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Everything posted by jemorrisonjr

  1. count the flashes... will give you a tell on what is wrong
  2. For those out there that may have missed the information in the DAV magazine.. All DAV and DAVA Members can receive a free ticket to the EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh Wi this yearGo to the main DAV web site and under air shows find the link to the EAA site.. These tickets are for Friday July 30th. The Lt Dan Band (actor Gary Sinise) Will be playing that day
  3. Liked them so much I had to put them on my Tour Deluxe
  4. I think he means LEO "Law Enforcement Office"
  5. Will have to agree they are great
  6. Wanted to pass on what happened to me on the way to work this morning and to show how much we have to watch out for those who dont pay attention to how they are driving... I was in the middle lane (of course driving the speed limit) when a driver started pulling into my lane from the right, I let go with a blast of the airhorn (hee hee) and the olny responce was he covered his head with his hood... Not even a sorry nod or anything.. Please keep your eyes open when on the road.....
  7. Are you sure..... I had a friend that already went there and had to pay for his....
  8. I like this Idea, Will use it next time I change the oil
  9. If my memory is still good, Yamaha has a way of pulling a model off for 1 year and then coming back with a new design... Well the RSTD is gone this year so maybe........................ ya never know
  10. should work... more or leaa the same bike
  11. Nice, I went the other way and but a venture Tour pac on the Tour deluxe
  12. I agree, give them a call. I called them when I was looking for a part when I was doing my mod and they were great.... They get in bikes all the time..
  13. Started with just putting the venture seats on because the wife didnt like the Mustang seats.. But what the hey..... Went all the way and made a Tour DeVenture
  14. The Carbon one stand is well worth the money............... Should have gotten it before..
  15. I started to make a list out of all the "GOODIES" I put on the bike........ Then I decided I better stop incase the wife ever looked at the cost of everything....... HEE HEE
  16. Try Chilhowee The price is great http://www.chilhowee.net/motorcycle-tool-bag/060518007.html I put one on each of my windshields
  17. Got the same bike with the same "Whine"... I just got loader pipes............
  18. What a shame........ But i kind of figured they would do something like that..... I bought out the Kmart here and should have a stock pile for a while...... Great product but not enough users...........Sucks:crying:
  19. Yep, I do not think they know anything about Loctite across the pond... Noticed mine were getting loose and took care of them before I lost anything
  20. Put a piece of masking tape where you want it and mark it with a pen, then use the spring loaded punch. protects the area around where you will drill... DO NOT USE DUCT TAPE... too thick and the drill might walk a bit...
  21. Try Pinwall cycle on ebay....
  22. funny this came up... My wife told me my bike was "leaking" on the garage floor....Told her it was marking its territory... The first oil change of the year we all forget how much oil to put in....more is better RIGHT????????
  23. Love mine.......... I do the whole chapters bikes
  24. These Moto Lights are great....... I have them and they are worth the price........
  25. I did break down and bought the carbon one lift.....looking forward to seeing how it works
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