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Everything posted by kantornado

  1. Well this tread gave me some good laughs and it has been written WE ARE ALL GLAD YOU TWO ARE O.K. Hope you know how much you two are LOVED by all who know you. As always your welcome at our place anytime. You gonna be able to strip some parts off before the yard gets it or are they all pretty much a write off. I seen that trunk brake light you could put on a newer model it didn't look to bad...............Ron
  2. To MN to bring THE NAVIGATOR back to VEGAS to start a new adventure. Hope to see some of you while I'm back there. It will be a nice drive out. Flight leaves at 2.30 leaving for the airport at 1pm...................................Ron
  3. Now Bill that's funny!! :rotf: Cruel but funny. Squidley's a good egg tho.........................Ron
  4. Here you go its a good read and wish you luck I put a schematic in for good measure..........Ron http://voyagerxii.4kaztwylde.com/wyzard_helps_hints/lubingcables2.htm http://houseofmotorcycles.bikebandit.com/kawasaki-motorcycle-voyager-xii-zg1200b3-us-1989/o/m4384
  5. Thanks Todd for posting this I LMAO and sent it out to all my buds so there day could be brightened......................Ron
  6. I must say it is a nice rag and know why you read it C to C . I just finished the whole magazine and even the ads are worth a read. I am saving the Addy and hopefully it changes every month so I can read the next issue. I like a good motorcycle mag with good stories in it even tho I may never get there. Thanks for posting it...............Ron
  7. Neat article and left me with chuckle at the end thanks Don............Ron
  8. That was really nice of you to do that. I remember reading somewhere somebody saying the rear speakers where mono but don't remember what thread it in. Good job and thank you. The color code will come in handy. You don't by chance know which wires are the CB or radio antenna wires??? I don't remember which side there on left or right as I set on the bike..........................Ron
  9. WOW Mr. Bull you sure have a nice bike there. I was just thinking of you the other day and was wondering what you have been up too! Now I know your still among the living and HATEING SNOW I totally agree. I'm going back to MN for couple weeks to help settle things and drive the NAVIGATOR out here and start being a permanent resident. Don't know yet what route we are taking back but if we decide to head through Colorado I sure would not mind buying you a cup of coffee. You better keep Marlene and make her as happy as she has made you with that bike..................................Ron
  10. Now see you spoiled all the fun of keepin them guessing:rotf: and you saved your reputation...............................Ron
  11. Yes I did and THANK YOU very much. You were right they were NASTY too just like you said, but I did enjoy them. If you get more send them and THANK YOU again...................Ron
  12. No modifications needed, just drill and screw. I put masking tape down and set the rail down with a little dab grease on the bottom of the rail to find the spot to drill on the bag. You only have one shot make it count.................Ron
  13. Glad your back and doing well and it sounds like you been busy as a bee. You really can not have 2 many gremlin bells I have 2 on mine now. We have to keep them at bay:rotf::rotf:............Ron
  14. You ask a pretty loaded question there are guys that carry a hole tool chest and follow pickup truck. First off you ride a VENTURE and if you have a copy of the updated VENTURERIDER Assistance list a credit card and cell phone and AAA you pretty much have it covered. I found all the tools I carried just added weight I did not need and took up needed space. Here is what I carry now if Im within 200 miles from home. 1 - The tool kit that came with bike except I have the balled Allen's 2 - of each fuse 1 - Leatherman tool 12 - Zip ties 1 - Rubber plug end-cap (old long one I picked up for removing plugs) 1 - plug gauge 1 - roll of electric tape 1 - each 1157 bulb and 1156 1 - 4 inch folding knife 1 - flash light (small halogen) That's about it as far as tools go. I also carry a small first aid kit and its came in handy more times then the tools have, The NAVIGATOR feels we really need a bigger FIRST-AID kit..............................Ron
  15. I like the one's on mine cause there different and that's what I was looking for. I bought them from a guy who told me they were for a RSTD and would fit my RSV so I gave him $50.00 and guess what they would not fit my VENTURE til I modified them so I really don't know what bike there for. I had to add about 1 inch to the end to make them fit. I looked at the ones for the Road King Classic and really liked them but would of still had to modify them besides I saved $160.00. The RKC are really cool looking and will give a classic line to the RSV IMO. If you have some bike salvage yards around you see if they will let you play around with some different rails to find what you want and buy a new set and modify................................Ron
  16. I say 30 days and if its a on going ad by the seller say for a widget they make then it can run but the seller needs to update it every month. It sounds like a plan to me.......................Ron
  17. This is a cool website. So if your on the fence on who to vote or support for this site maybe just your answer. All you do is answer 11 questions and then see the Presidential candidate that most closely agrees with your opinion on the questions asked. It only takes a minute or two. Gave me a different perspective.......Ron http://www.wqad.com/Global/link.asp?L=259460
  18. KiteSquid said: Please correct me if I a wrong, but it looks like you put a strap under your highway peg's bolt. It also looks like you have used a set of QH-7CC Driving lights from Optronics. have you thought about changing the bulbs out for a different beam width or color of light? No strap it is a clam shell type highway peg holder for a 7/8 bar used for a Honda GW with a 7/8 bolt 3 in long. The HW pegs may or may not work for you but I really like the comfort of them for me and it gives me 4 different foot positions. The light bracket I made for the lower lights is a piece of 1"X 3/16th steel flat stock cut to 10 1/2 " then I drilled the bottom hole 1" from bottom centered to fit bolt and put both pieces in a vise and bent to the desired angle I wanted and painted gloss black. The bottom lights are QH-87CD Platinum Burners from WM 50 watt and have the replaceable bulbs that are easy to find. My last set of D-L the bulbs ( I found out after it went out ) where a special order and cost more then the lights. The upper lights are the ones from YAMAHA with the 35 watt bulbs at $119.00 pr I should of looked around more for a better set. I do want to replace them with a 50 or more watt bulb. The 35 watts just don't melt the pavement as fellow rider FreezyRider wrote. The bracket I bought from a VENTURERIDER here. It is also a Yamaha bracket for those lights. The wiring was simple I have in line fuses to each set and a fused relay for all 3 (I have LED lights in and around engine) The 3-way switch Throttle side reservoir I use is from Dennis Kirk (get the catalog there web page stinks). JCWhitney also sells them, both places are same price. When I bought it Kirk was up the road from me so it was a nice ride. The garage floor is semi gloss acrylic and it cleans up pretty good and you could eat off it PILOT. Hope this helps out, here are some pics of the switch. If you want something else ask away...............Ron
  19. As with everyone else we are glad your both O.K. Bikes can be replaced, you 2 are just made special and I know that VENTURE GARDIAN BELL helped...............Ron
  20. You can take a look at my photo gallery and see how I mounted mine. The light bar is O.K. but others here have done some nice looking inexpensive alternatives. I made the lower light brackets and they where easy and cheep, the lights that are in the picture are not there now. I found some chrome one's that are 50 watts and I think look pretty good and for $15.00 is even better. I will snap a pic and post the new lights later....................Ron Here are the pictures............Ron 5th pic is of the VENTURE BELL I could not resist its so cool looking.......Ron
  21. Now that is one fine job you have done there. Those are different and look really good. What type after market filter you going to use in them??............................Ron
  22. This should be posted on the opening of the web page here for everyone to read. It was a great read and thanks for posting it............Ron
  23. Well Russ you have been asleep now for an hour with visions of auto fires in your little head. But I know when you open those beadie little eyes and greet the NEW YEAR the thoughts of a new and wonderful year awaits. With new ad-VENTURES, great riding and eats with new people to harass it will be heaven on earth. So HAPPY NEW YEAR and keep the rubber side down my friend and hope this new year we can have lunch again..........Ron
  24. WE look forward to your arrival. Cannot wait to see you both and we will see what we can put together..............................Ron
  25. Now Russ why would you say that. I Quote " Great minds think alike":stirthepot: YOU don't have a mind that "IS" GREAT. :rotf: I do agree tho that she is more in likely doing a family thing...................................Ron I
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