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Everything posted by jemorrisonjr

  1. Yes, i still have a few brackets left Send me a pm
  2. Depending when it is, I have a great place to meet... Good food at a good price and not a dump....
  3. Yep sounds like a Flash-2-Pass transmitter....
  4. This is what happens when they want to sing it THEIR way and not the way it was written... When I saw that she was going to sing it I knew how bad it was going to be.... WHAT A JOKE:doh:
  5. put me down... I'll be there
  6. I will bring mine to the wisconsin maintenance day if anyone would like to use it
  7. sounds great to me.. I have the repair manual
  8. E-Fishin-C.... Why do you ask?????
  9. I own one!!!!!!!! oh ya:big-grin-emoticon:
  10. Bought my Hopkins off amazon.com
  11. Oh ya!!!!!!!!!!! Onto Dallas
  12. The guy I used to ride with stills has the trailer for sale.. He lves in Oak Creek WI....
  13. Already picked up my next bike... 09 FJR1300AE What a sweet ride.........
  14. I bought this one last year... http://www.harborfreight.com/600-lb-capacity-78-inch-tag-along-trailer-66771.html But Roger made his....
  15. I know a guy in Oak Creek who had a HF trailer for sale
  16. What can I say.... GO PACK.... Now we can all hope that the Bears Choke and we will be on to Dallas
  17. Capt Joe... You were close.... PACKERS all the way
  18. Since the south is getting or snow, can we have their heat?????
  19. putting it on the list of things to do...
  20. Shows how different things can be.... I have good luck with them, I even talked to them on the phone...
  21. also have a Stock seat from a 06 RSTD... make an offer
  22. I use a water bottle holder for a Bicycle Check out RAM Mount for the radio.. Great stuff
  23. >>>
  24. My turn to slam good old HJC.... I have always liked HJC.. So 2 years ago I bought the SY-MAX II.. I could not get over how much wind noise you get with a higher priced helmet, figured I would just live with it (which I did) They say they wind test all their helmets...up this one is windy alright... Now they have come out with the PINLOCK visor system which prevents fogging ( works great) and riding up here in the frozen tundra I need something like that so I thought I would get it for my helmet... They dont make it for THIS helmet.. Might have to look at a different brand next time Gezz I feel better already....
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