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Everything posted by abnormalwon

  1. http://us.mg4.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=2%5f0%5f0%5f1%5f6023368%5fAHYIw0MAAXYzUH1dQAjPkTr6sk8&pid=2.3&fid=Inbox&inline=1&appid=YahooMailNeo http://us.mg4.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=2%5f0%5f0%5f1%5f6023368%5fAHYIw0MAAXYzUH1dQAjPkTr6sk8&pid=2.4&fid=Inbox&inline=1&appid=YahooMailNeo
  2. http://us.mg4.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=2%5f0%5f0%5f1%5f6023368%5fAHYIw0MAAXYzUH1dQAjPkTr6sk8&pid=2.2&fid=Inbox&inline=1&appid=YahooMailNeo
  3. And I am willing to bet she didn't see the humor in it at all, however he will most likely be home from intensive care in a month or two with virtually no recollection of what got him there in the first place:)
  4. Greg, I had a '98 RSTD for about 4 years and if my memory serves me at all I was having the low fuel light come on around 140 miles or so. I remember averaging around 40 mpg on the babe and it had a 5 +/- gallons in the tank so should have been able to go 200 per tank but I never pushed her that far. I guess I just hated the thought of having to push her if I ran dry. Hope this helps, Norm
  5. All the best on your journey, especially with family, a real memory maker. I am still 36 months off from scraching this adventure off my bucket list as I have already promised myself this as my retirement gift. Will certainly look forward to hearing more about your adventure down the road. Safe travels and keep that rubber side down. Norm
  6. Easier to hide the nitrous on a 1st gen. :cool10:
  7. Tough crowd, guess if your looking for sympathy you better check Websters.
  8. No i73rpretation n33d3d:)
  9. Started biking again this past year to get in shape and was able to fit my car rack over my pelican case (on my Vstrom) to carry my bicycle to different trails. Looks a bit awkward however getting 40 plus mpg vs 12-14 in my truck is wonderful. Sorry no pics to post.
  10. A great day of riding on Saturday capped with a bag lunch on the Blue Ridge Parkway, a total of 360 miles logged and even bumped into a fellow Vr'er along the way (tip of the helmet to ya, yamaduck!). Follow all that up with a night of good old dirt track racing and a day of rest to recover, does life get any better than that? I think not but I am pretty confident there are some out here that can try.
  11. stories such as this. Helps regenerate a little faith in the foundational principles we should have been brought up with. I have also spent time in Johnson City/Jonesboro and agree this is an incredible part of the country. May be looking to retire in that neck of the woods myself one day soon!
  12. Refering back to the original posting, the discouragement came from factory or company rep's correct? Keeping that in mind it is fairly easy to understand the position, world wide I doubt you will find a "factory rep" for anything that would encourage their product be utilized for anything other than what it was made for. However we all can attest to using things for other than their intended purpose. Case in point, I was at a Honda Hoot years ago and sat in on a Dunlop tire rep for a short seminar. One question came up regarding trailers and MC tires, as you might imagine the rep totally discouraged trailer use on MC's even trying to cite numerous 'potential' issues that could arise safety wise. Of course he made no headway with any of those who were already trailering and knew the in's and out's of the practice. The point here is that no matter how good or bad an idea is, due to litigation and lawsuits, rarely will we find encouragement through manufacturers. The reality of th situation is this, as long as we maintain the premise that we are a free society and as long as we continue sites like these that consist mainly of down to earth, common sense type of folks, we will be able to still adapt, modify and make things happen dispite the worry warts of the world. Life is not a "safe" journey but one to be challanged and played hard. Lets keep working on better ideas. All the best, Norm
  13. Hey, I have a set of OEMs from a 98 RSTD that are Black and grey. I am missing one lid however, I believe it is the right side so if the bags were the same and your right lid is in tack I will swing you a deal. PM me if you are interested, I would have put the link to the ad here but I am not sure how but there are pics of the bags on the ad. All the best, Norm
  14. however just to add food for thought. I have a good friend who has the Suzuki Volusia 850 and I would be suprised if you could not find one of these in your $ range. In my opinion these have also been a relatively sleeper around the cruiser world but an excellent bike. Very durable, pull strong and comfprtable with out being over built (meaning weight). All the best, Norm
  15. 7 and counting, a,b,c,.........
  16. I have been debating the same thing with my '89. I have even considered that once I have the progressive springs in the front to pull the compressor and controller and simply do what I have seen on this site and put two manual pump nipples to eliminate that weight also. I was thinking of trying to use the empty space in the fairing as storage space, like glove boxes and maybe make the front speaker spots cup holders or something. Please post pics of the transformation, although you may receive significant flak pulling the cassette player, I believe they are mandatory for proper safety and running conditions. All the best, Norm
  17. About ten years ago I ran across the "self inflating" pads at a camping shop and tried the 1.5 inch model. This was a very good mattress however I wanted something a tad bigger and then purchased a 3 inch x-tra large and it has been sweet dream ever since. It is a big bulkier than the cheapy air mattress however, like you have found that I don't rest as easily outside of the bedroom as I once was able to. So I adopted a policy of comfort first and I will figure a way to fit it second. Maybe have to sacrifice a pair of pants or a couple of t shirts but waking with a smile on my face trumps all the rest. All the best, Norm
  18. I agree with Condor, I am on my second Nolan and have had extremely good experience with it. The easy locking clip as well as the dual trip release make it easy to use and very safe. Both of mine have the older external drop sun visor however the latest have that internally which I like better. All the test I have read rate the nolan well, though I have never utilized the comm option the rest of the features, including ventilation work well. These are a tad bit higher priced than the HJC and others but I sort of live by the motto, "If you have a nickle head put it in a nickle helmet". Happy helmet hunting! Norm
  19. I do think I have seen this before however ALWAYS worth a few more looks, thanks for sharing it. Norm
  20. Don, Thanks for all you do and a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS to all!
  21. I have been a huge fan of Peter for quite a while. You can follow him also through Cycle World and he has 3 or 4 books out there. Leanings, leanings 2 as well as a sport car book. All are superb reading.
  22. From mee'zzzz 2 u'zzzz A MOST MEMORABLE AND HAPPY THANKSGIVING ! Norm
  23. This is most certainly a bucket list item for me. I realize coverage is always better on the tube however I just want to BE THERE during race week one time. Although I have heard, much like any other stimulant, it can be extremely addicting! Maybe we can try a M&E over there one year, anyone else on board?
  24. Whats his Dr's name, I may need a referral. Ha!
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