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About hlange

  • Birthday 03/18/1957

Personal Information

  • Name
    henry Lange


  • Location
    Bangor, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1985 Venture Royale
  1. hlange


    Thank you, I love it!:clap2:
  2. 311 pounds, 40"X40"X7', 8" wheels, no brakes, works wonderful. A twin mattress fits in it.
  3. Thanks for hosting, good food, great people and great help. Bike is running great! I loved the teardrop cargo trailer, really, really nice job!
  4. This is the one I built last winter. It weighs about 300# empty, tows great at 65mph on the interstate. Foam futon mattress inside with a cookstove shelf in the back hatch. Works wonderful!
  5. I am in need of a driveshaft and rear differential for my 85, anybody able to help out?
  6. When I am in the area I still stay at the Chief's barracks at Great Lakes, last time was last fall.
  7. Well, it road tested great at 65mph on a very windy day. No problem stopping, but I did notice that I needed more throttle then normal so mileage will probably take a hit. Not really a problem as I only plan to take it on two trips a year, the longest being 230 miles away. I think I like it!!
  8. Almost done with my project, total weight so far is 310 lbs. First picture is what it looks like right now. Shelves, lights, fenders and stain and she will be done.
  9. Now this could just be me, but why didn't the moron just use the Drive-up? Oops, the question answered itself, sorry.
  10. I hate to be kind of a dick, but I sent the money for the dash last October, sent several emails, even looked Chuckes up on the web and called him twice, last time left a voice mail, the first time he assured me it was packed and ready for the mail. NOTHING. Disappointed. Just thought I'd see if anyone else actually got their parts.
  11. The Motorola V3 Razr is a tough little phone.
  12. Same here!
  13. Put me down for one. Thanks
  14. hlange

    History test

    25, not bad.
  15. I owned a 79 XS750SF ande it also used this same dipstick. I will go out on a limb and say that the short end of it will work for all Yamaha rear drives from 76 thru 85, as they all used the same housing. The long end works for those 76 to at least 81 Yamaha bikes with a separate middle gear. (XS750, XS850, XS1100)
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