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Everything posted by slick97spirit

  1. http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/news/2012/04/12/mexican-state-charges-motorcyclists-with-terrorism/?test=latestnews
  2. bump
  3. Glad to see your still at it Dan. I smoked for 30 years and 3 years ago decided to start running. First time out I walked 1 mile and went home. Long story short, this last summer I ran my first 1/2 marathon averaging 10:40 per mile. Don't give up. You'll never be what you were in your younger years but you can get in better shape and feel better about yourself. That's the biggest benefit you'll get out of this. I'm getting ready to start the P90x program. From what I've read, this promises to be a real challenge.
  4. Appreciate it guys. You've all been the best bunch I've ever run across on the WWW for sure. Who knows what God has in store maybe he'll let me keep the big blonde.
  5. I haven't been on much lately. Lots of things going on. Bad thing is the MM may have to go on the market. Not sure yet. I'm gonna hang on to it as long as possible but it's just another of the same old stories that I've read about on this forum so many times. Health issues and hard times have landed in Southeast Missouri. I'll keep you guys posted. Sincerely, Ken aka slick97spirit
  6. One of his shoes has about 3 to 4 inches of sole on it. I think he injured his leg in a motorcycle accident several years ago.
  7. Yeah, I thought it looked kind of silly myself..
  8. no idea. A guy at my church owns this. It was sitting there and I thought I'd take a photo to post here.
  9. Thought you guys might get a kick out of this.
  10. The button he's talking about (I believe) is at the very bottom of the page on the right side next to the page number indicator. It is a drop down box where you can enter the page number that you want to go back to.
  11. Could be the new tax code. I doubt either one is helpful though!!!
  12. Good Lord, that thing cost billions and that's the best they could do in the way of a seat. Kind of the same philosophy as Yammie!
  13. Anyone ever show you how to mount a windshield? I think you better fire who ever it was!
  14. Bought mine in Knoxville, Tn. sight unseen. I did have my brother go take a look at it. I see another one driving on hwy 60 (in SE Missouri) all the time. Just never had a chance to catch him at a stop to see if he's from this site. Get compliments on it all the time. Especially after they find out it's nearly 12 years old.
  15. That's sounds like something I'd eventually be interested in although it sounds pricey. When can we see it on your web site? Keep us informed and thanks
  16. I had no idea they still had snow up there in JULY!!! Beautiful riding I bet!
  17. I rode the bike out Thursday about 3 hours on some good twisties to Montauk State Park. We fished until Sunday morning. All total I landed 120+ trout, all of which were in the catch and release area, so someone else will get to have their fun with them too. Attached is a photo of the fish of the trip. My conservative estimate is 5 lbs but my buddy said he thought he was more like 6 to 6 1/2 lbs. He sure was chunky and fun to catch. Had a good ride home in a sprinkle all the way home. Nice and cool. It was a great trip.
  18. Maybe just a little body work done! I like the form fitted slots for his legs and feet!
  19. http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2011/07/19/motorcycle-rider-breaks-300-mph/?test=faces :wow:
  20. Handle the claim through her company if at all possible. Don't turn it in to yours unless she or her company doesn't respond. If you do and they pay (even if they subrogate) it will still show as a loss on your policy. If they don't respond properly, do turn it in to your company. They'll take care of the loss then go after her company for reimbursement
  21. You just described 90% of my slow speed turns/u-turns. Doesn't embarrass me one bit. As long as it stays upright I'm cool with it.
  22. :wow:envious!!
  23. loving those white walls
  24. In the spring, I'll put the bike up on the Carbon One stand and give it a good going over using S100 (honda line spray polish) or Plexus afterwards. Putting it on the stand makes getting at the wheels and tires easier, plus this old man doesn't have to bend over quite so far.
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