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Everything posted by kantornado

  1. Jonesy thanx for the heads up. The shocks that come with the kit are they gas type or spring and is that the reason for the rough ride. This is great insight I can up grade as I build. You have a very nice looking trike. What is your fuel mileage with the conversion.
  2. Thanx all. So far I think I'm going the Triwing route, I can do the work myself and then also I have the wisdom of the good people on this site. As well as some pretty smart friends (azzes) mostly (lol) I looked at the Richland Roadsters and not what I wanted as well as a sidecar. Hannigan I took off the list after talking to them and they would not ship to a shop not on there list. I truly want to do the work myself, this way I know its done right. I am not one of these guys who says (If it ain't broke don't fix it) If any one wants to chime in please do so I am not in a hurry. I'm saven my nickles and dimes.
  3. How many of you built your own trike and what brand did you use. Was the trike kit complete or did you have to fabricate parts. Hannigan is 1st on my list TRIWING is 2nd of the DIY kits. Also as a trike owner what do you feel is the add on's you wished you had or done I.E steering rake, emergency brake, Aux fuel tank ?? Thanks in advance.
  4. Think of Ponch every-time I look at my gauges. He helped me install them the right way while on the phone with him. GREAT MAN
  5. I would like to say HAPPY CANADA DAY to all of you far northern folk.
  6. I have learned a few things by reading the posts here and got some insight as to riding styles of members here. Hitting cars that ran stop signs,lights and a deer at 60mph as well as just recently a antifreeze slick that came out of nowhere. When young I wore a helmet on and off depending on day and wear I was riding. A helmet has saved my life more then once and to me putting it on is a no brainier. I can not tell you how wonderful it was to of hit a car and fly over the top, land on my feet, slide to my butt,everything is in slow motion coming to an abrupt stop and my forehead slamming into the asphalt and as I springboard backwards seeing the indentation of wear my forehead hit,then slamming the back of my head on the asphalt and cracking my 3/4 bell helmet down the middle with a 1/2 inch deep bowl of the back of my head. I figured it was a "sign" as I was going to throw the helmet on the work bench (cause I was only going to the store) the ring caught my little finger and I said what the hell and put it on. As I have aged and healing time is longer I am more inclined to dress for the slide. But as always I am hopeful that another crash will not happen, but being realistic I know it will probably happen again. The 3rd degree burns on my right arm/shoulder and the bone scraped off my right knee has made me reevaluate my riding outerwear. But comfort is very important as well and its a call I make everyday.
  7. Things on my list are a done deal. We will be in Sturgis for bike week.Just need to know where the Meet,Eat,Greet is being held at and time. I love it when a plan starts to come together. Truly looking forward to meeting up with VENTURERIDERS I have not met yet. And some I have not seen sense the International rally in 07.
  8. I or should I say we will be in Rapid city. I made the ride to Sturgis 27 years in a row and and when our kids got old enough they rode with me and loved it and it created great memories. My son loved the area so much he moved to Rapid after collage. The wiffle and I wanted to ride to Sturgis again this year. But it cuts into time with the grand kids so we are flying and renting a car. I do want to meet up with tx2sturgis and any of the other VENTURERIDERS who want to get together.
  9. Look foreword to meeting up with you and all VENTURERIDERS.
  10. My vote is the 1200 Voyager
  11. Was wondering about how many of you and your passenger dress for the wreck or the ride. I see people here who ware half helmet/shorts/T's/Sandals when the temps over 100 Degrees. Then others are in full face/leathers/boots/gloves Then everything in between. Just curious Hitting the asphalt/concrete here with a surface temp on a 100 degree day asphalt can reach up to 120 degrees, depending on exposure to the sun, altitude etc When I first got here the asphalt had liquefied at a stop light the outside official temp was 117 on that day but the temp can change as much as 4 to 8 degrees depending on where you are in this valley.
  12. On my way to Sturgis S.D. I stopped to eat and had my bike parked on main street at a restaurant in Carney Nebraska in the late 70's. I was parked about 1/4 block away lots of other bikes around. Never ever would think anyone would mess with my stuff cause I don't mess with other peoples. Just not how I was raised so I Went to leave and someone had used a cigarette to burn a bunch of holes in the lining of my helmet. Needless to say I never left anything on the bike or my helmet in the helmet lock unless I could plainly see the bike. I hate parking my bike anywhere I can not see it. Just to many A-holes out here
  13. Kinda cool, Bringing out old memoriesof a great group we joined in the 80's. Still have the pins and patches. After the switch to MTA we were still members of a great riding group and continued to be participants.
  14. I had a 1980 xs11 and it was a little top heavy I kinda mis those days of piecing a bike together. Found most of my stuff at local bike shops that did repairs on crashed bikes. Pacifico fairing off a yamaha, bates bags and side rails off a Suzuki, vetter trunk off of a Goldwing and I had to modify all of them to fit. put a cup holder and onehander cb, and a am/fm cassette player on it had to make the inserts and chrome rails for the trunk cause Vetter and Honda thought they were made of gold. I used chrome cabinet handles and made the side rail inserts. Found a king/queen seat off a Kawasaki and made it fit the XS 11 insert gave 5 bucks for the seat at a swap-meet. Man that's when bike's were fun to make them your own. Did not have allot of disposable cash so had to really give thought and make the most out of what I had. Before dealers figured there was gold in used parts. Trunk was 10 bucks, fairing 40 bucks, and bags with rails 30 bucks. 2 part epoxy and Sanded them all down and a little primer and paint and she was like new. Boy you all brought back great memories. I put allot of miles on that bike and more then 1 trip to Sturgis S.D. and Ruidoso N.M. Great bike and good memories.
  15. I bought the one Yamaha sold with the studs for 200. The Velcro is cheap and did not hold the flap down and the cheap zipper broke after about a summer. Replaced both at a cost of 50 bucks and they work good now. From what I have seen on other bikes it would of been better to of gone to a leather shop and had one made the way "I" wanted it. Live and learn............
  16. Here are the ones I bought and price is to good not to buy more then one set and they are working fine. http://www.ebay.com/itm/BRAKE-PADS-YAMAHA-ROYAL-STAR-MIDNIGHT-VENTURE-XVZ13-XVZ1300-2002-2007-FRONT-REAR-/281052319892?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item4170061094&vxp=mtr
  17. I truly enjoyed reading all of these entertaining posts. In my youth I would take off on trips with no more then the clothes on my back and be gone for a week sleeping on the side of the road or on tables at road side stops.(Oh youth). Then as I grew older and bikes changed as well as things I learned I thought I needed to what I really needed. I found a solid bike and less is actually more ( the basics) and as storage space grew (bags,trunk, fairing) I searched for items that would fit in the space provided (tent, sleeping bag, personnel items). I found a Credit card some cash was more then enough. Then after getting married I found that if it did not fit into a saddle bag it did not go with us. (packing light is better, throw away clothes to buy "T's" at rally's) Then came a bigger tent (as we got older) and we wanted better sleeping bags as well as comfort items (pillows,air mattress,air pump and tools) better to have and not need it then need it and not have it mentality,so a trailer ensued. Now we are back to the basics and we have tons of room on the bikes. No more tents (it's hotels) no more eating on the side of roads from a cooler.(restaurants are #1) and credit card and bank card is all we need with very little cash and a good cell phone with nation wide coverage. We still pack as light as we can with what we have on and a spare set of rally shirts,socks and undies and our toiletries. We can always buy if we really need something and discard what we don't need. Now this is what I have learned over the years of trials and tribulations. I know everyone thinks a little different and this may not work for anyone but us. But we like it and it does works for us.....
  18. I think it would be a lot less expensive to get a 40X49 trailer and a cargo carrier. http://www.harborfreight.com/870-lb-capacity-40-inch-x-49-inch-heavy-duty-utility-trailer-with-8-inch-wheels-and-tires-42708.html http://www.walmart.com/ip/SportRack-Skyline-XL-Roof-Mount-Cargo-Box/23578501 http://www.sears.com/x-cargo-car-top-carrier/p-02807271000P?prdNo=3&blockNo=3&blockType=G3
  19. Nice lookin scoot I cant wait to see her in person.
  20. Coop I received the LOCK BEZELS today and they look GREAT. I only had one problem and it was trying to get the protective film off the sticky tape. Thank you they look MARVA-LESS
  21. Picture would be nice. But I have the same 1 from FREEBIRD and I have to put the sidestand down first and then put my centerstand down. My sidestand does set out a little but it does not effect anything unless I am making a low left turn the centerstand scrapes the ground. Centerstand up first then sidestand goes up. When I put my bike up on the centerstand I kind of like having the sidestand out for that just in case moment. After posting I went and took pictures and this is how mine looks down and I have a 6 inch loop that I can put my foot on to bring the side stand down. If yours looks like this you should be good to go. Without the loop it would make it extremely hard to put the sidestand down. Mine broke one time and had to have it re-welded it was fun stoping to get gas.
  22. Had this happen to me radio volume would not turn down on my 02 and it was the ignition switch. Do you also have from time to time when you have been running the bike for a period of time the key feels real hot. If so its your ignition switch.
  23. Well COOP it is a good thread and we know there are some talented people out here. I do like the racing pod you posted where did you find it??
  24. Thanks for the pics gr8hwfan that's what I have been looking for. The one I had seen was chrome but the same design. Nice looking pod Bubber you did a great job of manufacturing it. COOP that's a sharp looking cluster and would look great on a RSTD.
  25. Thanks Bubber I installed the Ponch dash gauges, but still like the pod design for a tachometer and ??. If I had the equipment I could make one myself, but sadly I do not have access to CNC's mills and lathes. COOP asked me to start this thread, I guess to see the interest in a pod and he seems to be able to have the means to manufacture items. The original pod seemed to have a problem hitting the handle bars. But a newer version that would accommodate 2 inch gauges whether they be digital or mechanical might be the trick. We will see were this thread goes.....
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