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Everything posted by slick97spirit

  1. Boomer, I hate that your not making Don's MD. I was bringing a box of Nicaraguan stogies and a bottle of Scotch just for the occasion. I remember hearing on here how much you love the single malt! Dang it. And don't send no pygmies to take your place. I ain't sharing with no dang pygmies....
  2. Don, How far away is the nearest place to get REFRESHMENTS (whatever they may be!)?
  3. Eck, that looks terrifying!!
  4. Naked Rider and myself are heading out around 4am friday. That should put us there around 2 or 3 pm. I'm speaking for both of us here but I'm pretty sure you can count us in for some grub where ever you decide to go as long as we get there on time. Can't wait.
  5. Monty, my voltmeter does the same thing. I need to move it (the wire) too. Just haven't done it.
  6. Well, guess we'll have to make do with a cigar and beer.
  7. I've never even heard of them much less know what they do. Sorry, no help here!
  8. I agree the Kirby's are great machines as well (if your a body builder) but that dang price is crazy and always has been. They're way to proud of em.
  9. Love it! Looks like a professional install to me!
  10. In my opinion you can't go wrong with the Dyson. Mine is not the roller ball model, but I think that's overkill anyway. The standard model is a very well engineered machine. If it gets stopped up, there are all kinds of ways to unstop it without the use of tools. Best vacuum I've ever owned and waaaay cheaper and lighter than those dang Kirby's.
  11. Can you not remove it and let it soak in a good oil?
  12. Yep, Monty. Much as I love my Millenium, if I were going to get another, that would be the color scheme I'd look for. It helps when you have a matching trailer too!
  13. Heck man, here's your bike. I've seen this one (synch'd the carbs). Help easyduzzit get his RSV. (this plug requires no commission!)
  14. [quoteThe plastic ones are a little quieter. Now that's funny right there! To pee, I find a good tree. Now if I'm "prairie dogging" then it's double time to the privy.
  15. do a search of threads using the name speedohealer
  16. better take a look at that Triumph Rocket III
  17. OK Ladies, she needs some suggestions. Us guys don't know how to pack!
  18. By the time this is over I'm gonna have alot of stuff for her to try. As well as pulling out her helmet liner and washing it out.
  19. I had one as well. Used it for a while & found pretty much everything you've said. I sold it and bought a Nuvi 780. I like it much better. The only issue is that it's not waterproof so you have to keep a plastic baggie with you. Every other issue you mentioned though is better on this unit.
  20. Thanks ponch. I've ordered her some dry shampoo that was recommended by GAWildcat and was looking for something else other than another doo rag. This is what I've been searching for. I'll get one ordered. Thanks again.
  21. After seeing one at B2Dad's M&E, the Triumph Rocket III would be way up there on my list. Now that was a beautiful machine.
  22. Are the internal volume controls for mp3 and navigation turned up. I had the same issue until turning those up to 100%. Everythings fine now.
  23. There is a program called Switch Sound file converter that will change the Ipod format to mp3. That's what I use then load those onto my SD Card.
  24. They're all somewhat different, but after looking at the owner's manual online, I don't think you have the route download ability. I may be wrong and believe me, someone will point that out if I am. Good Luck.
  25. I honestly don't understand how you Canucks can take all that cold weather. Here in SE Missouri, it gets plenty cold for me and can't end soon enough.
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