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About sefner

  • Birthday 04/04/1969

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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1984 Venture XVZ12
  1. I meant I had read previous posts in another thread(s) where someone had a similar issue with the warning light. No senility involved with that one. :-) Yeah, I had the lid off to check it out. It seemed just fine. It may have gotten messed up reinstalling the lid though. Very tight quarters in there... I'll check to see it's interfering with the float though.
  2. Thanks Condor. I read your previous posts about that, but I guess I didn't quite understand until now. Lightbulb moment I guess. I just looked at baffle to see if was shaped right, no holes, etc. I'll try the "hook" trick to see if it's causing my problems.
  3. I finally learned that after 1 bottle of dot3 and a phone call to my master mechanic (my Dad). :-) I did try using a jumper on either reservoir to isolate which system is causing the warning light to ruin my weekend. Still no luck. This little light of mine still shines no matter what. I took the bike for a test drive because the light did go out after I cleaned the connections and re-joined them. I thought that was it, a loose connection. Rode for a short while and the warning light came back on... Brakes are fine, but I'm losing more hair. :-)
  4. Thank you for your suggestions. My brakes seem to be working fine. Just the darn warning light... I think my bleeding procedure was correct for an 84' linked brake system. The dot3 I found in the system before flushing was on the darker side, so I used nearly 2 large bottles of dot3 to flush and fill. I wasn't getting any sludge while bleeding, but the little found in the bottom of the rear reservoir I cleaned using q-tips. The floats move freely in both reservoirs. How does the rubber boot under the lid work? It seems to be in good condition on both. A complete break overhaul isn't something I'm sure I can tackle yet. Sounds like fun though. Not! There seems to be wires that run from each reservoir. Do these connect at the reservoir, can I just pull them to clean the connectors? Also, would I just need to reheat the solder joints on the circuit board behind the dash panel to make sure none have cracked loose? Thanks for your help. - Vince
  5. I've had an intermittent brake fluid warning light since I bought this bike(84' Royal) last summer. Pads are new all around and the both reservoirs were/are full. Brakes seemed to operate fine. I decided to bleed the brakes thinking that might help. I'm new to bleeding the brakes on motorcycles, but I have done this on cars as a kid. I bought a mightyvac to help with the process. Not sure if I'm bleeding the system right due to my inexperience. I bled from the metering valve, then the left front, then the rear. Then I bled the right front. The mightyvac seemed to always pull air bubbles... I started using the mightyvac just get everything primed and then finished off by pumping the pedal, holding it down, opening the bleeder valve and re-tightening. I continued this sequence as often as needed to make sure there were no air bubbles. Brakes seem to work fine, but the warning light is now on all the time... I then removed the rear reservoir lid(this sucks) to check that the rubber boot and float were OK. There was some black sludge in the bottom of the reservoir so I drained and cleaned the inside. I pumped lots of Dot 3 to flush everything. Put it all back together and the warning light is still on. I also noticed that my pads seem to touch the rotors even when I am not applying the pedal. The wheels do turn, but with some resistance. Is this normal? I'm open for some suggestions. Thanks. Vince
  6. Looks like the old speedo is shot. Lot's of metal shavings and it appears that part of the bracket that holds the "bowl" is broken. Not sure if anything can be done to salvage it. Good news however. I bought a complete instrument panel off ebay for an 83' I swapped the speedo and the tach from the 83' (much better condition than my 84'). Works like a charm. Today I realized that I've been riding a little faster than I thought. :-)
  7. No go. Lubed my cable, hooked everything back up. Odometer still works, but no speedo. Also, the left side of my dash is almost completely in the dark. May have been that way before I took the instrument panel out for the speedo. Tonight was the first time I've rode the bike at night since I got it. Very warm here in N. Calif for this time of year. 66F at 7pm. Perfect for riding. I had a smile on my face even though my speedo still isn't working. Should I give up on this speedometer? Is there any way to get inside it and fix something? Maybe I'll head to the local junkyard and look for gen 1 Ventures. Worth a try I suppose.
  8. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I used a very small philips(cross) screwdriver and it came right off.
  9. The odometer is still working. Not sure if that indicates the rest of the speedo is also working. I bought some "Kable-Ease" cable lubricant from the local auto parts store. I'm in the process of putting every thing back together right now. I'll update my results.
  10. Nevermind. :-) Duh! There's a set screw inside the knob. "That's what that little hole is for..." - Vince
  11. My speedometer neddle is resting on bottom of the instrument panel. Been this way since I bought the bike. I thought I would open up the instrument panel and see if i can re-attach the needle. I have the instrument panel out of the bike (using the great instructions found on this site). I've removed the 6 pan-head screws located along edge of the back panel. The illumination knob seems to be preventing a complete speration however. There doesn't appear to be an obvious way of removing the knob externally. Am I missing something (probably)? Any help help or suggestions greatly appreciated. Thanks, Vince 84' Venture
  12. Thanks everyone. Just the info I was looking for. You can never have too much light at night.
  13. Anyone have a recommendation for a first gen headlight replacement? Thanks, Vince 84' Venture
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