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Everything posted by slick97spirit

  1. ROTFLMAO!!! That's right, it's all in how you describe it to the company! Also, never tell them more than what they ask for. There's lots of little rules we use.
  2. Glad you made it back safely (rabbits, nature's little speed bumps) Jason. It was great to meet you.
  3. The wife and I got home about 5 pm (man it was hot) then the wife had me run all over creation to get her some corn dogs....Go figure.....she had a hankerin for corn dogs for some reason.. Anyway, Don & Pat we had a great time. You guys are great host. I thought the signed wall was a neat touch. Glad if worked out for us to go cause we were able to see Snarly again, finally got to meet Eck after reading so many of his posts on here and met alot of guys whose names I'll struggle with but whose faces I won't forget. Thanks again.
  4. Joe, Good on ya man! Gonna keep both of em? Ken
  5. Dan, you gonna be there? If so (and nothing goes south for me) I owe ya a brewskie! Look forward to meeting you. Ken
  6. slick97spirit


    Wow, that was humbling to watch. Thanks,
  7. mike, post an email so those that would like can send it to you by paypal.
  8. You'll hardly be able to tell except for the loss of fuel mileage.
  9. Send Larry a pm & he can tell you if it'll work.
  10. The wife an I are headed there (about 14 hours ride) at the end of June. We're staying there a couple of days then headed south to Charleston and to take a look at all of the antebellum homes. From there, not sure. We're gonna do a total of 9 days. Can't wait.
  11. I have been known to deliver commercial insurance policies to my clients on the sled. They usually get a kick out of it and say they've never had an agent deliver on a bike before. I don't get to do that often enough tho. I commute with a co-worker and I don't think the wife (nor her husband for that matter) wants me to pick her up on my scoot.
  12. I saw this over on a VTX forum. I wanted to post it here and see what the "ones in the know" know about it. It seems like a really simple solution to getting more out of stock speakers. What do you guys think? Scroll down to page 3 of the pdf document and check out what they recommend. The best I can understand it, it is recommended by the fairing manufacturer. If that's so, why don't they do it at the factory? I guess they consider it an option....
  13. Got a great list going here and quite a few downloaded......anymore?
  14. Man, I need me a milleniumized trailer....I like it. Great job.
  15. typically if it doesn't cost enough, our government or major corporations aren't interested. Go figure.......
  16. I feel the same occasionally, but the day they switch to FI is the day we have to start taking the sleds to the stealers to be worked on.....I like being able to take care of some of the issues myself.
  17. I think further explanation is in order.......
  18. Believe it or not, because we let them VOTE!
  19. No doubt that there is alot of fanfare and misreported facts about the guy over the years, but the fact remains that he treats criminals like criminals and not hotel guests and he doesn't look at illegals as potential votes. There is the BIG PROBLEM..... November will tell the tale.
  20. The HD Ultra would be high on my list, but not with so many out there. The Kaw Voyager looks good but not sure about quality yet That Victory Vision keeps growing on me.
  21. My brother bought a pair of those and doesn't care for them. Still struggles with the numb throttle hand.
  22. I was driving south on 55 yesterday evening and saw one of those state owned programmable signs that said, "Watch out, motorcycles are everywhere." Made me proud to be a Missourian.
  23. Bobby, If I were you, I'd call Yamaha and let them know how this crappy dealer in our area handles their customers. They need to know how much business he's costing them.
  24. OK, I'll bite. Explain the VR wave to me.
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