bangin rock on mine.....I like it all....The problem is when I get ready to download I can't remember specific songs or albums, then when someone mentions one like is happening here I go, Oh yeah, that one too..........
  17. After reading through the post on the online station, it gave me some really good suggestions for songs to download to my MP3. Then I thought it would be a great thread. Be specific on the song name. As you guys recommend them, I'm gonna download the ones I like. Thanks in advance.... Already downloaded lots of CCR, Black Betty, Danger Zone, etc. Keep em coming.
  18. I'm not able to load the page at all?
  19. I have the lesser model J&M which I thought were kind of bulky when we got them. It has been no issue at all. Never even know they are there.
  20. What about one of the vest with the CC pocket in it. I see them in the NRA catalog all the time.
  21. Do these light bars flash with turns signals as well?
  22. Every time I've put it in my truck tires, they've pulled a vaccum. They actually pull it twice to make sure they have all of the air out.
  23. Don't thank me Arc, thank the Good Lord above. I'm just doing what he tells me to!
  24. That's an interesting bag. Does the height of it not get in your way?
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