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About wasabe58

  • Birthday June 17

Personal Information

  • Name
    Art W.


  • Location
    Spring Hill, United States


  • City
    Spring Hill


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2000 Venture MM
  1. I have to agree with everyone else, I think you are right. The kid delivering the pizza did not get the $3.50. He deserves the tip of 2 or 3 bucks to be out in the cold. Think about this also...when you get top AZ you won't have too many 30 degree nights anyway. Artie
  2. I have a 2000 Millenium and I just turned 40k. This is my 10th bike or so (in 30 years) and this is the best bike I have owned ...without a doubt. Artie
  3. Thanks Guys, I now question myself...not sure if my NUVI 350 has bluetooth in it for my phone to hook up to. Buddy, I will check tonight and send the money right out via paypal (if it in the Nuvi). Thanks again, artie
  4. I have decided top add this addition to the scooter. can anyone advise where to buy the buddy rich cable setup. I just bought new speakers and figured since I will be splitting the fairing ...might as well add that setup as well. thanks for your input. Artie
  5. I currently own a Venture and the Ultimate seat is not available (yet)...but I had the Ultimate seat on my last Valkyrie. It was the BEST SEAT EVER..IMHO. I rode my bike from FLorida to Laconia and never had any pain or numbness to my butt. I think you will love it, a bit pricey but well worth every penny. Artie
  6. Hey Boddman, If nobody has grabbed the tan cover I would def be interested in it. I have a 2000MM and when I bought the presvious owner had two holes drilled in it for some reason?? Artie "Wasabe"
  7. Hey Don, You are in my prayers Bud, always remain positive .... Think positively and God will provide..... Artie
  8. I pulled my tank badges off using the fishing line idea, then I used a product called "GOO-GONE" which I get at my local Ace Hardware store. It still requires elbow grease but it does not hurt the paint. I did a search online and it appears you can even get the product at Walgreens. Here is the link so you can get an idea on the product.... http://www.walgreens.com/store/store/product/product_details.jsp?id=prod3791613 Artie
  9. Chuck, I am not sure what state you are located in, however, the laws are basically the same. You do have a civil case for sure, but you also have a theft. The dealership is not the thief, it is the painter so you can report him to the police/sheriffs department. I cannot see a fraud in your first paragraph. As far as the dealership you have the civil suit, as they are the subjects that entered into the contract of painting the equiptment. Although their little paragraph on the bottom that you sign does say they are not responsible, a lawyer can rattle their cage with a letter. One last option would be to contact a consumer lawyer on your local TV stations, maybe one of them would be willing to work with you. Remember, all that bad advertisement might be the thorn in their side that they need to be motivated. Just my little 2 cents worth... Artie
  10. Hey Bud, What Ram mount and Iphone case are you using...I like the idea of running my video through my phone instead of the camera. Artie
  11. I would be VERY leary, I am a cop down in FLorida and just wrote a report for a guy that bought a car on ebay...turns out it was a scam, they changed a few small things in the add and copied it from the auto trader site. Luckily he just lost $500...just my 2 cents worth.... Artie
  12. I HAVE to agree with Ruffy, I also loved NYPD Blue....I am originally from NY and I am currently (for just a few more years) a cop down here in Florida this show also brought some insight from both sides. Besides, like he said Sipowicz was just a real down to earth cop.
  13. Our prayers are with you...
  14. Well, about a year ago I purchased my 2000 MM (which I love) for a great price. My son was the finance manager at the dealership that I bought the bike from so I got a good deal. Well, I am not really liking the color, while the bike is a pretty bike, I really like darker colored motorcycles. While I keep looking around I do not see any prices that are so high that I should concern myself with changes (painting the bike to match my choices). My opinion is that I paint it and ride it in enjoyment, or sell it and buy another. My choice of color would be a black with a small amout of blue metalflake in the paint. My question is simply this...if I paint my bike to the color I want do you think my value on the bike will change (if it changes at all). The biggest issue that bothers me is that my bike is number 3 ....of 1500. Please let me know what you think......just looking for input to help me make my mind up.... Thanks for your thoughts.... Artie
  15. Sure does souind like a fish stoory.... REALLY ...REALLY it was thiiiiisssss BIG!!! Other than that great catch!!
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