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Everything posted by TATERS

  1. Hey Rick...sounds good !....let us know the details.
  2. When you reach the end of your rope...tie a knot...and hang on.....
  3. Veneus and Mars...Veneus and Mars...stupid boys...
  4. Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take...but by the moments that take our breath away.
  5. Come into my web said the spider to the fly...Hee...Hee...you sound like a stalker. Lol We all know... You just have to promise ice cream.
  6. Happy Birthday Friend! Hope you have a Grrreeeaat B-day. Let's get together and celebrate ... we miss you.

    Life Update

    :2132::2132: Prayers being sent
  8. That's not true... No bed bug problem last year... The reason everyone backed out 2 yrs. ago, is because they cancelled 10 of our reservations due to construction...renovations...no one... including Don could get a straight answer from them. Out of frustration...we went elsewhere. Returning this year. It is so close to Don's. The rooms are great...very clean...the service is excellent...the bikes are parked in a covered, safe, lit up parking lot...right out the door. Restaurant and bar inside serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. Patio seating outdoors. Why stay anywhere else?
  9. Oh nooooo! Who will keep the "Big guy" under control? Who will scream "Moose"? You will both be missed. :bawling::bawling:
  10. And he's all mine.......
  11. :clap2::Happy Birthday:
  12. Happy Birthday Bull !!!!:clap2:
  13. Enjoy her ! Congradulations ! Grandchildren are the best ! baby girl
  14. Do you need help carrying the luggage? I'm free...lol
  15. Happy New Year !
  16. Not at all.....I'm saying you may...... have God laughing. That's all...
  17. REALLY !........ GO TO YOUR ROOM ! :buttkick:
  18. Dig a little deeper Joe. lol
  19. I read this the other day and I wanted to share it.... If you want to get God to smile..... tell him your plans.....
  20. Happy Birthday Rocket !!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Excuse me.....I think I was speaking to Santa...myob And honey...you are the boss........ of the basement and the garage area. Now get back into your kingdom.
  22. Dear Santa... Thank you very much for the new lap top... I Love It ! You're the best! So you really do listen... and read my mail... and are a member of Venture Rider.Org ? on second thought you're kind of creepy... Please stop following me... Till next year then....Bye !
  23. Yeah !!!!!!!!! now I can and all that stuff
  24. OK coming clean...he's not very very handsome...just kinda cute...but I like him anyway..
  25. Dear Santa, This year I have been a very good girl. If you are not too busy I would like to tell you what I would like for Christmas. I really need my very own computer ...a white one (my husband kinda hogs this one). And....I don't know how you feel about jewelry...but I really like it.... Did I mention that I have been a very..very..good girl ? Thank You for your time.... P.S. please bring my husband a little something. He is very very handsome. Did I mention that I have been very good this year?
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