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About baustin

  • Birthday 01/27/1963

Personal Information

  • Name
    Barry Austin


  • Location
    Andersonville, United States


  • City


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Anything outdoors
  • Bike Year and Model
    2008 Yamaha Royal Star Venture
  1. I just got my Carbon1 adapter and out of the box, half the paint was flaking off, other than that, I jacked up my 2008 Venture, pulled and tugged on back tire and pushed and shoved it back on, praying all the while, but it never moved. Other than the paint all gone on the adapter, I would not be without one now.
  2. I will put your fears to rest. I purchased an '08 RSV brand new, after 300 miles she started making every noise I have read about here. Now at 1200 miles, noise has remained constant. I love the bike, she runs like a scalded dog, is as comfortable as a grandma's lap, and looks wonderful. I now am convinced that had I not read about these "noises", I would never have paid them any mind. Every bike I have had made some sort of weird noise, but as long as they ran, I was happy. My wife makes all kinds of whining, growling, squeaking noises, and after 25 years she still runs strong so I'll keep her too.
  3. I am looking to buy a set of saddlebag rails for my 2008 Venture. Does anybody here have any recommendations on a vendor and what I can expect to pay for them? Thanks
  4. I have read literally hundreds of posts extolling the magical Sea Foam product that seems to be second only to duct tape and Gorilla glue when it comes to curing problems. I have tape and glue, but dangit, no Sea Foam. WHERE O WHERE may I purchase this wonderful elixer? Will it also reveal the true color of my wife's hair? Because I was sure I married a blonde and now, I'm not so sure. HELP.
  5. 77 degrees predicted here in Knoxville tomorrow, wife wants me to paint....guess what I'm doing tomorrow!!!!!!! I sure hope it's warm in the garage tomorrow night 'cause that's where I'll be sleeping.
  6. Thanks for all the help. Now I have one more problem. I evidently, in my flustered state, lost one of the bottom bolts for the saddlebag. Does anybody know what size they are so I can get another one? It has simply vanished and I'm hoping my local Ace has one but I don't know the thread size. Thanks again.
  7. Will do. We have a motley crew who get together about every weekend that weather permts so I'll put you on the call list. I called my insurance company and they said they would call me Monday with a settlement so hopefully everything will work out. Have any suggestions on a good body shop?
  8. I do if I'm going to detail it but I'm thinking I might not anymore, or at least be more careful. It's hard to get the wheels clean without removing the bags.
  9. I kinda thought they were just trying to sell me a new bag, so when I asked about paint and they told me about matching problems, they still offered to sell me a pint of color-coded paint for $89. Is that a reasonable price? Will I have to order the pinstriping too or can a good body man work around it? I don't have a clue and I don't want to get ripped off so any advice is greatly appreciated.
  10. Got my 2008 Venture home today from her first service and decided to give her a bath. So I removed all the bolts from left saddlebag and turned around to carefully pace the bolts on the ground when I heard the bag go skiding down the driveway about 12 feet. Needless to say my drawers were ruined and after retrieving the bag found deep scratches all over the side and top. Called the dealer and they want $785 for a new one and told me if I tried to repaint it the paint would not match because of different batches of paint. Moral of story: wear old drawers when working on bike, NEVER turn your head to store a bolt, and make friends with a good body/paint guy.
  11. The '08 Venture just hit 800 miles so I decided to take her in for 1st maintenance today. It was very nasty out but I figured I could make it before the rain set it...NOT. I rode 45 miles in a wicked downpour and I have to say, I'm impressed. This may be old had to most here but having never owned a touring bike I was amazed at how well the bike handled in this weather and no less amazed at how dry I stayed with NO raingear on. My only complaint was the windshield visibility so I am going to challenge my buddy to manufacture a wiper and motor to put on it. If I had a wiper on there it would have been a perfect ride. Again, sorry for such a long rave but I was too impressed to keep my mouth shut.
  12. Outgrown them? I'll have you know that at 45ish. I look just as good as I did at 44ish. It's my wife shrinking them. I only buy 100% cotton so I guess when I'm 46ish I'll have a good supply. I'm just glad wifey looks as good at 40 something as she did at 20. And the bike is a she.......aren't they all?
  13. I want one. Where can I get it?
  14. Good idea, I will do that. I just hated to not use all those t-shirts that oddly, keep shrinking around the belly area.
  15. Thanks for all the help and of all the suggestions my favorite is having the wife wash it but as that is unrealistic, I have found that if I use a damp mitt and wipe the bike down and then use Meguiers wax mist, let it dry and then wipe it off, she shines like a new penny and it is relatively easy. I spray the wax on an old t-shirt and wipe on-wipe off. The wheels are a bear to get to though.
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