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Everything posted by kantornado

  1. Don if you would take it up again I would like to order another set and I bet there are 49 others who would like a set also..........Ron
  2. I would like to get another set of the smooth Saddlebag Hinge Accents. Who sold those on VENTURERIDERS, I would like to get some new wording ..................Ron
  3. 9 days cruising the Bahamas, St Thomas and Porto Rico. Being with family and friends to witness the marriage of our son and new daughter-in-law on the Island of St Thomas. Sat on a beach and drank adult beverages also on the deck of the pool on the balcony of our suite as well as the lobby. We ate great 6 course meals every night and saw great shows was pampered and waited on hand and foot and had one heck of a good time. What a GREAT CHRISTMAS present for my wiffle and me.....................Ron I wish you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS
  4. I am and going on 2 rides this weekend. Both charity runs. I put about 90 miles on today......Ron
  5. I use Pennzoil Gearplus 80W-90 GL-5 and you pick the brand of your choice as long as it has GL5 on the can or bottle.............Ron
  6. Name of Restaurant Lino's Pizza Pasta & Subs Street Address 5601Tenaya Way #105 Corner of AnnRD and Tenaya Way City Las Vegas State or Province NV Website (Optional) http://www.menusearch.net/menus/102general.pdf Quality of Food Fantastic Quality of Service Great Biker Friendly? (Parking, Trusted Location, Etc.) Yes Kind of Food? (Mexican, Chinese, etc.) Pizza/ Subs and Italian food Alcohol Served? No Additional Comments This is a GREAT place to eat. We were really surprised and the owner is a Chef who went out on his own. Tuesday is all you can eat spaghetti and they have a pretty good menu. Ask about there specials.
  7. Name of Restaurant Winchell's Pub & Grill Street Address 5445 Simmons St City North Las Vegas State or Province NV Website (Optional) http://lasvegas.citysearch.com/profile/41537026/north_las_vegas_nv/winchell_s_pub_grill.html?publisher=ask&reference_id=1&placement=local Quality of Food Great Quality of Service Great Biker Friendly? (Parking, Trusted Location, Etc.) Yes Kind of Food? (Mexican, Chinese, etc.) Full menu/ Mex,Amer,Itialian,German Alcohol Served? Yes Additional Comments Great place to eat.We really like this place and there all over the Las Vegas area. Not had a bad meal yet. There liver and onions are really really good.(if you like it like I do)
  8. Name of Restaurant BIG DOGS Street Address 4543 N. Rancho City Las Vegas State or Province NV Website (Optional) http://www.bdhginc.com/ Quality of Food Good Quality of Service Great Biker Friendly? (Parking, Trusted Location, Etc.) Yes Kind of Food? (Mexican, Chinese, etc.) Midwest,Wisc beer brats Alcohol Served? Yes Additional Comments Its a chain in Vegas and they make some pretty good beer. Have good food and a midwest feel.
  9. To bad we can not make it Russ, I would be happy to help you eat a pound or two. Love them bull ding-a-lings When I was on the farm and we would denut the Bulls that was good eaten. Kinda tastes like chicken....LOL. There used to be a resuraunt in Severence Colo that Rocky Mountain Oysters were there claim to fame. I had many a plate there......................Ron
  10. VERY COOL.................Ron
  11. SteveD you never upset me at all nither did Ponch or any other person here. Its a good forum here and I have shared and have learned more about these bikes and usefull tips then at any time in all the years of rideing...............Ron
  12. SteveD & Ponch you have a good response to the question. How often do you wash or clean your helmet liner. Well I wash mine about 1 time a month or more in the summer. Then again I put alot of miles on my bike and my helmet is always on my head. I ride pretty much year round. (weather permitting) After posting this and reading the posts it dawned on me that I was looking at it from my perspective and not others. I know guys who ride less then 500 miles a year and think there really riding. Then they really do not need to wash or clean it out. They just need to buy a new helmet every 10 years or so and polish there driveway jewlery and set the helmet on the seat. Where as I put on about 600 miles a week and sometimes more. So I have alot more hours in my helmet then others do. I also sweat alot and my helmet gets its share of bugs and oils both road and body. Washing the helmet liner (I can not remove mine from the helmet) has always worked for me and using shampoo really has made a great difference in how long the liner last as well as making it fresh smelling. I have tried other soaps over the years but shampoo seems the best.(for me anyway) I thought this might help someone else out and I am sure it will................Ron
  13. Go to USER CP on the left side click on it then go to settings and edit avitar and follow promps................................Ron
  14. July 21 - 24, 2009 Billings, MT:bagpipes-emoticon:
  15. All those coverup products don't kill the bacteria or germs the bugs (flys) leave on the helmet. Like I say I have been doing it for years and no foam outs. I did have foam outs using liquid soap (dawn,Palmolive) but never shampoo. Anyway uae the info or not its there and it works for me...........Ron
  16. If you have ever found your helmet with a bad odor from sweat. Or maybe someone wore your helmet and you don't care for there head lice. You can do what I do and put your melon protector In the dish washer on a short cycle (30 min) with about 1 oz of Shampoo. Just use your strap and tie it around the bottom of the bottom tray and use a safety pin to hold the rest of the strap so it won't lay on the heating element. Just pull the helmet out after the last rinse cycle. You don't need the heating element on to dry the thing. The helmet comes out clean and fresh. Just thought someone else might like to know how to clean one up. Been doing it for years and never thought of posting it until I had to clean mine tonight...................Ron
  17. Check this out.............Ron http://www.nextag.com/dash-and-trim-kits/compare-html
  18. LOVE my 02 and so will you. Look at all the cool stuff you can do to it. With 25K on the clock it is not even broke in yet. Just remember brake pads, tires, oil changes and you will add smiles to your miles and all that CHROME to polish ..................Ron
  19. Not nice to speak ill of the dead, but I'm kinda glad in a way one more pedophile gone. No great loss in my book. The real sad part is that Farrah Fawcett had to pass on the same day and her story will be lost and on the back page................Ron
  20. Their are so many things for people to do here and it really does not have to revolve around gambling. Check out all the different casinos for shows and ticket costs and other sites to see. Then if you would like depending on your schedule you could get together with some of us locals for a meet & greet. I could set it up? if you like.................Ron
  21. We decided to invite Linda's sister, who invited her boyfriend and roommate. We also invited a couple from our riding group. The menu is traditional...turkey, sage dressing, mashed taters and gravy, crescent rolls, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, cranberry/orange sauce, black olives and chocolate pecan pie with real whipped cream. GOOD STUFF ..........................................................Ron
  22. Mr. Owl You are a Big Shooter and if you want a new name. I think we as a group should not allow it.LOL JMO. Besides I want that as my road name. You are a Black Owl and should remain so....................Ron
  23. Rottdoglover hit the nail on the head. If there criticizing your color choice there jealous. I painted my 1st Gen Brandy wine maroon ( Cadillac color ) and silver frost metallic ( Chrysler ) with blue and silver pin strips. I think it looked pretty cool. The color choice is yours and what ever you come up with will be great. Have fun choosing your color............................Ron
  24. DEER. 1. They don't cross at there assigned crossing locations. 2. They don't look both ways before crossing a road. 3. They don't stop before entering a roadway. 4. They don't have there food and water on the same side of road. (see 1,2.3 ) Case closed.......................................Ron:rudolf:
  25. I read them myself and I might say some are pretty entertaining and thought provoking. I look foreword to yours PITBULL always a good read.(IMO).......Ron
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