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Everything posted by kantornado

  1. Gary your just like TONY the TIGER....................Ron
  2. Here is how it should be worn on a vest. With nothing above the colors on aether shoulder PERIOD. Everything is below the AMERICAN FLAG including items on the right side. I figured a picture is worth a 1000 words............................Ron P.S. Take note of the VENTURERIDER PIN on the right breast.
  3. O.K. here is what I know about the low speed wobble on a 1st Gen. The bike is kinda top heavy anyway! When you load it up she really gets nutty at slow speed with a passenger. But the good side is at above 30 mph it rides and handles allot better and then at highway speed you can cruise at 80 - 90 all day two up like riding on silk. Tackling the fuel mileage! 35 mpg is pretty darn good 2 up loaded. My 1st Gen never got better then 36mpg with just me and over the next 20 years the fuel mileage went down till I rebuilt the Carbs and the MPG stayed pretty steady at about 30 MPG then because of the ethanol fuel my MPG really dropped down to about 25 to 27. Pulling my trailer 2 up she was steady at 20 to 22 MPG using ethanol. When I could get good gas fuel mileage increased to around 31 MPG 2 up with the trailer. My fuel light always came on at about 110 to 150 and the most gas I ever put in according to my records was 4.7 Gallons in 20 years. I kept records of everything I ever did to my 1st GEN and this info is what I know. Your bike is 22 years old and has a little wear on it. But it is a GREAT bike and will run forever if taken care of. I hope this helps you out................................Ron
  4. Thanks Rick I appreciate your time looking. Gunboat has 1 he is going to ship and hopefully there is someone else with 1...............................Ron
  5. I have a pair hanging on the back. I don't use them I just like how they reflect the light and make it just one more safety thing (that's CHROME) I can hang on the bike. People riding behind me say they work pretty good. That's all I needed to know...................Ron
  6. Thank you GUNBOAT I appreciate you looking............Ron.
  7. Thanks Rick. I do not need them for myself a good friend would like to get them for his crash bars to cover up a couple holes he drilled on his crash bars. He saw mine on the bike today and thought they would work. I am not asking for them for free and would pay for them and the shipping to him in MN. After I reread the way I wrote the post I could of reworded it a little better. Thanks again.............................................Ron
  8. Any one have a couple REAR REFLECTORS off the rear crash bars on a 2nd GEN. I can sure use a couple.................................Ron
  9. Very,Very Cool. I like it and I bet it works great too!!..................Ron
  10. Glad you two are O.K. and survived. The NAVIGATOR and I hit a buck in 1997 on our way to a camp-out with our motorcycle friends on our 83 VENTURE. I replaced parts and repaired the plastic and repainted and rode her for another 9 years before selling her. There tough bikes! Hope you and your better half get back to riding real soon..................Ron
  11. kantornado


    164 KPH = 101.91 MPH or 149,46801 FPS and if you figure he would be covering a football field every 2 sec it is kinda scarry. But on the other hand I was blowing the cobwebs out tonight on 15 going south at a 110 mph for about 8 miles and it felt pretty good. Had my feet on the pegs and leaning back enjoying the ride. But on the other hand if a tire blew or some other uncool thing I would of been a smudge on the pavement. But we don't like thinking of them negative thoughts. Now if he was doing 164 MPH well that's just NUTS because that is 240.53336 FPS. Given reaction time and the 7 sec rule that's over 5 and a half football fields to react and decide what to do. Man now my head hurts but it is good food for thought..................Ron
  12. Fantastic news we are very happy for you and Jennie. Thanks for keeping us up to date. I know the power of prayer and so excited for you both................Ron
  13. I thought you where addressing me??:rotfl: Well I can not walk on water, But I am working on it............:rotf: It is a pretty neat photo shop......................Ron
  14. Brandi it sure is nice to see you again. Even tho it is in a pic, you look lovely. Marilyn is stunning as well and wished we could of been there. When I was out there I got to spend time with OWL, Juggler, Tigress and Don(FREEBIRD) and wished you could of been there, Next time maybe. As for OWL, Rick and Gary? WELLL U KNOW. I see the white in the hair and on there faces shine right through on those two. Them two sure are cute in a ugly sort of way. They are a hand full and mostly full of it. I really like the pic of you all together and wished I could of been there for support. As you know I can hold a floor down pretty well. I know you had a GREAT time even if nothing was accomplished................Ron
  15. Very,very nice looking, you did a nice job.....................Ron
  16. YES!!! I would buy one again!! Would like a NEW one if Yamaha comes out with a FI maybe a bigger engine (not that important to me engine has plenty of power) but they have to get rid of the cassette player. If Yamaha makes no changes then a 08 or 09 with warranty. I just put a MP3 player on mine and wished I would of done it 2 years ago when I first bought the 02. All bikes have there own unique sound. The whine I read about from other owners I really don't understand?? Mine has one but so did my beloved 83 and I never gave it much thought and figured it was just one of the quarks of the bike and was not sure if the whine was a timing chain whine or rear-end but got used to it and after awhile it just became one of the things I got used to and it has just became part of the rhythm of the bike. Like I have posted before when I bought my 83 I only figured to own it for a few years like all the rest of the bikes I had before, but 20 years and lots of smiles later I finally sold it (not because I wanted to but it just happened) and I have not regretted it.( OH wait that's a lie) I wished I would of bought brand new. I will in a couple more years. The RSMV is without a doubt a FANTASTIC motorcycle it is far and away a great bike. My lovely NAVIGATOR says it is the most comfortable bike from a passengers view point. The HD's,Triumph,Norton I have owned I could write pages of things I hated about them. But there is a very small list on the Yamaha and it has nothing to do with the reliability of the bike. That 83 got me home (almost 400 miles) on 2 cylinders because of the electronic module. What other bike could do that. It never left me stranded either and I can not say that about other bikes I have owned. I really hope this thread helps other people who are thinking about what type of scooter to get. They are really getting a good cross section of different opinions. I will buy another VENTURE..............................Ron
  17. Same here as what fib 78 said. No one recommends it but for me I have done it several time's and why throw a good tire away. There will be those that might want to argue the point but its your money and if your O.K. with it then It will be O.K. Like I said I have done it many times and on my old 80 XS 1100 I liked the Brigstone front tire and Dunlap rear. It gave that bike a good ride and feel................Ron
  18. Very Very COOL. I know you will have to make a trip to Vegas and I will take you to some cool sights and points of interest. MAN this is really cool for you...............................Ron
  19. Well I have returned to the great state of Nevada and I had a great time meeting FREEBIRD, Black Owl, Juggler and Tigeress. Had a FANTASTIC time talking bikes, politics and eating/drinking more then we needed too. I am glad to be back with the NAVIGATOR and riding the bike. Went on a little ride today. Again I want to thank all that showed up and a BIG THANK YOU to BLACK OWL ............................................Ron
  20. Well I am getting ready to head out the door to the airport. I will see you all tomorrow night and am soooo looking forward to seeing you all...............Ron
  21. Hope this is the place http://maps.google.com/maps?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4CYBA_en___US208&um=1&q=the+Black+Stallion&near=Cannon+Falls,+MN&fb=1&view=text&latlng=44609655,-92994259,2145286448555733858 Looks good to me. I look forward to seeing you all Will give manly huggs...........................Ron
  22. Freebird: I will not have access to my computer in MN. To contact me you need to call my cell # 651-245-4896 and we can get together. I fly in Wed about 6pm Thur or any time as I am at the house all by my self and a mini get together would be fabulous...................Ron
  23. You got it. I would like to see you again that would be fun. Thursday I know I could do it, because I will make the time. I want OWL and others to chime in because I will be where ever you all say.............................Ron
  24. Thank you Jack it was a good trip. Rick you are right-on there and the hand rail was right under her leg. Linda loves the RSMV and besides one of them Victory's loaded and decked out is almost 26K U.S. according to the sales guy. The Victory has a optional CD player and I told the sales guy to forget it and go with the MP3 player because it has a place for it built in on the left side fairing and its a plug and play. It will also let you put other options on like a GPS, charge your phone or ??. I hope YAMAHA takes the hint. It was fun to be at the rally but as much as I love THE NAVIGATOR she just is not as much fun to go looking at bike stuff like my buddies are.....................Ron
  25. You got that right FREEBIRD!! Winter stink there that is why we moved. We are loving it here in VEGAS temp today was high 80's and I put 60 miles on the scoot. I will be flying back to Minisodas this Wednesday to work on the house and hope it sells before this summer. Am hoping to hook up with Mr OWL for a cup of coffee and who ever else wants to show up...........................................Ron
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