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Everything posted by jemorrisonjr

  1. To add to this, I also run MOTOlights which pull about 8 amps then add in the carb heaters and you are over the 30 the stator puts out
  2. Its been posted here in a few places... You have the same bike as mine, 30amp stator (weak as hell).. Passing lamps pull 10 amps if I remember
  3. IMHO.... not worth the problems that could come with tearing apart the motor
  4. $179.... at McHitch... Its what I have on mine and works great http://www.mchitch.com/Yamaha_Royal_Star_Venture.htm
  5. If you are looking for the right lower for a RSTD the cost is $250 US... I had to replace the same one when I hit the deer last year... It is a bulky part so cost for shipping might be a bite..
  6. Be like me and have one of each....
  7. Well, I'll be back to work tomorrow, but the doctor said next riding year looks like it will be my next.....SUCKS big time
  8. I put a venture pillow top on my RSTD... So they should fit with minor mods.... If you need a RSTD seat mine is available $100 + shipping it's yours
  9. If you want your money to be spent wisely, give it to St Jude's.... It will be given to a good cause rather than pad the pockets of someone in Arizona...
  10. Love my J&M
  11. Heck.... You could be wasting $48 somewhere else....
  12. The lift adapter was one of the best things I bought for the bike I give it a 13 on a scale on 1 to 10
  13. Well doing ok 1.5 weeks from surgery... Might be out of work for about another month...as long as I get on the bike before the snow flys, I will be happy......
  14. Ok, made it home from surgery...doing good....
  15. Ok,think I found the main....now to figure out why....
  16. Popped a headlight fuse the other day and changed it out and things seemed ok This morning I was going to go for a ride and again it popped... Ok...looked for a wire that lost insulation and was none... Now I don't even get anything when I turn the key... Where's the main fuse????
  17. Be safe out there and keep your head down Thanks for your service
  18. Mine is 80% torn in one place... and another tear that they didnt tell me how much... Only option was surgery
  19. Still going to deer camp.... Guess I'll just do the Beer hunting half....
  20. Well it looks like my riding season will end on the 13th of september.. I will be going in for rotator cuff surgery. Riding season is short enough here in wisconsin this just makes it shorter.. :sick::sick:
  21. Have had one since I've had the bike...works great for me
  22. That is sweet, Great Idea
  23. my wife was like that until I but venture seats on.... now she loves ridine
  24. When I bought my trailer my dear wife got pissed and said "what the heck do we need that" Boy did that change when we took a trip and he could take all the crap she needed.. Now its "I'm glad you got it"....lol My bearings were almost dry, and I put a carpet in it... about all I did to it but may upgrade the lock.... Pulled straight, and bearly felt it there
  25. I work at the PO... they have been closing offices here in our area for about a year.. We have gone through job cuts more than any other branch of government... With less people the service will suck more and it will give the Mucky mucks another reason to hand off mail service to some company that will charge you a buck or 2 to do the same as we do now for 44 cents
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