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Everything posted by kantornado

  1. All I can say is it's cheap insurance. And I wont even get into a debate about the Wal-Mart Super-Tec filters I use......:rotf: I here ya BRO........................Ron
  2. Bill P this may answer your question...................Ron http://www.greenmediaonline.com/uploads/shoptalk/0605_st.asp
  3. Sure I will swap 1 with ya..............Ron
  4. Just placed the Ordered for 3 @ PayPal Thanks Don............................Ron
  5. Looks like you found a diamond there.Really a nice looking scoot and hope you have a great trip home. There a great bike and you chose well.................Ron
  6. There where quite a few different brands of filters that ran through the line after FRAM same filter just different brand name. When we ran say Ford filters after there run we ran FoMoCo,Walmart,Sears,KMart for instance, they where the same filter but different label.Cost for us was less and we could off set the setup cost to Ford who ordered the filters and we never had to worry about holding inventory. The brand name of a label really only means something to the designer and the person willing to pay $20.00 for a name. I change my oil & filter every 3000 miles or before a long trip and after I return or even during the trip if it will be more then 3000 miles during the trip. In the general scheme of things all I really need to know is if the filter will do its job and I change the oil on a regular interval. That is more important then what brand of oil or filter we use. I tended to run vehicles til they died from exhaustion then would fix them up and run it some more. Most people keep a vehicle 4 years and trade it in. This 02 I will have 2 more years then will buy a 08 slightly used. I hope this helps you out Mackinawman and as you see there are wide and varied opinions on the subject. If you check here http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1849 Rosebud did a nice job of cross referencing. Or you could spend the big bucks and get a YAMAHA filter............Ron
  7. Very cool video,Thanks for the memories...........Ron
  8. Not going to get into a debate about oil or filters. I used to work for Midwest Filters and we made them all. Ford,GM,Toyota,JD,HD, you name the filter we made them. After saying that I use Supertech in all my vehicles. I would never get between a person and there beliefs, so if you think something else is the messiah of filters or oil you go 4 it.............Ron
  9. I would like 4 please.................................Ron
  10. Here you go,hope this helps.............Ron http://www.roadrunner.travel/#
  11. Ever see a 2 seat hydaplane a small version of the one with the pontoons on the bottom. Saw some on a trailer the other day and did not get to talk to the driver before he took off. They looked pretty neat and would like to find out who makes them and where there located.....................Ron
  12. Thanks for the laugh. I laughed out loud and if you don't mind I am going to us that line from time to time............................Ron
  13. I just put Metzler's on because there was no other tires at the shop. Tires here in Vegas are very expensive and I was shocked. I want a set of AVONS and it seems there are no shops in the Twin cities or Vegas that carry them and only in special orders. I needed a set of tires and that's what was there. Oh well I will wear these out before Christmas anyway. I will let you all know how these wear. I will order a set of Avon's next month. Anyone know a good place to order from??? Thanks in advance..............................Ron
  14. Very nice......................................Ron
  15. I personally don't like them.Weather there safe or not I am not sure and will not debate it. I do know that when I have seen them I tend to fixate on the flashing strobe then look away from it and would not see a turn signal cause it makes me anxious. I find them to be very annoying. Now don't get me wrong I am not making an excuse for the young girl cause in my opinion she just did not stop and used the excuse of the strobe. She is 16 and at 16 there are just to many distractions and I am sure she was in a hurry and self absorbed. I am glad that FREEBIRD posted this.To bad it happened after such a tragedy. I have often wanted to comment on these strobe lights but by the time I get home and get on line here reading all the chit chat I forget about it. I am letting you all know how I personally feel about the flashing headlight. I DONT LIKE THEM..................................Ron
  16. Hailey is a beautiful little girl and we know how proud you are Gene.........................Ron
  17. Russ I knew yous could rite but I didnt no hows good yous could rite & think at the same time. Nice article Russ and a big THANKS for all you do................Ron
  18. A done deal and good luck............................Ron
  19. YUP I Was KANSAS TORNADO KZY 2464 BB214 I still have all the pins from the get togethers and cards from around the world as well as my Radio shack log book. Had many CBs but the one I prized the most was a SBE 23 channel side band modified to 60 channels with 25 watts and a side kicker 400 watt amp with a Turner power mic. Sadly I got ride of it all when we desided to move to Vegas. I was keeping it in case they made a comeback.:rotf: Man that baby could talk CQ CQ CQ DX BAKER BAKER 214 QRT and standing by. Thanks for the trip down memory lane...........................Ron
  20. This is very sad news the NAVIGATOR and I had the pleasure of meeting both of them in Ft Collins with Rick & Marlyn then talked with Gary & Leslie at the dinner. Both fine people heart goes out to the family....Ron & Linda
  21. Not sure I would want my daughter being tought by a guy with the name StuD.:rotf::rotf:............Ron
  22. Well I don't have a chirp in mine and this 2nd Gen is a great bike. I had a 83 Venture and figured I would have it a couple years like all my other bikes and 20 years later I sold it and bought this 02 (slightly used). I think you will like the Venture it is a pretty good scoot.............Ron
  23. Same from us Russ Gary & Anne sure know how to make lemon aid.........Ron
  24. I use a rubbermaid dish pan its blue in color and is the size your looking for. don't remember the cost but am sure it was cheep. Then I drain the oil into old gallon jugs for transport to the waist disposal area. put my old filter in the box from the new filter(after draining it and wiping it off) to take to the waist disposal area. Hope this helps...........................Ron
  25. Good points by all but the one thing I know is one can not be watching nor holding your kids hands all the way through life. They will twist the throttle to feel the rush(we still do it) and no matter how many times they tell you there carefull in the curves there going to run the twisties(we still do) I know and have herd it over and over again. The one thing I am hopeing is that they do not out ride there Guardian Angel. I just trust in there good judgement and training they have and hope they are protected and not paying for my sins....................Ron
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