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Everything posted by slick97spirit

  1. Ha, did it and didn't even know it! :dancefool::dancefool:
  2. hope this works. It is a video of what they thought we would be driving by now. I love watching these. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQoLXBF4uSA]YouTube- The Cars of Tomorrow[/ame] I tried to embed the video, but don't know how to do that yet.
  3. I ordered them online. I'll have to check to see where I got them from.
  4. Of those Nicaraguan cigars? Pretty smooth huh?
  5. I don't have 4 hours of time to do that. Well, yeah, I guess I do seeing as how I'm gonna be laying around acting like I'm sore and playing this gall bladder thing for all it's worth.
  6. Thanks, that pretty much looks like my ugly mug. preciate it! Ken
  7. Well, can't help with getting them off, but everytime I pull mine, I coat them with high temp anti-sieze when I put them back on. Good luck. Ken/slick
  8. I can assure you that many on here would as well. Ken/slick
  9. Haven't seen a photo with me in it. Guess they didn't want to send everyone into shock!
  10. Dan, after seeing your photo, I did see you. Just didn't know who you were at the time. I'll catch up to you at the next one.
  11. If I knew what they were, I could probably use a couple......LOL
  12. Got home around 7 pm. Pretty sore abdomen. Apparently they found a hernia around the belly button and repaired that as well. Thats the one that hurts the most. thanks for the well wishes. God Bless. Ken
  13. Old goat, go easy on her man, she's been looking out for you really well and has had your best interest at heart.
  14. check your plugs and coils too. they can make a big difference.
  15. Got back from MD Sunday night pretty wiped out. Good day Monday, still wiped out. TuesDAY not bad, now tuesday night was another story. Doubled over in stomach and back pain. Went to the ER (there all night), long story short, I'm headed back to the Horsepital in 20 min. to have my gall bladder yanked out @ 3pm. They tell me I'll feel better afterwards.
  16. If I try that I basically have to unplug the aux from the gps and plug it into the Ipod. I have the same music on both, so I don't do that anymore. Come to think of it, I think I can get recorded books on my gps mp3 player. hmmmmmm
  17. 55-60 = 42 mpg 60 - 70 = 40 75 & up drops to 38 or less. And before anyone pipes up I know. 60 minus 70 does not equal 40. Now saturday night (late that is) at MD it could have!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I don't have an Iphone. Two of my kids do tho and I make them pay me for the data usage. I pay for the phone. I can understand why some people like to get the newest. There are gadget guys and non-gadget guys. I for one am a gadget guy on a non-gadget guy budget. I love the new stuff just can't afford it, but don't fault the ones who can.
  19. I agree on their non-existant upgrades. I took that stupid cassette out and put ponch's gauges in there. As far as the carbs go, for older technology, they are pretty flawless and the reason I still like having carbs is if I have a problem I can usually fix it. Now as soon as they go to fuel injection, the beast is heading to the shop. Where I live, you don't want that to happen. One of the worst dealers around in my opinion. I like being able to service my bike.
  20. Like I've said before, I went with the RSV after #1) I fell in love with that retro dash the first time I saw one and 2) While on the way to MD this year we saw hundreds of motorcycles, maybe a thousand, and 90% of those were HD Ultra's. I just didn't want another of what everybody else out there is riding.
  21. :sign green with env:sign green with env:sign green with env:sign green with env
  22. Also look for "steering head bearing adjustment" type threads in the tech forum. Very simple adjustment if done in the abreviated way. Otherwise, I'd agree with Wanderer regarding tires.
  23. Don't tell V7 Goose, but mine is being mounted today.
  24. Annie, just wanted to let you know that Don looked real cute with his toilet paper hanger on while he was walking around.
  25. Man Dan, I apologize. Besides being ugly, I don't hear very well either. I'll catch up with you at another one.
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