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Everything posted by kantornado

  1. Kinda cool but needs a trunk....................Ron
  2. I have the 8" also and don't think it looks weird. The 3 things are with the 12" tires it bows down at tongue makes bike and trailer look like a V when you look at it and you get less revolutions and you can get cool rim covers. I have pulled mine over 50K miles and if you pack the bearings before a long trip and keep your air pressure up you won't even know its back there. Except when the fender or the brake/turn signal fall off. Other then that its a great trailer. But do reinforce the fenders and better brackets for the Brake/tail/turn signal.....................Ron
  3. Well I will not say "Your bringing sexy back" you are probably sending it back a millenium:rotf::rotf:..........Ron
  4. Just got my 3 and mailed Gibvel his. Man they are fine looking bells. Thank you Don Cinderella that is one fine song you came up with. You should finish it with chorus and put it to music and I would give you a dollar for it.................................Ron
  5. CONDOR I figure its because the people only tasted the store bought one"s. My MOM also made them fresh and used lots of RUM pretty much how yours was made....MMMMMMMMM Mighty tasty I think storing them in RUM for a couple months was the trick.:rotf::rotf: ................................Ron
  6. I want to thank you all for your votes of confidence and prayers. I am still looking and hopes are high. I passed on the message from you all and Linda says thanks to all and a personal note of thanks to you Lonna. Eck stage dancing is out, period even tho I do look good in a tu tu it just would not be right for some of you to look at. Rick if you ask Linda I already have enough gas for both of us and work really cuts into my riding and like Rocket said I need tires too!! 86er you will find a good job to I'm sure of it and thanks for the prayers. Sadly I will not be back in MN in the near future and with you guys at below zero all I can say is " I don't think so scooter" but thank anyway Russ. Thanks Squidly and Gary we are looking forward to getting together in January. Gambler with my luck at gambling I would be broke all the time so not go there. Thanks all and I am still looking but hopeful..................Ron
  7. DYNODON you get a chance to ride one you will fall in love with it. The NAVIGATOR did not like the way the trunk and seat set on her back and bum or we would of owned one. For me it was a great feeling bike and kinda looks like a first gen and that is were my appeal came from. Very smooth and adjusting the windshield as your riding is very nice not to mention the brakes. I had to get used to them in the dealer lot before they let me take it out. That is another thing that is cool about the dealership. They said take it out and be back before we close. WOW it was 10:30am they closed at 8pm so we rode for about 5 hrs and I really thought it was going to be our next bike. But if mommas not comfy and happy I knew I was not going to be. If it was only going to be me on the bike I could of been happy being a 1% er.:rotf:.......................Ron
  8. In all my years of riding I have only encountered one beemer rider who was a very nice person and down right fine gentleman .He lived in Grand Island Neb. He owned 8 of them and still had his 1958 R60 he bought. But like I said in the last 15 years I have not had contact with any of them that we did not think to be an arse. I know there might be a few out there but I have not met one yet. The vast majority of HD,GW,Suzuki,Kawi and YAMMIE riders we have encountered are great people and in those groups are 1% ers. But in my experience its reverse for the beemer owners 99% are just plain rude, inconsiderate, selfish people. We (THE NAVIGATOR) and I will still go up and talk to a fellow rider as always and even tho there on a beemer we still look for those that we can say "there not part of the 99%" and maybe find a friend in the process..............Ron
  9. I happen to agree with you Bubbajbi, all the one's we have encountered in the last 15 years are real A&&es We where told by one BMW rider that, and I "quote" Its not just owning one (a BMW) it is being able to afford one and it was obvious we could not. Another told us it was obvious we did not ride a motorcycle. 2 different times at 2 different locations. All of them we have met have been rude weather on the rode or at a gathering.....................Ron
  10. I put a set of 55 watt'ers on my 83 and just upped the idle to 1150 rpms. They worked great for 11 years and sold the bike with them on it. I have a set of 55 watt'ers on my 02 and they work great and I have them on all the time. They set low on the bike and there primarily set about low beam height and there adjusted a little left and right of center to get the ditches. When I turn my headlight on high beam all 3 work fantastically well together and really light up the night. I also have the YAMAHA 35 watt driving lights and there really not as bright as I like and even tho there on its just for safety cause they don't light up the road like my 55 watt'ers do. I want to change them out to 55 watt bulbs. OHH the things on my list. I need more chrome I think. LOL You can see them in my Photo Gallery..........Ron
  11. Sorry FREEBIRD is right I wrong. Thank you for your insight FREEBIRD........................Ron
  12. By the looks at the picture on their site of the 2nd gen, it appears you remove the two lowest bolts on each side of rear fender and saddle bag supports. Remove the stock filler piece that runs under the rear edge of the rear fender, and install their set up in the same four mounting holes Shouldn't be more than a 15 minute job to install the "frame work" As ECK said above and you will need 2 bolts 1/2 inch longer then original with nylon self locking nuts. It really is a 15 minute job and the wiring is the hard part with installation of the relay and wiring it will take a couple hours...........Ron
  13. That was very cool. You have a great writing ability and have great insight. Merry Christmas to you all too!!!! ...................................................................Ron
  14. THE NAVIGATOR has a new job!!!!:clap2: She starts at the VA here in Las Vegas on Feb 4th 2008. Now if I could just get gainful employment it would be a FABULOUS end to this year. I am still looking and have not given up hope....................Ron:dancefool::dancefool:
  15. Great thread and ECK hit it on the money. The one thing that ticks me off on a group ride is the rudeness of the people that show up for a nice leisurely ride, knowing the rules, and have no gas and want to do 100mph with no regard for safety and the others in the group(why show up) The best group rides we have been on are the ones the ride captains have given out rules and they set the pace. Stops every hour or so, with potty breaks, a good lunch and a nice dinner with a good hotel. If they know the rules and show up then they know what to expect. There supposed to be there for the camaraderie and joy of the ride. If you put it together with the A-B-C's they will come.............Ron
  16. Fantastic!! Congratulations to all.......Ron
  17. Bought my 02 with 29k on it last year and I just turned 51k. The only things I have done is tires 3 rear 1 front brake pad rear 1 time and 8 oil-filter changes,changed rear oil 1 time(for fun) and lots of CHROME and stuff. Owned a 1st Gen and had it 20 years 157k when sold and besides normal maintenance (tires,oil,filter,plugs,battery,brake pads) I had to replace the electronic module and the clutch,STEELER took me for a carb rebuild that he did not do. Great bike and so is my 2nd GEN. Wife loves it as much as I do (she did not like the 1st gen) but I did. Hope you like yours as much as the rest of us do. One thing I know is if it wears a skirt or it takes gas you will have trouble with it at some point:rotf:.................................Ron
  18. This happened to a women at a bike rally in Iowa 2 years ago. She stepped out of her tent and went behind a tree and bushes at 4am and happened to be seen by a cop who was hiding behind a building doing security for the camp ground. Those of us who were at the rally thought holly crap batman.Then we find out that if someone at the camp ground reported that they saw someone peeing it's is the same. It will get you a charge of sexual predator. So be warned you can be screwed if your peeing in what someone called public. Those who were there know the person I am speaking of. At first we gave her a hard time then we found out just how serious it was being made into and how much trouble she was going to be in. Then it was not so funny..........................Ron
  19. Bought my Driving light spacer from BMW. I do not know if he still sells them.................Ron
  20. I can attest to that. If you saw her room with all she does and has done you would not believe it. Shucks after seeing it myself I can not believe it.:rotf: Amber is a very special LADY You have every right to brag, TOOLDOOD.......................Ron
  21. Tried it a couple times but I just can not get into 30 below wind chills.BRRRRRRRRRRR...............................Ron
  22. I had to stay up and finish reading this. Man that was one hell of a trip. Felt bad for Fred,but he made it through and what a memory those 5 share. ......................................Ron
  23. I got a kick out of reading all of these. My wife and I always tip and always have, We where raised to do so. We eat out almost always now and at the places we eat out most often the wait staff seam to fight over us.(kinda nice) We do have our favorites also. We tip for the SERVICE we received, not the food, that's a whole different matter.(my wait person can not help it if the cook can not cook.) We also leave tips for the cooks as well. I have always looked at tipping for good service as a way to say thank you to someone who waits on me and makes me feel special and has not spit in my food or some other vile thing. I know there are people who give a lot of excuses as to why they don't tip. Like the person who brings 1 tomato to feed 25 people at a pot luck and will slice it thin). Sad but true. Then there are those that bring 25 tomato's because its the right thing to do. It really does not matter to us if our waitperson has 4 tables and 4 at each table of 25.00 each because that is not what we tip for.(the percentage of there take).If that waitperson is kick-in 1K a night in tips that means there good. Most people we see only tip a small amount on a 200.00 meal anyway.(15 bucks or less) My family members who wait and cook would love to have the ones on this board who tip 15 to 20% at there places of business. Sadly tho they generally get the ones who grip or make excuses or want a free dinner.( my sister once had a guy who said his food was to hot and wanted a comped meal said he burned his tongue and could not taste the food.But he ate it all.(go figure) looking for a angle. It really is nice to see the one's who offer no excuse and pay people for a job well done for them. It does me good to know that there are those that believe hard work deserves a good reward and not UN excuse of there going to make good money on the other tables so I don't have to tip. We reap what we sow. IMO......................................Ron
  24. Took a really nice ride Thursday to Ely,NV and had a GREAT trip. Took my sister-in-law there on the bike for a job interview.(her truck is broke down) and it was a great trip. We left VEGAS at 74 degrees and the temp hit 85 for the day. It cooled to about 60 around 8,000 feet. On our return trip we left Ely at 9:30am Friday morning temp 52 degrees and wormed to 78. If you are traveling on highway 93 you have to stop at the Alamo truck stop in Alamo,NV the place looks like a dive but the food is excellent and the service is outstanding. On our way up we passed it up and stopped at a nicer joint up the road and the service was very bad and the food only good at best. We even commented on how we probably should of stopped at the Truck stop.So on our way back we did and we should of stopped there first(live and learn). Just thought I would pass this on for those who keep track of places to stop and eat.(our riding club with a eating disorder) I'm still searching for gainful employment and our house still has not sold but there is always tomorrow...............................Ron
  25. All of my MARINE Brethren Throughout the world on 10 November, U.S. Marines celebrate the birth of their Corps -- the most loyal, most feared, most revered, and most professional fighting force the world has ever known. I wish each and every one of you a SEMPER FI.................................................Ron Oh and a big
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