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Everything posted by mikexup

  1. I'm wanting to replace the fluid, and check things out in the front forks of my 83 Venture. The first thing I need to do is figure out how to remove the plastic piece where the key and air valve are. I don't want to force something and end up braking it, but I can't find how to remove it in the service manual.
  2. I have the a 1st generation Venture standard (1983), and was wondering if anyone has installed one of the audiovox cruise control systems on these bikes. Thanks
  3. What kind of tire pressure are people running on your 1st generations? My bike has the Elite III's, don't have the manual.
  4. http://blog.cleveland.com/metro/2009/01/ohio_studies_vehiclemiles_tax.html We'll all big brother knowing where we've been and how many miles we've driven in a year.
  5. Thanks to everyone for their input, it has helped me understand things a lot more. I got a hold of the previous owner and even though no work had ever been done to the transmission, he did give me a lot of helpful information about things that have been done to the bike. I plan on getting the bikes transmission done before I have problems, but it's nice to know that it's not something that has to be done tomorrow.
  6. Since Asheville is one of my and the wifes favorite places, we're going to try and make it. We'll probably make it a week event since like I said it's one of our favorite places and so much to see. Look forward to meeting everyone and putting a face with the name.
  7. Is there some place on the forum I can go to that explains things in depth about what goes wrong that causes the transmission to slip? I've read that it's a big job, what would really be a bummer is to pull the engine, split the cases and find out that someone had already done it before you got the bike. Like I said, the way this bike has been taken care of, someone was meticulous about things, and it might have been taken care of before I bought the bike, but I bet there's no way of knowing unless I could find the previous owner. I bought the bike from a dealer 100 miles from here, but it might be worth the trouble to try and locate him. (previous owner) This must not have been a problem that they took care of under warranty at the time?
  8. I bought a 83 Venture this fall with just a tick over 20,000 miles on it. The bike is super clean and a guy can tell it been well taken care of it's whole life. Before I bought the bike I made sure second gear was working ok, and so far it still is, but it was the time of year where I got it home and it turned cold so very few miles have been added. I said all that to ask this, has anyone found anything that prolongs what seems to be the inevitable, losing second gear? What kind of mileage can I plan on before a problem might arise? Before I take the bike out in the spring, I will change the oil to a sythetic brand, thinking that might help with the longevity, I will also take care not to ream the bike in the lower gears as I know this puts a strain on the transmission. I won't be pulling a trailer, not that it would hurt anything if loaded correctly and things done proper. Has anyone known of any 83's with high mileage that haven't had problems in this area? Just wondering about these things, any info will be appreciated.
  9. I just recently bought a standard first generation Venture that a previous owner installed a radio and speakers in. The radio is good quality but the speakers might have sounded good at one time but leave a lot to be desired now. Two questions, what is a good reasonably priced speaker to use and how difficult is the job of putting new speakers in the Ventures faring. Thanks in advance for the help and information. Mike
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