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  • Location
    Ridgeway, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2012 Ultra Glide Classic

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  1. Nice work lot of talent
  2. Had mine about 5 years. First week I wanted to throw it out the window. Now I feel great with it I feel rested even if I only get 6 hours sleep wouldn't be with out it. Give it a little time maybe its not set right.
  3. 12 miles west of Decorah, Ia in Ridgeway
  4. 2010 FLHTCU Ultra Glide Classic bought July 2010 Love it. Still miss my RSV wish I could have kept it.
  5. very nice Deb hope you enjoy it Craig
  6. Shooting, than reloading what I shot
  7. Happy Birthday Deb
  8. 2010 we went out the last week of June come home the Saturday before the 4th of July. Traffic was great, weather was great. We had one small storm on the way out and one the night before we went home.The wind on the way home was just terrible that was the worst part of the trip. Be sure to take your time and enjoy everything you can wear a hat or use sun screen the sun will burn with out you knowing it. If you go Crazy Horse be sure to back a night for the laser show it's a great show.
  9. I bought these they seem to work ok. Have not used them in a down pour but that wide cuff on the glove keeps wind and rain from going up your sleeves. http://www.jpcycles.com/product/114-347
  10. I don't have my RSV anymore but it would a nice ride to meet new and old friends. Craig
  11. Met up with the leaf lookers today as they were getting back to there cabins. Brian could not have ordered a better weekend. Sounds like they were having a great time wish I didn't have to work today it would have been a great ride. We visited with them for about an hour and then headed home. Want to thank Mike for his offer to stay Thank You Mike. Didn't get to meet everyone but hopefully this may become a yearly event. Thanks Brian
  12. My first MD and it was fun. I want to thank the host great turn out . The people that rode down with me were very impressed with how helpful and friendly everyone was. Thanks Scooter Bob for buying the filters. Thanks again to the host. GREAT TIME
  13. The plan is to leave Decorah about 8:30 or 9 hope to be in Sauk City by noon. Will this be an all day event I may run late. It would be nice to meet every one. I should confess I have traded my 05 RVS for an Ultra Glide the deal was done on Tuesday. I can park across the street when I get there . Craig
  14. Hi I may be in your area on Saturday and if anyone is interested I have two new air filters, a new fuel filter, all Yamaha and also some purolator oil filters I think pl 14612 the longer ones. Also I have one of those steering nut wrenches. I no longer have a need for them and was wondering if anyone would be interested in buying them? Prices air filters $22 each, fuel filter $9, wrench $20 oil filters $3 each . Craig
  15. Hi Deb We never found that place looks neat, we went south towards Hot Springs and found a little bar in Pringle good food. We found a lot of little places we had never been to when were there in a car. You don't want to find everything when your out there you need a reason to go back and find more. Glad you had a good trip to bad we didn't cross paths for a day. Craig
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