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Everything posted by Leeway

  1. auction ends ( End Date: 11/10/2010 1:00:00 PM (EST) ) ( End Date: 11/3/2010 2:45:00 PM (EST) ) mid west parts bike http://www.salvagedirect.com/asp/viewitem.asp?itemid=801896
  2. Hey I'm from Missouri, "show me state". Can you post pictures of the problem area? Thanx, I too am experiencing noise, I thought that the nut on the pinion shaft wasn't torqued correctly, As it was loose, I forgot to use locktite had to go back and do over. The whine has worsened, it is prevalent on acceleration, not as noticeable on the deceleration, whats that about?
  3. Thanks for the link, that is sweet deal.
  4. Hey Kirby, who makes these risers? I'm looking to get some and not real impressed with the ones I've found so far. leeway
  5. Great to hear! What modifications did the spacer require?
  6. Nice, great idea Mike!
  7. just put patches away, took a spin to the grocery store, I may have a different chirp, but say for certain. It seemed to performing it's pumpkin job well! I'll give it a good test tomorrow! Mike am truly grateful, to be back on the road again, it is the best therapy I've found when it all s&@#ks! It was great meeting you and Allen, that little place in Utica was real treat, thanks for making me spend more money at J. C. Whitney. Can't wait to get back up that way on two wheels. I hope I can swing the Ia - IL meet & greet, I was disappoint that I was unable to do one they put together a while back. stay safe wayne
  8. ~~Thank to all who responded, I've Located one In IL. I'm going to pick it up tomorrow. Stay safe out there! Be back "OTR" Saturday in time for BACA Ride!!!! ~~~~~~~
  9. Gary i'll check the that which you ask. I was thinking there were three possibly more thicknesses for that shim. Having looked at the catalog schematic again there are 5 thicknesses listed. I measured mine it is .073 approximately. I used dial caliper.the Cat. has a designation; (.SHIM, THRUST (1.2T) UR) = .047" SKU: 22U-46118-00-12 (SHIM, THRUST (1.4T) UR) = .055" ( SHIM, THRUST (1.6T) UR) = .063" (SHIM, THRUST (1.8T) UR) = .071" (SHIM, THRUST (2.0T) UR) = .078" I'm checking into the FJR as a possible replacement. I need to check it out some more. Hope this is helpful Gary!
  10. Hey Mike, your in my back yard let us talk turkey! I'm sure we can arrive at an amicable arrangement. PM a time to call so we can chat. This medium of communicating, is a slow process for me! It's a continuous hunt and peck affair. XD:fingers-crossed-emo
  11. this is a second gen, 2000 MM, I haven't updated my garage, but will one of these days when I'm forced to sit in front of this beast! lol e
  12. Pinion bearings failed, can't get the outer race out of the rear drive unit.the outer race is still in the housing. It would appear that this remaining race has been staked by what ever has marred the housing around the periphery of that bore which the outer race mates to. It is my assumption that the needle bearing into a (blind hole), (terminology?) would be of a slip fit. I may just be beating a dead horse trying to fix it, but I can't ride,what else can I do while I watch for one on ebay! Any one got a used pumpkin for a second Gen they want to part with?
  13. Hey Charlie, sweet looking rig, watch your six, brother! LOL
  14. It's my guess, he'd be pushing up daises, on boot hill. ~~~ .
  15. thanx for the PM John. I do need to update my information on this forum. It's just to good weather, to not stay in the wind!
  16. i off to the nearest store with, that has this one in stock. May get back on the road by the week end! thanx again
  17. thanx haven't located it as yet I look more later!
  18. I Read a post here once, An automotive Interchange for the thermastat or maybe it was just the cap. any one have thoughts on this. thanx leeway:crying:.
  19. Maybe another time , hope Ur on the mend soon
  20. I was there in July when she was two days old.
  21. EDT 14 hours and counting! gonna go to JAX 2 see grand daughter @ 7months of age! filled with excitement, joy, on a fantastic Natural high. Daytona MId week flat track races. Key West, N'Orleans. C ya OTR, ~~~ Peace out:guitarist 2:.
  22. Ditto that !!!!!!
  23. I like your response, I think you could safely add another criterion; or, " just leeway crazy!"
  24. Thanx Don, Gonna make an effort to attend the MD in Ohio, this spring.
  25. Hey Boomer, Every once in great while we get a couple decent days in a row between the unfriendly riding weather days. there are still many piles of snow pushed up in piles around town. forecast temps Fri, & Sat. in the 60's. "Cycle therapy" time again!
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