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Everything posted by thumper4

  1. I use Amsoil Have for years also use it in the race bike and have had good luck with it. It has been tested on bikes by the race teams And they are very happy with it. If it good enough for them then good enough for me. Don't run mine as hard as they do . Even my clutch seams to grab better Thus longer life. Not A proven thing though.
  2. test rode the ultra and found 1st gear had a wine and 6th had vibration then rode a classic same frame and drivetrain and loved it no noise or vib. then rode the next one down with the same frame, and drive train and the vibration was nuts. If you buy one make sure that you ride the one you will buy . These all were 09 At the come ride event. so you think they should be in top notch shape .Have fun shopping. PS Idecided on the 09 RSV.
  3. sounds great count me in . just another excuse to ride some where. Need help putting to gether let me know
  4. Thanks for the memories got me thinking maybe thats why we ride bikes to get that fresh air and be outside!!!!
  5. Why do they do this in traffic must have rocks in head . Cars hurt when you hit them . alot more then pavement. Find a empty road or drag track alot safer.
  6. It is just a guy thing love the sound of power and the smell of burnt rubber i don't do it on my rode bike but on the drag bike look out . Love the burn out box gets the inner moter reved up ready for the 1/4 Mile. Got Goose bumps just thinking of it !!!!!:bikersmilie:
  7. Got some parts for my drag race bike looks like i will be going faster next season. can't wait to try them out:banana:
  8. yep it's -29 with out wind chill and - 40 with did you get the snow storm before the cold hit? we did and have 4' drifts in the driveway tractor won't start too cold got it plugged in now should be able to plow out this afternoon. but can't complain we have had realy nice winter so far except for now. chinook should be in soon and it will all melt away. can't wait.
  9. yes the leather can be died any colour you want talk to tandy leather they mite have dye kits. if not let me know and will find a place in states that looks after that.
  10. yea they do make chrome paint that looks like real crome a friend of mine painted his tank and fenders with it and wow!!!!you can't get it anyware must get from a high end auto paint shop ,also you can get black crome. looks great too . the custom bike builders I know have used this black crome and I like it better.:15_8_211[1]:it is very expensive about the same or more then getting part cromed. good for those plastic pieces though.
  11. cold what are you talking about up here in medicine Hat Alberta canada it was in the 70 yesterday great riding weather but windy . guess i will have to go south to snow moble this year.
  12. when i was looking for that new bike this fall I went to the hd test ride and rode the 09 ultra 1st gear had a wine sound and 6th had a vibration. then i took out the classic and all was good then took out the road King (same frame trans, etc just striped dow ) and bike vibrated badly. so I thought spend 20,000 cdn on a bike and maybe i get good one or maybe not. I went with rsv and much cheeper still has it's down points also but still good value for the buck. and no I love my HD Dayna Glide for running around, but not for touring.
  13. I was supprised to find out that other places put up constrution signs and nobody is working of weeks . And no sign of any work ever has been done. and then they give you a ticket for going to fast . Are they just tring to pay for the project up front?????
  14. sounds like a great idea where do we send info???? Have been on some great rides Bob:15_8_211[1]:
  15. :backinmyday:Iwould not use deer skin as the hair is hollow and breaks off will not last Thumper4
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