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Personal Information

  • Name
    Mikele Amorico (PIPER)


  • Location
    Adelaide, Australia


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  • Home Country


  • Bike Year and Model
    2006 xvz1300ctt
  1. After 115000km my cruse control was not working on further investigation I discovered that my clutch handle has a slight movement in worn is there a way to fix it or do i have to replace it thanks
  2. I rode my bike into a gate to avoid a cat that ran across my path to avoid hitting it I turned into my gate and broke my right faring . can someone tell me where I can purchase a black right faring for mine XVZ 1300 ctt manufactured in 2005. If you can help me . tell me the price , and I will pay for freight to Australia . thank you.my bike is classed as a convertible , because the backseat rest and windshield clips off can someone help me . thank you again.
  3. As the oil is coming from through the vent tub. Could this mean that ( because I keep the oil level full ? ) or ( I mite be using the wrong oil ? ) for this type of motor. I have being all ways using Shell Advance VSX 4 stroke a synthetic performance oil 15W-50.
  4. Hi every one have not being on this site for a while got my self a classic CZ 1948 Perak (feather) Model 11 and trying to find info and parts for it.I am at 90,000 km full services vale shims, carb sink, greasing, plus more but when I pull the air induction box off and found oil in the left side and oil water muck in the left and right sides were could this oil and water be coming from.
  5. Told the new Lady that I ride. Now she has taken the a ride to her own bike If they question your riding they are not for you. Let her go if she wants you she will change and riding her own with you .
  6. Thanks but the parts from this site are not available’ I think.
  7. Can some one help me with the part No for the radiator plugs I am having trouble finding it in my manual and (where dose:confused24: one look?)
  8. No here in Australia we don’t get 5 year warranty we only get 2 years. If we had 5 years, I would have clamed on my rear shock and other things.
  9. Hi every one. "As we are coming into winter, the mornings are cold. " One morning I went to get food and found radiator fluid leaking from one of the drain plugs. It was on the right front side of the engine today I worked on the bike and found that the left rear is also leaking. My question is can I just pull them out and reseat them or should I replace them Thanks
  10. I today received my fork head nut tool from Gary He shipped it to Valley View South Australia Australia (DOWN UNDER) from when I asked for this tool 8 days to my home THANK YOU again
  11. I am having problem attaching the photos hop this works The molly 60 dry up to a chalk after only 2000 km I am using shell Nautilus marine grease now in both dikes I think the molly dry up dessert climate hear in South Australia
  12. I have but I found the molly 60 dryed up after 2000 km here some piks
  13. I have and do every about 5000 km
  14. IT look's like fun:rotfl:
  15. Hi every one hope you all had a GREAT Xmas and Top NEW YEARS This post is for, I have a clicking noise coming from the rear of my bike, it happens only when I move my bike with the motor not running. Has this happened to any of your bikes? If so what was the problem and what was the way it was fixed. Thanks PIPER FROM ADELAIDE SOUTH AUSTRALIA
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