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About Tommy

  • Birthday 02/26/1939

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Cary, NC, United States


  • City
    Cary, NC


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Motorcycles, Music, Movies, Guitar. I own a 1989 Venture Royale, 1998 V_max, and a 2005 FZ1.
  • Bike Year and Model
    Venture Royale, 1989
  1. I've owned two of em,....what do you want to know???I used my Maxes for cross country trips....Tommy
  2. We are losing to many good people...Please accept my condolences to you and the family...Some of my very best friends are Marines,....great bunch of people..they add some class to this world.
  3. Isn't it wonderful to believe in something greater than we?? Our prayers to you and your family.....Tommy
  4. Tommy

    Rider Down

    I am so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you and the family..
  5. Amen Kit,...well said..
  6. I have guns in my home and I do carry on the bike, also I carry when my wife is in the car. I started to carry awhile ago after a summer trip to Missouri. I was on Bertha, headed home, and a van load of our south of the border friends came up behine me. I sped up...they sped up, I slow down..they slow down. These kids were just having fun. That night, at the motel it hit me,...what if they were not playing?, what if they wanted to rob, steal the bike, beat the crap out of me?...etc. I took the concealed carry course, bought some handguns, practiced at the range and became proficient. I am 5' 11" tall and weigh 158 pounds, also, I am 69 years old. I think I am entitled to protect my family and myself. Remember, God did not create all men equal, Mr. Colt did......
  7. I wear my .357 to bed....any questions. If you are found around my home at night, that's where you will be found in the morning...Just kidding,...sort of..
  8. A week ago last Saturday I sold Bertha to a collector in our area. Bertha is number 5 in his 'gen'. 1 Venture Royale collection. I have visitation rights. I had just pulled up to my ususal parking space at my home dealershihp. A gentleman walked up to me and asked if I would sell my bike. I told him that I was still having a minor carb. adjustment problems and I thought the bike was running pretty well but needed a little more work with the pilot screws.Muffinman, I was able to clear the running rich problem on carb. number 2. Any way I shot the guy a price...What I paid for Bertha 3 years ago. He said "I'll take it". I had sold my 98 V-max in December of 2006 and sold my 05 FZ1 in June of this year (to buy a car,..ugh). I have now replaced Bertha with 'Angelena' my new 2008 FZ1. I went back to my performance roots. I had a ball traveling on the Gen 1., better than any large bike I had ever owned. That includes my Goldwing, and Harley baggers. I know I'll miss all of her creature comforts. I would still like to hang around here from time to time, just to keep up with the 'goings on'...Jeff, I want to thank you for you efforts, and hope you and Mini are well.....I'm still here, if you guys need me......Tommy
  9. OK Lowell,...This worked for me so I'm gonna pass it along to you. First of all, quitting 'cold' is the best way, first week is the hardest. You are finally doing something good for you!!! Now Second,..Figure up what cigaretts will cost you for a year. You know, cost per pack, packs per day, for 365 days....It's a lot of bucks, Huh??? Now, go out and buy yourself something you have wanted for a long time, for that amount of money...Bring it home and look at it...Look at it everytime you want a cigarett and tell yourself....No,...I have already spent my cigarett money on something neat, and chew a stick of gum...Good Luck., Most things that are worth while take a little sacrifice....Tommy
  10. I just returned from the funeral of John Shockley, he was 46. John was a riding and shooting buddy. He was in Florida for a Goldwing meet and, outside of Ocala, Florida a car in the oncoming southbound lane hydroplaned across the median , hit the guard rail on the northbound lane spun around, and came to a stop blocking a full lane and a half of the northbound highway. It was dark, about 6:40am and raining. John did not have time to react and hit the stationary car in the right rear passenger door. It appears he was traveling around 65 mph. according to reports of the other riders in the group. John was a prankster who enjoyed swiping my motorcycle key just to see how I would react when everyone was ready to go and I couldn't find a way to start Bertha....A great guy and riding partner, I will miss his wry grin and soft manner. I have to believe that somewhere in heaven there is a great two lane mountain road where John and Don Spiker are riding together...Please be careful out there...I can't stand the thought of losing anymore of my friends.....Tommy
  11. I had Bertha out both Tues. and Wed. When she got all hot ,the idle went back up to 1600 rpm...I pulled the side cover and reset the idle to 1000 rpm. I rode another 6 miles and the idle was back up to 1600 rpm. Again, I stopped and reset the idle to 1000 rpm. When I started the engine cold the second day the bike would not run unless I had the enricher was on until the bike was good and hot. Don't know whats going on. This bike has never been so unstable...As Don suggested, Do you think I need to cook the TCI?? I am so frustrated at this point I don't even want to touch her. The idle is not stable and will sometime surge up and down a few hundred rpm...She still will run on three cylinders until I twist the throttle up a bit and she takes off on all four. I think the engine is running on four cylinders at cruise however.....Any ideas??? Tommy
  12. Glad I was able to help. Will Rick replace the stator or will you have to buy one?
  13. Now I gotta get all gathered up again.....whew!!
  14. Year before last I was on my usual midwest trip..I was confronted by a van load of kids on my return trip..they would get close and I would speed up, then they would speed up...I would slow down and they would slow down. Just harmless fun as far as they were concerned...I thought about that incedent a great deal. What it they were not just having fun? They saw an old man on a motorcycle, with out of state plates. They knew I had money on me cause I was traveling cross country. Since that incedent, I now have a concealed carry permit good in my state and 30 other states. I also carry a S&W Pistol with 17 rounds in the magazine. If attacked, I will not go quietly into that good night. I would suggest, an MS victim, like your brother, could probably handle a small pistol with a light trigger pull. (like a Kel-Tec .380). Do a little research about a guard dog and pistol. Just don't leave him unprotected if you can help it. I don't know about Canadian law, but, if someone broke into my home, and I was able to kill the bastard before he could do me or my family harm...He would be dead meat, and I would be alive, and the courts would have to figure it out.....
  15. I have been successful using soapy water and my wifes hairspray as the glue.The soapy water is the lubricant on the bar, and I then turn up the grip and shoot hairspray into the grip to completely coat the inside..then push the grip on the bar. Don't ride until the hairspray has had time to dry, around 8 hours. Then you are good to go. I have used this method for years and has not failed me as yet....my $.02
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