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Posts posted by Caveman

  1. Had an encounter on my way to work tonight. RSV 1 : opossum 0. I have often wondered how this big ole bike would handle such an encounter and those brand new avons mowed right over that poor animal. I had no time to initiate braking measures which I think was probably a good thing as it happend accelerating out of a curve. Be careful out there guys.

  2. I had the pleasure of meeting my first venturerider brother today. Walter (wes0778) what a cool guy. He showed me what the big craze is about on these Stebel air horns, folks that will be my next purchase. Anyway Walter good to meet you my friend. Carl

  3. Ok guy's I'm torn and need your help. Should I go with the michelin or the avon. I,m semi aggressive, commute 100 miles on work day's and ride two-up occaissionally on trips. I weigh 175 and my bride a meager 110 soaking-wet. I want traction and miles. Is that asking too much?:sign67:

  4. Many thanks, according to what I see on the image, it looks possible for the RES tube to be clogged and not allow a feed of fuel..


    The bike is a 2006 Midnight Special..


    Although another kerniption is amiss as the the low fuel light doesn't engage before I hit reserve.. What might be the cause of that, I wonder.. This light is supposed to come on before hitting reserve fuel, no?


    Thanks to all for your comments and help.. it is much appreciated.


    Yah to that. My fuel light comes on dim at first before going to reserve. then about the time it starts sputtering it's on bright.

  5. no offense taken. no way of knowing how long you've owned your ride. I know I get the same effect from my ride when the fan cuts on w/ summer riding. Just a suggestion. Hope you fgure it out my friend.

  6. Hey Buddy, My son just graduated boot camp from Paris Island and is now at Camp Lejeun for infantry trainig. Congrats it,s hard not to be proud of'em and a whole lot of respect for what they are doing. All heroes in my book. He'll come out very different: a real man focused on what overcoming any obstacle in life and a can do attitude. Go Marines!!! Good luck! Carl

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