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Everything posted by jemorrisonjr

  1. Best time I have is when my Brother-in-law starts ragging on us "scooter trash" riders, then I remind him that I remember back when he rode his Kawasaki.... Even better when he's around all his HD friends....
  2. Great Idea, I also have my emergency phone number listed in my cell as "ICE"...
  3. Well looks like I was just guessing at which cylinder was #1.. Looks like 1#1 is the left rear and #2 is the front left #3 is the right rear and #4 is the right front... Shows why we need to read the repair manual
  4. Thanks Steve thats what I did but wanted to be sure it was ok to use #4..
  5. I got the Tach and tried to put it on the #1 wire, not enough room...what now
  6. What about gas fumes? is it out of sync or just the mix is wrong is there is a lot of gas smell?
  7. This is not MY idea, this came off the roadstar clinic site Refer to the diagram::::: One side of the fuse holder goes to the POSITIVE side of the battery. The other side goes to the Flasher can, the NON-load side of the flasher . The other terminal on the flasher, the LOAD (L) side, goes to one set of switch leads which are jumped together upon the Double Pole Single Throw switch (DPST) The other switch leads get tapped into the wiring that is going into the rear fender. (These wires can be seen with the seat removed and they are just behind the battery on the left-hand side.) One wire is tapped into the Chocolate wire, (brown-Left), the other is tapped into the Dark Green wire, (Right). The flashers should be operational now. (Remember since they are wired into the Positive side of the battery, they are unaffected by the Ignition switch. They will remain on with key turned to off position. If left on for extended periods of time you will drain the battery.) anyone who has questions can email me. This was a real easy fix for making the bike safer wire diagramhttp://www.startouring.org/images/member_images/54526/t4waydiagram.jpg install switchhttp://www.startouring.org/images/member_images/54526/t4wayparts01.jpg flasherhttp://www.startouring.org/images/member_images/54526/t4wayparts02.jpgbatteryhttp://www.startouring.org/images/member_images/54526/t4wayparts03.jpg
  8. I installed the 4-way flashers on my TD, works as a seperate connection so no need to keep the key on, but could draw the battery just like a cars if let on... I do have the plans if anyone needs them
  9. Not all that big, picture make it look big, took it to oklahoma and didnt notice a thing
  10. I bought a rack from Harbor Freight and shortened to fit behind the bike Here's a picture
  11. You will love it.......I have the Midnight TD 06 and have put on 19000 in 2 years... And have put about 4 grand of goodies on or into the bike
  12. Got the Carbtune and the tach on the way... Thanks
  13. I knew I would get the right answers, Thanks to all
  14. I have a 06 RSTD that is running a little funny and I want to get the Morgan Carbtune to Sync the carbs, Any help with what extras are needed?? Not a bad price this week so I want to move on it before the $ gets all wacked up... Also any links to make the job easier would help
  15. Put me on the list,,,,,, VERY interested!!!!!!!
  16. After I put one on my bike I had to install one on a friends bike.... We now have 5 in our group with the Stebel.....
  17. I put on the Barons Slash cuts, sounds great!!!!! Reminds me of one of the cars I had when I was younger
  18. Just put on the tir bag from Chilhowee leather... Looks great
  19. I found this on the Royal star riders site.... http://roadstarclinic.com/content/view/13/103
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