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Everything posted by Leeway

  1. They haven't produced as of yet & quite frankly there is no hope for a 2nd gen, a first gen rider may ease up so a 2nd ginny can keep up, but let's face there is no fafter market aide to put them in the same class as a 1st gen, period! ! ! ! .. . . . . . .
  2. I feel there isn't enough info to draw any conclusion at this point. I think maybe sometimes a little more restraint, by those carrying, couldn't hurt.
  3. more
  4. Healthy 29 year old man dies after police tase him
  5. DITTO what's been said before, Xes and Ohs! ! ! peace & luv from Mid-MO. . . . . . . . wayne:bighug:
  6. Great article, I enjoyed it, just as much the second time! ! ! Larry do we need your permission to get this printed in the local paper, up this way. I think your on to something here, we could call it, " RATH for the DUMB ":rotf:Raising Awareness Through Humor;............. thanx Larry ______________Truly a great read
  7. Heyyy Charlie, I hear he's looking at a wing that is burnt orangeaaaaaaaaaa.:stirthepot:
  8. yeah, I think I felt the floor shake a little. It could be the New Madrid fault slipping again! ! !:rotf::rotf::rotf:
  9. Thanks Don, another good read, truly an inspiration. Dave Swisher a million-mile man, hope to be like him when I grow up! Met a gentleman 82 years young weekend before last. Cecil rides a Gold Wing Trike, says after riding with us that Sat., he probably try to hook up with us again as, the fellows he had been riding with were not as dedicated as he was. I hope he's still riding his trike, when I take the plunge, and add another wheel to my ride, then we bring up the rear of the pack together. . . wayne
  10. what happened to Ralph Nader? I was looking forward to voting for the u'dog, again.:rotf:
  11. Gene, you left out duck tape and silicone sealant, or perhaps your saving that for your 2nd gen ! ! ! ._.
  12. I pray you both, heal without problems. Love you guys wayne:bighug:
  13. Leeway

    5 below

    he pulled up to park, and just went in for coffee and came out that! ! !
  14. Thanx Randy, I'm glad you posted this as I hadn't seen this before, thanx as well to whoever penned it. It made my eyes well up a couple times before I could finish reading it all the way through. :bighug:Leeway
  15. Hey Brad & Lonna, Hope all is well in your travels. Have a good journey. Luv you guys. Leeway
  16. HAPPY NEW YEAR O ALL. most importantly be safe in '08. Later Bye, Leeway
  17. Hey Chuck, I heard that, but hadn't found any hard evidence as yet. He did set on a Honda, I think it was the color that drew the little boy to it for a picture. Honda, Harley, Kawasaki, and my 1st Gen, made the 130 mile round trip. 32* when I left the house, it warmed up to 35* in the mid day sun. 1/2 mile one way to the home of the kids, our chapter adopted for Christmas.
  18. hey LA, maybe txventure, left it full so you can't contact him. ........... Wayne
  19. Merry Christmas to all, nice job Wayne!
  20. Ditto all prior comments, thanx Jay, I'm sending this link to all my e-mail buddies , with hopes of them sending to all of theres. Maybe it can provide some illumination to an unwitingly knowing member of "D.U.M.B." ! Some folks are clueless. wt
  21. thanks Charlie for putting the faces with names. they in our thoughts and prayers. wayne
  22. I know it's a short notice ride, Come if you can, Meeting at Applebee's, Warrrenton, MO for breakfast 8:30 to 9:00 then 10:00ish ride, ride, ride, with a early to / mid - afternoon lunch, perhaps Hermann or Fulton. wayne
  23. Hey Chuck, sorry for the misfortune, I'm glad you didn't sustain worse injuries.Sounds asif one of your "Angles" may have helped cusion the landing. hope all goes well for you and Nancy. wayne
  24. It's my understanding that Dot 3 & dot 4 Are completly compatible. But beware of mixing either with the Dot 5. that's a no no! WT
  25. IHad this problem a few weeks ago. I started checking the connections, whenthat didn't work I started looking at the pins, sure enough one was bent over to the side, luckily I was able to straighten it enough that it would function. wt
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