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About juggalo2485

  • Birthday 06/24/1985

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    bernie, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    workin on cars and bikes
  • Bike Year and Model
    1983 yamaha venture
  1. bike still up for grabs its a 83 venture xvz12 i have repainted it except the saddle bags had the seat redone,new used tci box, starter, clutch master cylinder, cleaned the carbs, fixed the water pump leak, new plugs and wires, cleaned out all brake lines, and cleaned it up. the bike runs and pulls itself, im sellin it for $1,000 obo thanks kenny
  2. yeah i could do that for $900 just let me know when you are gonna come down
  3. juggalo2485

    my 83 venture

    big pos
  4. it was a bike rally in farmington mo and the bike runs and it pulls it self and such just i keep havin to put monie in it and im just so pissed off that i still caint ride it i have added some pics of the bike to my profile
  5. just one guy whanted to know how many miles and if it had second gear and just to let everyone know i had this bike for about three months before i found this site
  6. hey guys just got back from gobble holler and it was pretty good but to anwser a few questions no i dont work for GM i dont think puttin playin cards in the spokes will help its got 44,000 miles and all the gears are there and its located at 307 david st bernie mo 63822
  7. bike for sale 1983 yamaha venture xvz12 i have put a new used tci, repainted all the plastic except the saddle baggs, new fuse box,redone the seat, a new used clutch master cyl,and oil filter i am done messin with this bike ive hade it for way too long and i take two steps forward and ten back and im done, im selling it $1,000 obo buyer pick up only
  8. yeah i foud out that the clutch guts are about an 1/8 bigger than the brake guts so im gonna try to find a used one that will fit
  9. hey guys i was wonderin if you coul take out the guts from the front brake handel and put it in the clutch handle i think that it would work but im just not shure
  10. yeah i know but damn so far ive bought two tci boxes (first was no good:shock3:), then when i get the second i burn up the starter tryin to get it to start:soapbox: not to mention ive had this bike for 7 months
  11. finally i got this pos of a bike running now all i got to do is put some oil,antifreeze,andand a rebuild kit for the clutch resivore,and finish painting it and get on down the road with it hopefully
  12. hey guys im lookin for \a starter for my 1983 venture xvz1200 the on i hve whent out tryin to get it to start wich really pissed me off cause ive been workin on this damned old bike for 8 monthes and still havent got it goin yet any help would be greatly apreciated thanks
  13. ok i pulled the pickup coils off yesterday and checked them and they have a resistanc of about 113.8 wich looks to me like there fine according to the service manual on here i check the stator and was getting a resistance of .08 not shur if it should be higher or not but ill check on some other things before i put it together. also before i put the new tci back on i got it running but it was only rinning on the two back cyclenders so im wondering if i didnt got a bad tci
  14. well im having trouble with my 83 venture xvz12 it wont start ive changed the tci checked the picup coils and omed out the coils and they are all checking out fine but still no spark can any body give me some thought of what i could do next
  15. hey man a few questions for ya is the motor a 1200 and if it is would you be willing to sell the pick up coils for it? along with the clutch resivor if so how much?
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