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Everything posted by kantornado

  1. Thank you Brad for keeping us updated. I know David has a long way to go to recovery. But with the good friends he has and the love of family and prayers he will come through this. Again THANK YOU for keeping us updated............Ron
  2. We will be thinking of you with fond memories and wish we could be there. Mis you all.....................Ron & Linda
  3. Prayers are out for Ponch and Kathy, Thank you Brad for the updates. Linda and I have them in our Prayers....................Ron
  4. I used 3M 2 part apoxy industrial, kind of green in color, very flxable to work with but strong as steel. Very good stuff. I just used duc tape on the inside of fairing and put the epoxy on and worked with it molding the resin to get rid of cracks. used a body cheese grader and then sanding 40,80,120,180,220 grit paper to sand. finish filler to get rid of dimples, primed wet sanded 600 and painted. hope it helps ..................Ron
  5. Just unvailed tonight here is the ‎911 Remembrance trophy for first place in the car show. Twin towers done in mirror. Very cool and one of a kind. If you guys know of someone who has a custom car and would like a chance to get in on this let them no and register on the web site. I am just so excited about being involved with so many great people and being part of a really great cause with a chance to help so many. I hope my fellow VENTURERIDERS are planning to attend because registration is limited. http://external.ak.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=AQBi_augJeuT8nm7&w=90&h=90&url=http%3A%2F%2F911remembrancelasvegas.org%2Fimages%2FPCmotorcycle.jpg 911 Remembrance Motorcycle Run ‎911remembrancelasvegas.org The 9/11 Remembrance organization is honored to announce a special memorial - 9/11 Remembrance, Igniting The Spirit Of Unity - with events planned on September 9, 10, and 11 of 2011.
  6. It makes no difference what uniform one wears it is that we served. As I stated "To a Marine no explanation is necessary to one who is not, no explanation is possible!" Yammer Dan your son knows and a BIG Semper Fi to him. Just wanted to share a good message to my fellow MARINES.......Ron:cool10:
  7. Semper Fi U.S.M.C. . I received this article from a brother Marine, It says all of what I believe and carry with me everyday of my life. All I know is that my transformation process to this state of "arrogance" started in September 1972 when I arrived at MCRD San Diego, Ca and by Jan 73 all traces of the "unorganized grab-ass tic" slothful being that disembarked from the bus had vanished from the face of the earth and a proud indestructible new being with a vibrant 197 year-old Heart, took form. That Heart still beats proudly some 39 years later as I recall the names, faces, places and events that ensued while proudly wearing Marine Green and knowing that I was a link in an unbreakable chain that was forged on 10 November 1775 but would be without termination. The blood of every Marine that ever was and ever will be, flows through my veins and mine in theirs. I have tried to "lovingly" explain it to non-Marines but as the axiom says, "To a Marine no explanation is necessary to one who is not, no explanation is possible!" Semper Fidelis - God, Country & Corps http://mail.aol.com/33953-111/aol-6/en-us/mail/get-attachment.aspx?uid=28586788&folder=Inbox&partId=4 Marine Arrogance The below was taken from the latest edition of Sgt. Grit . An excellent response: I wrote this in response to an Army guy on Facebook who posted a comment on our Marine Corps site that he was sick and tired of Marine "arrogance". As it would to any Marine, it pissed me off some and I posted this. I hope you enjoy it and feel free to repost it wherever you would like. Thank you and Semper Fi! Marc Ciacchi. Someone asked me what makes Marines special. I thought about that for awhile. I think that what makes Marines special, if only in our own minds, is that elusive Quality of Espirit D'Corps. It's the fact that we, as individual Marines, don't feel that we are individual Marines. When we wear our uniform, when we hear our Hymn, when we go into battle, we are going with every other Marine who ever wore the uniform. Standing behind us are the Marines who fought during the birth Of our nation. We're standing with the Marines who fought in WWI and gave birth To the legend of the "Teufel Hun den", or "Devil Dogs". We are standing with the Marines who took Iwo and Tarawa and countless other blood soaked islands throughout the Pacific. We are standing with the "Frozen Chosin" and our Beloved Chesty Puller. We are standing with the Marines who battled at Hue City And Khe Sanh and the muddy rice paddies of South East Asia . We are standing With the Marines who fought in Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom and now, are fighting in Afghanistan . Like real brothers, their blood courses through our veins, and when we go into battle, we would rather lay down our lives than be a disappointment to them. We carry on our backs, their legacy, their deaths and their honor. We Carry that for the rest of our lives. The Marine Corps uniform doesn't come off when our active duty is over. We wear it daily in our attitude, and our love of Corps and country. We wear it on our tattoos and our bumper stickers. We wear it in our hearts. It's why, no matter where we are in the world, on November 10th, every Marine celebrates the Marine Corps birthday. It's why we'll never be an army of 1. It's why we never stop being Marines. It's why, for most of us, being a Marine Isn't something we were. It's something we are. It's the most important part of Who and what we are. Some say we're arrogant. We say we're proud. We have a right to be proud. We are United States Marines. The most feared and ferocious Group of warriors to walk the face of this earth. When Americas ' enemies formulate their battle plans, they plan on going around Marine units, because they know D-mn well that they can't go through them. We are what the other branches wish they were. We are the modern day Spartans. This isn't bragging. It's written In the battle history of our country. When there's a parade and the Marines march by, everyone pays a little more attention. Some say "arrogance". We call it "pride"
  8. Thanks DragonRider sent Beer30 a PM. A big THANK YOU to all who responded.................Ron
  9. I am sure I saw someone at one time who does leather work. But my rememberer is not so good. lol I would like them to Pm or phone me. So we can talk...............Ron
  10. That depends on your taste, sense moving here we have seen about every show here. We kept a open mind and as a local we get a pretty good discount. Two we opted out of because we did not want to see. (Beatles, Elvis). We loved Celine Dion and Garth and Laughed are buts of with Terry Fator and Frank Caliendo. We liked Blue Man Group, Le Reve. The Cirque shows we liked and would recommend are Cirque du Soleil’s “O.” Zumanity, Mystère and KÀ Then there are the ADULT shows X Burlesque, Fantasy. Hope this helps you out. The shows and entertainment was one of the reasons we moved here. Eventually everyone comes here……….Ron
  11. OWL'S Virago is so pretty now that Gary done it proud it just wants to get out and Go. Russ on the other hand likes looking in the rearview mirror of the VENTURERANGER and seeing the Virago in the wind................Ron :rotf:
  12. I note a little anger and hostility in your tone. I hope to answer your questions and concerns. I cannot answer about the 70th anniversary of December 7th but I do hope there will be a celebration and there should be. The proceeds from t-shirt sales and all memorabilia go to Fueled by the Fallen, Wounded warrior project, Honor Guards from around the nation as well as a few other charities. There is politics involved from both sides of the isle and if you have ever dealt with it, it can be a nightmare. So you know all monies raised have to be given to these organizations. After everyone is paid our books have to say zero funds. So you are aware it is costing X amount to rent the race track for 2 days. LVMS is large enough to handle this type of volume. I.E. people, cars, motor homes, motorcycles ect. It also costs X amount to get all the entertainment equipment set up at the various locations around Las Vegas. I can not give you the amounts because they did give a discount but I can tell you it was in the 7 figure range and not cheep. There are porta potties, water stations, trash pickup, fire, ambulance, and police for crowd control Highway patrol, park fees, street use fees, electrical fees, permits and use fees. All have to be paid for and it’s not a tax write off FUN IS NOT CHEAP. Anyone who has ever done a fund raiser knows it cost money and like a maintenance day it cost money and hotels will benefit we just hope they will give a discount to those that will come out. The city does not DONATE anything the tax payers would blow a gasket. Next time your at a FREE anything and they have a porta=john who paid for it so everyone could P?? If there are questions or concerns please call. I wish everyone could come here because I think I am putting on one heck of FUN RUN to benefit these charities. Do you have any idea how hard it was to get the Las Vegas strip blocked off to do this run? Think about this for a moment. It is a major source of transportation for every casino on the strip. I am stopping them from doing business for several hours. Think about how small the entrance fee is and the cost of a ticket to see Carrie Underwood and Kid Rock and all the other entertainment. Hope I answered your concerns and if you have any others call me or PM me........Ron P.S. I do hope this generates MILLIONS.
  13. Because I am the Chairman for the Motorcycle event and a big fan of VENTURERIDER you all get first hand knowledge of what’s going on and before this event hits the Nation wide Media blitz on May 15th and the hotel prices go up then get scarce. So if you’re going to make it to Las Vegas for this event book early. Some of the entertainment for this event are Carrie Underwood and Kid Rock are slated to perform. Just too mention a couple. The party after the ride will be big Ladies and Gentlemen. As Mentioned before September 11, 2011 marks the 10th year anniversary of the tragic events that fell upon our nation. To honor all that have been affected, I am proud to announce a spectacular memorial, "A Decade of Remembrance September 11, 2001-2011. A three day event that will link east coast to west coast via multiple media. This is expected to be one of the largest events to ever occur in Las Vegas. Here are some of the events that are going to take place over the 3 day event. 9-9-11 opening ceremonies with car show in the historic down town Las Vegas. 9-10-11 Motorcycle run down the Las Vegas strip to Russell then to highway 15 back to Las Vegas Motor speedway for a really big party. A 9.11k race and 1 mile fun walk. There is also a 91.1 k bicycle ride and Horses for Heroes Family day. On the 11th of September Heroes Processional then a Gala event on the evening of 9-11-2011 and not to mention all of the memorabilia that is being made such as coins, cups, t-shirts. pins just to mention a few. So I hope you will attend at least the west coasters the east coasters can hit NEW YORK....................Ron http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/184917_168905709823185_159022570811499_341940_3131757_n.jpg
  14. Very,Very nice. I would like to see pics of the bike LEFT,RIGHT FRONT,BACK and TOP with dash panel. She does look sweet great job. you do have talents............Ron
  15. To bad Courtney sold her bike. She is a great young women and we had a great time signing her seat. We do mis those P.I.P get togethers.
  16. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/member.php?u=37 Do not know before crash what number I was but was on the other site in the early days and when Freebird left I followed. I have always been honered to of met all the people I have here and 37 is pretty cool but 6k would be too. But 37 is still cool.........Ron:cool10:
  17. Don it is painted on and I do not have a steady hand for this type of work. The guy did a good job............Ron
  18. Put new graphics on the bike, It really looks good.Hundred bucks well spent. Now I need to find out the member who does the windshield leather work.......Ron
  19. As the Chairman of this Motorcycle Event, I would like to see a GREAT showing of VR members. I am playing a small part in the big picture of this event and like nothing more then to have a good showing. This September 11, 2011, marks the 10th year anniversary of the tragic events that fell upon are nation. To honor all that have been affected, we in Vegas are proud to announce a spectacular memorial, "A Decade of Remembrance September 11, 2001-2011. A three day event that will link east coast to west coast via multiple media. This is expected to be the largest event to ever occur in Las Vegas. This is history in the making that everyone can be a part of, whether as a volunteer, vendor, or sponsor or participant of any kind. The goal is to honor and benefit 9/11 survivors, first responders, and veterans of our Armed Forces. Not to take away from the other 9-11 events going on around the country. ddoggma, I am hoping that if those who can not make it to Ground Zero can make it to Vegas. If all in the surrounding states of Nevada can make it here and help us celebrate you would make this an event like no other. Registration is being done at Red Rock Harley Davidson Las Vegas, Nv. RRHD is the premier dealership in Las Vegas and proud sponsor of this event. http://www.lasvegasharleydavidson.com/custompage.asp?pg=riders_edge So I would like to see all my VENTURE BUDDIES who can make it here to do so to help make this event one to remember................Ron Elbert Chairman Motorcycle Committee “A Decade of Remembrance” Las Vegas, Nv
  20. Las Vegas will be the site of one of the largest remembrances for the events of 9/11. 10 years ago our country was attacked. We came together as a country during those times and have slowly drifted apart since. Please click the link to this page and click like. It will continue to provide you with updates as the events are announced. Lets come back together as a country and remember. Please share this with all your friends. This is going to be a great event for a great cause. If you are looking for a great place to vacation HERE IT IS. VEGAS baby. This will be one heck of an event for Bikers. The bike run will be down the strip and to the Las Vegas motor speedway for a great party on 9-10-11 that’s on Sat. There is a parade down the strip on Sunday the 11th. A car show and a horse show. If you have always wanted to be part of something this is your chance. You need to register for the run to get all the goodies. This will have a New York / Las Vegas simulcast. THIS IS HUGE..................Ron http://www.facebook.com/pages/911-A-Decade-of-Remembrance/159022570811499?sk=wall&filter=2 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Fueled-by-the-Fallen-Memorial-Race-Car-Team/9857964895?ref=ts http://www.fueledbythefallen.org/
  21. in VEGAS or NY city for 9-11-2011 a Decade of Remembrance you will miss out on one heck of an event. Book early from 9-8 2011 to 9-12-2011 More to come.................Ron
  22. There bedrooms are faceing the street in question. I am the only one on the road at this time of morning. My pipes are not loud and because I live here I am very considerate of my neighbors. They do not like motorcycles and any noise makes there dogs bark. There just those type of people. Not happy unless there *****en about something. They have lived here about 4 months.
  23. This sign is directed at me. Even though I am not speeding, someone thinks I am and went to the trouble to cause attention to when I leave the subdivision. I am very considerate of my neighbors, but I guess you can not please everyone.....Ron
  24. done and good luck
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