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Everything posted by Rottdoglover

  1. GREAT!!! All he needs is a coffin trailer behind bike. Let's see, WHO would have one (or 2) laying around?
  2. I had a '85 Suzuki Cavalcade (low miles, bad plastic) follow me home. Soooooooooo, I was thinking maybe trying something like this. There are a lot of cookie cutter trikes out there but I don't want 'just a trike' IF it happens, I'll try to keep updates posted so if some 'Venture-some' soul wants to do a similar project, maybe they can get some insight. Suzuki Cavalcade & Gen 1's are alike in design. I mean both being a water cooled V-4
  3. That's it. Thanks ever so much.
  4. Does anyone recall a post about an old Venture Trike that was really chopped and a very swoopy design? I think it was Gold, Tan, or Champaign colored and there were some comments like "it should be the Jetsons". I've looked through everything I can think of here and searched for choppers and trikes, but come up empty. Thanks
  5. Ya don't have to go to the trouble of taking the rear apart to figure ratio. Just jack it up and count how many times the pinion turns vs the wheel revs. Make sure to roll BOTH wheels together or you'll get a bad count. I roll wheels 10 rounds just to average everything out. You're Free on 3:178:
  6. Don't laugh at us Annie. Once the local sherriff posted an ad that they had found some 'pot'. 4 idiots showed up to claim it.
  7. Been there too. Like a butter knife in the back. Then when you get to hospital, the nurses say "now you know what labor feels like". Or they ask if you were found passed out by the toilet. Friend gave birth and a month later had kidney stone troubles. Said she would rather give birth to a big baby wrapped in barb wire than have a stone. Sympathy to anyone who has to go through it.
  8. AH HA! that explains why no one has ever seen 'another' one like it. Congrats on a job well done!
  9. 'Scuse me Mr Squidley, but I don't see no Hardly. I do see a token (memorandum) of true friendship though. When you get it going good and are riding the highways, take a quick look in the mirror. You may just see 'an old friend' riding passenger. If not, look up in the sky for a smile.
  10. I think you took it wrong. Pickup driver knew he would have to 'let' that bike get ahead of him. He figured you had enough to just jump out ahead.!!
  11. Later is better. Why? Because the temperature will be warmer in case 'SOMEBODY' Gets a little 'COLD SHOWER!!" Right Mini?
  12. If the snow ain't falling, I hope to join you all.
  13. Yep; Bear=PG. Now BARE=(imagination)
  14. This is the best I can do. Saw it on a bike powered buggy. Looks simple enough.
  15. Anytime! Post it and we will come. Gonna try hard to make it next year. Looks like some nice riding. If this is NOT the international, is there gonna be an international? (Hope, hope, hint, hint)
  16. The fella poking fun at you with the 'rack' remark is probably one of those guys that can't figure how to empty a bucket if you told him the instructions were on the bottom. If you can tie, strap, bungee, or balance it on a bike -HAUL IT! As for the GW ladder, the only thing I see wrong is I think it's OVERWIDTH.
  17. Attention Don!!! IT IS REAL. But if you send my company (me) $1 million dollars, I will let our firm (Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe) protect your beloved sight name from these "fureners"
  18. NO! I saw one of these and it scared me. All the guy had on it was a light dirt bike and that looked like all that should be on one. Very light (cheap) construction. I must agree with the others on getting a small utility trailer that can be used for hauling other things too.
  19. You should have known Gary has good taste. After all, he rides a Venture and is a member of this group. 'Nuff said?
  20. Friday morning about 10AM on Illinois I-55 just north of Litchfield I passed a Venture trike pulling a trailer riding with a HD. It was southbound. Anybody here?
  21. That's the "most bestest" news I've heard!!!!!! Glad to hear a burden has been lifted.
  22. If Yama Mama is hugging Beer30, I think she deserves a "Bear Hugging" award too.
  23. Very inovative fella. Now he has a 1st gen with ROOM to haul.
  24. Best wishes for ya. "May the force be with you":178:
  25. Hopefully there will be a new member to join soon. I just sold my 88:crying: (without coffin trailer) Told the fella about this site and he promised to join up. Says he just sold his HD and was looking for something cheaper and reliable. Wonder what he meant by that? :whistling:Now, what am I gonna do? Paint trailer to match GW; look for another gen 1; sell trailer; to much of a decision to make now.
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