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Everything posted by slick97spirit

  1. Joe, you took the words right outta my mouth.
  2. obviously, there've been alot of modifications, but still pretty amazing.
  3. thanks for posting. tried (unsuccessfully) several others and have been looking for something like this for some time.
  4. I Love em. Especially the trikes.
  5. definately don't need any more spam. in box has over 800 emails in it now. thanks for the heads up
  6. Got my "Millions available if you help me" emails today and wanted to reply with one of those snappy replies that I've read on this site but couldn't find any of them. If any of you have anything I could copy/paste, I'd appreciate it.
  7. Monty/Bill, Sorry we couldn't make it. Things just didn't work out. Hope you guys had a great time. Maybe next go around I can swing it.
  8. Since I ride a Millenium, I wanted brown leather and for some reason wanted Buffalo leather. Did a google search for buffalo leather and that's what I ended up with.
  9. I'm thinking of using some sort of fleece or micro fiber type of cloth. Not sure yet.
  10. Just curious what type of material you used on the back to keep the leather from scratching/buffing the paint? I ordered my buffalo leather yesterday after seeing your post. Figured I'd give the tank bra a try.
  11. NO, NO, NO........that was just their shower caps...
  12. Stop and go has a mini compressor for like $34 and it hooks up to your trickle charger plug which eliminates the amperage concern. Got mine yesterday. Pretty nifty little gadget Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. That's exactly why I ride a RSV. When you see the others it's like, Oh yeah, another GW or HD. Now when you see a RSV (doesn't matter the color or model) it stands out.
  14. I'm associated with a bunch of Criminals. Who woulda thunk it!!
  15. did I read that right were there over 460 photos? Holy Cow!
  16. When asked a question like that, I usually answer,....."ME"
  17. Someone finally asks a question I actually know a good answer to and I see that everyone else does too. Jetboil with a press is the way to go in my opinion, but here are some other alternatives. I haven't read the entire thread so they may have already been mentioned. http://www.backcountry.com/store/search.html?mv_session_id=224oQ7UT&q=coffee+makers
  18. I had a BB for a couple of years and liked it alot. Never used tapatalk with it tho. I recently got the iphone 3GS and use the tapatalk on it several time. Pretty cool ap.
  19. Get you a hole saw and an extension. With a drill it takes about 5 minutes & they're ready to install.
  20. I was wainting for ya Dan! Thought I might as well give ya an "in.":big-grin-emoticon:
  21. Take your fly rod too. There's some really good trout fishing in that area.
  22. I have 3 teeth that are broken off entirely on one side. I attribute that to the greedy dentist who did unnecessary root canals on all three of them. After he did that it made the walls so thin that eventually all 3 of them broke. Now it would cost me $3K to get everything back into shape. There's no way. I think all 3 of them could have been repaired with a simple filling, but no, he had to do root canals. People say all the time that insurance agents are evil (lol, some of them are), well I don't trust dentists.
  23. Mine does the same thing. Didn't realize it till I put the temp gauge on it, then it bout drove me nuts till I asked the same question.
  24. Hey Jim, That's a real looker. I've always loved the look of those and probably always will. Your on your own synching that thing up. Maybe we can find the usb plug hook up and tweak it just a little next time I get over to Knox.
  25. Mine comes pretty close to Ecks. I had a newly purchased (and hardly ridden) RSV Millenium #107 I was so proud of! Also had a newly purchased and never used tilt trailer. Don't get ahead of me! Decided to try to load the new bike on the new trailer right after a rain with no one else home. Yep just me and my dog. Dogs don't understand my voice when it's 8 octaves higher than normal for some reason. Anyway, got the bike up the tilted trailer and even hit the wheel chock. Problem was the trailer didn't tilt back down. There I was with 900 lbs of bike at a 50 deg. angle to the ground on a wet trailer and holding it up there with the front brake only. Right, it didn't hold long. These things can be hell to back up on level ground some times. Try doing it at 15mph backwards with the front tire sliding not rolling. Busted my lower fairing (hadn't put 50 miles on the bike yet) and traded the trailer in that day. I truely felt like an idiot later on as I thought about it.
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