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Everything posted by jemorrisonjr

  1. Bill; there are many post about this issue and the crappy stator yamaha puts in this great bike.. True, the stock stator puts out 30amp at crusing rpm, and there is a stator you can install that claims to put out 55 apms at about 2000 rpm.. I've run into this last year when I killed a battery...this is what happened to me Passing lamps pull about 10ams, my Motolamps pull 8amps..that just left 12 amps for the carb heaters and everything else (oh ya, it was cold enough for the carb heaters).. I installed the new stator in the bike... IMHO what a PIA.... but at this point,,,, I have had no problems with the charging system.... If I continue not having charging issues then all the work I did to the bike over the winter will be all worth it........
  2. I rode the Beartooth last year, WOW what a ride
  3. Been through that hell... You can say its worth a amount but they will say something else... My 8 y/o stereo was worth $2500....ya right... paid only $1300 new... Just remember you have friends....
  4. Here you go...only $6.50 for these, I have 2 of these and they do work........ http://www.woodstock193.com/CoolDowns.html
  5. I put a Venture Trunk on my RSDT and the cost wasnt all that bad
  6. If I can make it I will bring my Carb Tune.....
  7. I'm off next week.... hummmmm.......... let me know
  8. Anyone know the size of the hub on the harbor freight trailer??? $20 each at Northern tool for the bearing buddys.. Was going to stop by on the way home from work...
  9. I bought the Harbor Freight Jack and the Carbon one adapter... Best set up for the Price... The carbon one adapter is worth twice the price (shhhh dont tell him)...
  10. Ok, I was planning on cutting down my windshield but cant find that post... can anyone help????
  11. 55mph is a "CYA"... Done much faster with no probs
  12. Look at this for $329 http://www.harborfreight.com/600-lb-capacity-78-inch-tag-along-trailer-66771.html
  13. Sold mine already........ Check with pinwall cycle on ebay
  14. I had a bunch of those brackets made. If you look in the classifieds they are there.. It was cheaper for me to get a bunch made and sell them rather than getting one set done...
  15. I just put my Grasshopper removable backrest in the classifieds, only reason I'm seling it is because my bride ordered the Diamond R overstuffed one. Selling it for $70, Cost new is $100. Only used it part of one riding season.... http://grasshopperlimited.com/
  16. I've bought a lot from Pinwall.... thats why I looked there first...
  17. Here ya go...... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Venture-Royal-Star-XVZ1300-1300-RADIATOR-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem519219e95fQQitemZ350343522655QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
  18. A friend of mine is looking for a Venture Pillow top PASSENGER Seat..... Contact me if you have one.....
  19. Well worth the cost, Great tool....
  20. I was always scared of them when out on the bike, but after hitting one 2 weeks ago I"M really spooked........
  21. Here is a venture trunk mounting rack http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Star-Venture-XVZ1300-TRUNK-MOUNTING-BRACKET-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem1e5c46b6bdQQitemZ130397157053QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
  22. Lots of things you can do,,,, Most dont go as far as I did... Put a Venture trunk and seats on mine
  23. I was just doing 35mph (speed limit) Really..... next thing I knew I was face to face and made eye contact..........Was dark and I have lots of lights but it quartered me from the right so I didnt see it
  24. On my way home last night I hit a deer.........Glad I was riding the tour Deventure.... Never went down.... Cracked the right side lower and the passing lamps and bruised up my right leg.... But no cuts or road rash......... WOW what a night.... Went out today and bought lottery tickets....
  25. AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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